Minutes of a Meeting of North Tuddenham Parish Council

Held on 13thJuly 2010

Present. Mr. J. Stapleton (Chairman), Mrs. D. Blyth , Mr. D. Baxter, Mr. V. Lewis-Lavender, Mr.A.Barnes, Cllr B Rose, Mrs. P. Baldwin (Clerk)

1. Apologies. Cllr. P. Claussen, Mrs. D Blyth, Mr. S Dann

2. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

3, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as being correct. Proposed by

Mr. D. Baxter, seconded by Mr. V. Lewis-Lavender.

4. Matters Arising

a. The Local Development Framework. We have received a copy of the site specific proposals and have been asked to comment on the proposal to remove the settlement boundary in North Tuddenham. After discussion it all were in agreement with this proposal, however it was also suggested that we should comment that we would like to see some select development to suit the character of the village.

b. Highways. Envirowaste lorries transporting waste to Abbots Farm were discussed;they have caused considerable damage to the kerbstones in Mill Rd. at the access owned by Mr. S Dann. It was decided to write to Mr. Dann asking him, as he owns the access concerned, to ensure that this does not happen again. .

c. The Common. Norfolk County Council have withdrawn their support for the common, therefore we will have to meet all expenses, including insurance ourselves. As we will have to do all of the work ourselves in future the hire or purchase of equipment was discussed but no conclusion was reached. Mr. Pummell stated that July is the optimum time for cutting on the common but without equipment it may not be possible this year. The HLS application has stalled as the neither the environmental nor the historical survey have been done. As there is a three month wait for Gressenhall Museum to do the historical survey, there will be a 6 month delay; Natural England needs these surveys before completing a plan.

d. Footpaths Committee. It has been necessary to call the policeto deal with people causing a nuisance on the footpath leading to the Common. It was decided to place a log across the path leading from the Car Park to the Common to prevent access by the vehicles responsible for the problem. Mr. Stapleton and Mr. Barnes agreed to deal with this.

Permissive footpaths are being established around the village, we will need accurate maps and a brochure detailing these paths once they are established. Permissive paths are established for a period of ten years.

e. Environment and Recycling. The village in the region of Pound Corner is suffering a plague of flies, environmental health have been contacted and are investigating to find the source of the flies. It was suggested that those affected should contact environmental health.

Plans are being draw for submission to Breckland Council for the recycling Centre.

f. Homewatch. Nothing to report. A new co-ordinator has not yet been appointed.

g. Website. Mr. Aylett is continuing to update and put new information on the website. We are very grateful to him for his input.

h. Land at Rear of The LodgeNothing more has been heard.

i. Vacancy on Parish Council. As no-one has asked for an election we have permission to co-opt a Parish Councillor by 18th August 2010. The Vacancy is advertised in The Mardle.

5. Any Other Matters not on the Agenda.

Broadband. We will continue to lobby for Broadband but realistically we have no hope of getting broadband in the foreseeable future.

BusesAs buses were able to come through the village at the time of the Norfolk Show the clerk will pursue the bus company to ask if it is possible for our bus service to be reinstated.

Allotments. The chairman and the clerk attended an event at Sprowston, held by Sprowston Parish Council, at which the possibilities for setting up allotments was discussed. It was a very informative meeting but it was decided not to pursue the matter as there would be neither land available nor any call for allotments in this village.

6. Resolution to Close the Meeting for Public Participation and to receive reports from District and County Councillors. The meeting was then reopened.

7. Correspondence. As per attached list.

8. Planning Applications.  There is to be a public meeting re the appeal against refusals of permission for a mobile home (Pond View) at Oak Farm and for use of land at Frans Green for the storage of skips.

9. Finance.

Payments and Receipts.


Chq no / Payee / Amount
North Tuddenham PCC Grant / £250.00
Mrs. D Blyth (flowers for funerals etc) / £ 45.20
AON (Insce) / £429.21


Clothing Bank / £ 129.26
Pride in Breckland Grant / £ 250.00

Balances in hand. Barclays c/a1774.79

Deposit a/c 641.03

National Savings1382.98

Nationwide B/S 92.09

The Annual Audit has been completed.

10. Items for publication in the Mardle and to be placed on Notice Boards and website

The Vacancy on the Parish Council and request for volunteers to help with recycling, a map of footpaths to be placed on the website.

11. Items to be placed on the next Agenda (not for discussion) items 1-10 plus other matters which arise.

12. Any Other Urgent Business. None

13. Date and time of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on 14thSeptember commencing at 7.30pm.