Fakultetenförhälsa, natur- ochteknikvetenskap
Miljö- ochenergisystem
Doctoral programme course
Introduction to Research Studies
Course Code:7MIE011
Course Title: Introduktion till forskarstudier
Introduction to Research Studies
Higher education credits:1.5 ECTS credits
Degree level:Doctoral
Course Approval
The syllabus was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology on2017-06-07and is effective from the spring semester of 2017 at Karlstad University.
Language of Instruction
As agreed by the supervisor and the student.
Admission to a doctoral studies programme or a Master’s degree, or equivalent
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to
- demonstrate familiarity with how research is conducted in general and in their subject in particular,
- demonstrate familiarity with how a licentiate and doctor’s degree respectively is earned, and
- demonstrate familiarity with the doctoral studies process.
Course ContentThe course is based on directed reading of course literature on the conduct of research in general and how a licentiate and doctor’s degree is earned. Discussions with the supervisors on the doctoral studies process and how research is carried out in the respective subject and attendance at least one licentiate seminar and one doctoral public defence at a Swedish university are included. If not agreed otherwise, this course is part of the doctoral supervision.
Course Literature
See separate document.
For a Pass grade students are required to have read and discussed the course literature with at least one of the supervisors. An agreement must also have been drawn up between the student and the supervisor, reflecting a mutual understanding of the doctoral studies process. Students/doctoral students must also participate in at least one licentiate seminar and one doctoral public defence at a Swedish university and orally give an account of the experience to a supervisor.
One of the grades Fail (U) or Pass (G) is awarded in the examination of the course.underkänd (U) ellergodkänd (G).
Quality Assurance
The course convenor has a duty to encourage a continuous dialogue on learning processes and goal fulfilment. A written evaluation is carried out at the conclusion of the course combined with a joint student-teacher discussion of all aspects commented on. The result of the evaluation is collated and made available in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Ch.1, sect. 14.
Course certificate is issued on request.
Fakultetenförhälsa, natur- ochteknikvetenskap
Miljö- ochenergisystem
Introduktion till forskarstudier
Effective from the springsemester 2017
Kurskod:7MIE011Kursbenämning: Introduktion till forskarstudier
Introduction to Research Studies
Poäng:1,5 hp
E. M. Phillips and D. Pugh. ”How to get a PhD: A handbook for students and their supervisors, Fourth edition”. Open University Press, Berkshire, England, 2005.
Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (HSV). “Doktorandhandboken.nu - Handbook for postgraduate students”. Available at:
Beslut om inrättande
Approved byFakultetenförhälsa, natur- ochteknikvetenskap2017-06-07.