Ventura County Council
Matilija District
“Scouting for Food”
Unit Guide
We have created this guide in the hopes that it will assist you in your unit’s “Scouting for Food” drive. We request your understanding with any mistakes we might have unintentionally made. We would appreciate if you would share any feedback, suggestions or additions you may have by emailing
What is “Scouting for Food”?
Packs, troops, teams, crews and posts sign up to participate in ‘Scouting for Food’ and are assigned a geographic area in their community for flyer distribution & food pick-up or work at a designated collection point on a designated “Scouting for Food Collection Day”, usually a Saturday in February or March
During the week prior to the “Scouting for Food Collection Day”, members of the units distribute “Scouting for Food” flyers/bags to the homes in their geographic area. This announces “Scouting for Food” to the home owner and helps them prepare for the “Scouting for Food Collection Day”
On “Scouting for Food Collection Day”, members of the unit return to the homes in their geographic area and pick up the food donations.
Collected food is then taken to the assigned drop off site.
The assigned drop off sites distribute the food to needy families.
Alternative Projects
All alternative projects should be discussed and approved by the “Scouting for Food” chair prior to implementation. Food should be collected and delivered to an assigned drop off site prior to or on the “Scouting for Food” Collection Day
Some alternative project ideas include but are not limited to:
- Placing a food collection box or boxes in a local school, church, store, etc, and periodically collecting from the box
- Collecting on a specific day outside a local grocery store.
- Any other plan which works for your unit youth and adults.
Additional Dates
If your scouting unit or community organization is interested in doing a service project additional
fooddrives are always needed and appreciated. Barbara is available to provide resources
and support if needed throughout the year.
Please contact the Matilija “Scouting for Food” Chair
- Barbara Bonbright at 805-643-4606 or
Unit Coordinator Job Description
Accept responsibility for your unit’s participation in “Scouting for Food”.
Secure the commitment of your unit leadership for enthusiastic participation.
Attend the district’s “Scouting for Food” Roundtable Meeting (arrive early for best collection area selection) where you will
- Request your units preferred area to collect food. (the earlier your unit is signed up the better the chances of your unit receiving the assigned area of choice)
- Request your units preferred drop off site. (the earlier your unit is signed up the better the chances of your unit receiving the drop off site of choice)
- Receive instructions and materials so that this is an easy, satisfying and organized service project.
- Ask any and all questions and have any and all concerns addressed.
Give a short presentation to scouts (and parents where appropriate) in order to explain what is needed, pass out materials and answer questions.
Arrange for the distribution of flyers/bags, by the members of the unit, to the homes in their assigned territory before the “Scouting for Food Collection Day”.
Arrange for the collection of donated food, by the members of the unit on the Scouting for Food collection Saturday. Most units will collect food from participating homes in the units assigned territory, however if your unit would like to do something different please contact the Matilija “Scouting for Food” Chair.
Facilitate the sorting, and labeling of food items.
Fill out required paperwork.
Deliver all food items and required paperwork to the prearranged drop off site.
Tips and Reminders
Preparation Tips
- Plan on a designated photographer for all events. Sometimes this is of interest to a particular scout or parent.
- Get the word out ASAP using newsletters, email, etc. Show up for meetings to remind everyone and to be available to address questions and concerns.
- Give a short presentation to scouts (and parents where appropriate) in order to explain what is needed, pass out materials and answer questions. You also may want to have a discussion on why this is such an important service project and what homelessness is and why it is so prevalent. Feel free to contact your “Scouting for Food” chair for some ideas.
- It is a good idea to remind Scouts and adults the week before “Flyer/Bag Distribution Day” and “Food Collection Day.”
- If possible pre-assign streets to scouts
- Plan to do flyer/bag prep during a meeting prior to the week of “Scouting for Food” as this builds excitement and gets the boring stuff out of the way.
- If you are providing bags with the flyers
- Staple flyers to bags
- If you are NOT providing bags with the flyers
- Roll flyers and rubber band them closed
- Plan to assemble ahead of time on the bag drop off day and the food collection day in order to brief the adults and Scouts
- Ensure that you have enough vehicles and adults to support the number of Scouts and area covered.
- On “Collection Day” have Scouts
- Wear their uniform; scouts wearing their uniform on Saturday February 23 will have apossibility (TBD) to receive a free ice cream.
- Bring water, sunscreen and if possible a hat.
Flyer/Bag Drop off Tips
- Please have all scouts fill out the “Youth Participation Log” as this document is required by the council this year. I suggest one copy for the “Flyer/Bag Drop off” and another for “Collection Day” You will be turning them in at the drop off site on Saturday
- We suggest this be accomplished on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday night prior to the Saturday pick up.
- Make sure all Scouts have a designated area and ensure that Scouts will deliver a flyer/bag to all households in that area.
- You will be assigned entire squares on the city map, however if for some reason another unit has crossed over into your area please remember that a scout is courteous and kind.
- Drop off Reminders
- Ensure thatscouts travel in groups of two or more at all times and ensure they are supervised constantly.
