ExSC 7042

ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) Interpretations (Issued 2000)

  • Appeals Notification Requirements

The ANSI Procedures require an ANSI-accredited standards developer (ASD) to notify both unresolved negative voters and unresolved negative public review commenters of their right to appeal a decision by the ASD or the consensus body regarding their negative vote or comments. While the ASD is free to choose the manner by which that notification is accomplished, it is the ExSC’s position that the ASD should provide specific notification to each unresolved objector. If a member of the consensus body is an unresolved objector, then s/he, like a public review commenter, should receive specific notification (in whatever manner the ASD chooses) that s/he has a right to appeal. The ASD may not rely on the fact that the right to appeal is specified in the ASD’s accredited procedures.

  • Overage Standards

The ExSC has clarified that references contained in the ANSI procedures to the approval date and age of an American National Standard (ANS) are related specifically to its date (month/day/year) of approval as an ANS.

  • PINS Requirement for Standards Undergoing Multiple Revisions in a 12-Month Period

The ExSC determined with regard to the implementation of the current PINS requirement for standards that are not registered under Continuous Maintenance, but that may be revised multiple times within one year, that only one PINS form for revisions within a 12-month period is required.

  • Public review comments received after the close of an official public review period

The ANSI Essential Requirements states in part “the standards developer may consider any comments received subsequent to the closing of the public review and comment period, or shall consider them at the next review.” The ExSC has determined that if a developer chooses to accept a comment after the close of a public review period, then such a comment shall be handled in the same manner as a timely comment, i.e., comment resolution, recirculation, appeals notification, etc. apply.

  • Recirculation Requirements and the Use of Meeting Minutes

The ExSC was asked to determine whether the distribution of meeting minutes to a consensus body without specific reference to their right to “respond, reaffirm or change their vote” satisfies the procedural requirements contained in the ANSI procedures. They were also asked to clarify whether it is acceptable to circulate to the full consensus body minutes associated with comment consideration meetings, without specific reference to the recipients’ consequent right to “respond, reaffirm or change their vote”, if the developer’s ANSI-accredited procedures specify that the circulation of such minutes is their opportunity to do so. The ExSC’s position is that such practices are acceptable if a developer’s procedures are silent on the issue or if they specifically provide for such practices. The only time such practices are not acceptable are if a developer’s accredited procedures state something different, in which case, the developer must follow their accredited procedures.
