Registration Form
MoSTRA 30th Annual Meeting
Springfield, MO
September 21-23, 2005
Please print or type all information. Complete one form for each registrant.
**Registration due by August 30, 2005**
Credentials: Phone:
Mailing Address:
The Registration for all three days includes Wednesday lunch, Thursday lunch and evening at Dixie Stampede (transportation included)
Annual Meeting – Total 3 days
I do plan to attend the Dixie Stampede Event
Member # $125.00
Non-member $150.00
** $25 late fee will be charged for registrations received after September 7, 2005
Additional meal tickets will be available as follows:
Wednesday lunch @ $16.95 each
Thursday lunch @ $11.95 each
Dixie Stampede @ $55.00 each
Please note any special dietary needs:
Total payment enclosed:
Please make all checks payable to MoSTRA and mail payment along with this form to:
Sheri Goodwin, RHIT, CTR
Hannibal Regional Hospital
Cancer Registry
P O Box 551
Hannibal MO 63401