- Flyers/Bags should be distributed to residences only, no businesses.
- Please do not allow scouts to place flyers/bags in the mailboxes or on at homes that state "No Solicitation".
- If you are providing bags with the flyers
- Have the scouts place them near the door.
- If you are NOT providing bags with the flyers
- Have the scouts place flyers on door by rubber banding them onto the doorknob. Please ensure that this is not done in such a way that people cannot open their doors.
- Please remind scouts
- Be polite and courteous at all times. We want scouts to represent your unit and scouting in general with pride.
- Use sidewalks & driveways, and not walk through grass, plants or flowerbeds.
- Do not enter a home under any circumstances even if they know the person.
Food Collection Tips
- Please have all scouts fill out the “Youth Participation Log” as this document is required by the council this year. I suggest one copy for the “Flyer/Bag Drop off” and another for “Collection Day” You will be turning them in at the drop off site on Saturday
- Assemble ahead of time in order to brief the adults and Scouts
- Do not begin collection prior to 8:30 a.m.
- If possible ensure that Scouts cover the same area in which they distributed bags.
- It is suggested that your unit leaves a thank you note on the doorstep of any homeowner that contributes food. Please see the website for some samples and templates.
- Go back through your area in the early afternoon to collect any bags missed or set out late.
- Food Collection Reminders
- Ensure that scouts travel in groups of two or more at all times and ensure they are supervised constantly.
- If there is no bag at the door, do not ring the bell or knock.
- If the empty bag or flyer is still on the doorstep please have the scouts collect it.
- Please remind scouts
- Be polite and courteous at all times. We want scouts to represent your unit and scouting in general with pride.
- Use sidewalks & driveways, and not walk through grass, plants or flowerbeds.
- Do not enter a home under any circumstances even if they know the person.
Food Sorting Tips
- General Suggestions:
- Use “Food Sorting Labels”, they can all be found on the SFF website. There is one that includes a category per page (to save time) and one that includes two categories per page (to save paper)
- The pantry’s can supply some boxes however you need to request boxes from the “Scouting for Food” chair ASAP.
- I like using white name tag labels or larger all purpose labels as they can be easily seen on the boxes and bags and can usually be found inexpensively at the 99 cents store, and Big Lots.
- Suggested Sorting Options
- Option 1: Start with “seed boxes” pre-labeled with the categories on each box. Place empty bags into the boxes to be filled. As they become full replace bags and have scouts or adults standing by with a marker to label bags as they are full.
- Option 2: Start with “seed boxes” pre-labeled with the categories on each box. As they become full replace boxes and have scouts or adults standing by with a marker to label boxes as they are full.
- Food Sorting Categories
- MEATS – canned
- TOMATO Based Sauces
- VEGETABLES - green beans
Post Collection Tips
- Unit Reporting Sheet
- Fill out your sheet prior to leaving for your drop off site so that the food can be processed quickly and efficiently at the drop off site.
- Announce the totals from the Unit Reporting Sheet prior to leaving for the drop off site in order to keep the energy flowing for youth and adults.
- When arriving at your assigned drop off site – prior to unloading any food
- Check in with the BSA SFF site coordinator
- Hand in a copy of yourYouth Participation Logs and Unit Reporting Sheet
- Keep a copy for your unit records
- Copies can be made for free at Project Understanding and at Catholic Charities – Ventura, and hopefully at the resource center.
- Let him/her know how many car loads you have
- Please note that cars may be redirected to another drop off site if needed your understanding and “Scout Spirit” is appreciated.
- Email your “Scouting for Food” Chair with any concerns or tips for next year
Additional Resources
These additional resources can be found at after January 16th
- “Scouting for Food” Unit Guide
- RESOURCE unit - Scouting for Food Unit Guide.doc
- Preparation Resources
- FLYER - Scouting for Food Save the Date.doc
- FLYER - Matilija SFF Informational Flyer.doc
- FLYER - Matilija SFF Initial Flyer for Unit Leaders.doc
- RESOURCE unit - Unit Announcement Flyer.doc
- RESOURCE unit - Unit Sign Up.doc
- Flyer Drop off and Food Collection Resources
- FLYER - SFF Flyer for homes - 2 sided.doc
- includes a list of most desired foods
- RESOURCE site and unit - Youth Participation and Sign in.doc
- RESOURCE unit - Thank you for food donation - GENERIC.doc
- RESOURCE unit - Thank you for food donation - TEMPLATE.doc
- Food Sorting and Post Collection Resources
- RESOURCE site and unit - Food Sorting Pages NO GRAPHICS 2 per page.doc
- RESOURCE site and unit - Food Sorting Pages NO GRAPHICS full page.doc
- RESOURCE site and unit - Unit Reporting Sheet.doc
- RESOURCE unit - Unit Community Service Hours.doc
- Map of Ventura
- ability to print specific coordinates
We appreciate you, and all that you are doing to support
our youth and the members of our community!
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