The meeting of the Board of Education of the Southern Tioga School District was called to order by Board President, Barbara Shull, with the following members present: Ivan Erway, Roxanne Landis, Stuart Crossen, Dan Berguson, Frank Kollar, and Gloria Schwab and Susan Jaquish.

Also present were Messrs: Kalata, Rakoski, David, Jaquish, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Sick, Mrs. Drabick, Mrs. Sargent, and interested teachers and citizens.

On motion of Mr. Berguson and second of Mrs. Jaquish, the Board voted 8-0 to appoint Mr. Crossen to serve as Southern Tioga’s representative to the BLAST IU#17 Board.

The Minutes of the meeting held on July 15, 2009 were read by the Board. On motion of Mrs. Landis and second of Mrs. Schwab, the Board voted 7 to 0 to approve the minutes, as presented.

The Financial Summary was presented. The report also included statements regarding the General Fund, Student Activity Funds, Student Athletic Funds, Scholarship Funds, On motion of Mr. Berguson and second of Mr. Crossen the Board voted 8 to 0 to approve the Financial Summary as presented. (EXHIBIT)

The Board studied the Bill List for the General Fund. On motion of Mrs. Schwab and second of Mr. Jaquish, the Board voted 8 to 0 to approve the bill list as presented. (EXHIBIT)

The Board studied the Bill List for Capital Projects Fund. On motion of Mr. Erway and second of Mr. Kollar the Board voted 8 to 0 to approve the bill list as presented. (EXHIBIT)

Mr. Rakoski presented the food service report. On motion of Mr. Kollar and second of Mr. Landis the Board voted 8 to 0 to approve the Food Service Report as presented. (EXHIBIT)

On motion of Mrs. Landis and second of Mrs. Jaquish, the Board voted 8 to 0 to accept the following:

Retirement of Doris Sargent, Principal of Warren L. Miller Elementary School. Mrs. Sargent’s last day of work will be December 23, 2009, with her retirement effective on April 2, 2010.

Resignation of Cody Clark, as Junior High Soccer Coach at Mansfield Jr/Sr High School.

Resignation of Wayne Evans as Smythee Park Groundskeeper effective August 19, 2009.

Resignation of Kay Elliot, paraprofessional, effective with the beginning of the 2009/2010 school year.

Resignation of Renae Allen, cafeteria employee at Warren L. Miller Elementary School, effective with the beginning of the 2009/2010 school year.

On motion of Mrs. Schwab and second of Mr. Crossen, the Board voted 8 to 0 to approve the Conference Requests as presented. (EXHIBIT)

Mr. Kalata reported for the administration on the staff development programs planned for the week of August 17, 2009.

The Administration recommended Board approval of the following:

Employ Christine Brooks, as Long-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher at Liberty High School, effective August 19, 2009. Ms. Brooks will be employed at $2077.77/day plus benefits as defined by the Substitute Professional Employees Conditions of Employment.

Employ Erick Cummings, as Special Education Teach at Mansfield Jr/Sr High School, effective August 17, 2009, Mr. Cummings will be employed as a Professional Employee at Bachelors, Step 6, $43,420, plus benefits as defined by the STEA/STSD Agreement.

Employ Jason Hemling, as Special Education Teacher at Mansfield Jr/Sr High School, effective August 19, 2009. Mr. Hemling will be employed as a Temporary Professional Employee at Bachelors, Step 1, $38,645, plus benefits as defined by the STEA/STSD Agreement.

Employ Emily Parana, as Autistic Support Teacher at Warren L. Miller Elementary School effective August 19, 2009. Ms. Parana will be employed as a Temporary Profession Employee at Bachelors, Step 1, $38,645 , plus benefits as defined by the STEA/STSD Agreement.

Employ Paula George as Substitute Head Cook, Blossburg Schools, effective August 10, 2009, through October 2, 2009. Ms. George will be paid her regularly hourly rate plus $1.50/hour.

Emply Hilary Travis, as Special Education Teacher at North Penn High School effective August 19, 2009. Ms. Travis will be employed as a Temporary Professional Employee at Bachelors, Step 1, $38,645, plus benefits as defined by the STEA/STSD Agreement.

Employ Katherine Seeley as Pre-Arranged Short-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher at North Penn High School effective August 19, 2009, through November 25, 2009, pending receipt of Special Education teaching certificate. Ms. Seeley will be employed at $120.00 per day as defined by the Substitute Professional Employees Conditions of Employment.

Add the following individuals to the 2009/10 substitute employees’ list:

·  Rita Bower, as teacher, Art.

·  June Putnam, as secretary.

·  Candy Carney, as cafeteria staff.

·  Julie Comfort, as cafeteria staff.

·  Tammie Dawson, as cafeteria staff.

·  Janet Finch, as cafeteria staff.

·  Ray Weber, as cafeteria staff.

·  Teresa Geiser, as cafeteria staff.

·  Suzanne Frye, as cafeteria staff.

·  Nicole Weed, as cafeteria staff.

·  Bruce Hardy, as cafeteria staff. (EXH 4.1.8)

On motion of Mr.Kollar and second of Mr. Berguson, the Board voted 8-0, to approve the above recommendations.

The Administration recommended Board approval of the following:

·  A “Parameters Resolution” and Board Purchaser Agreement to conduct a current refunding of the Series A of 2003 (refer to EXH 6.2)

On motion of Mrs. Landis and second of Mr. Kollar, the Board voted 8-0 to approve the above recommendation.

·  Transfer of funds from the Capital Projects Fund, Capital Reserve Find, Construction Fund, Food Service Fund, and WLM Fire Fund to the General Fund, as necessary, to meet cash flow needs pending release of state revenue.

On motion of Mr. Jaquish and second of Mrs. Schwab, the Board voted 8-0 to approve the above recommendation.

The Administration recommended approval of the following:

Entering into supplemental contracts with the following persons for the

2009/10 school year:

Kristen Lehman, Asst. Volleyball Coach, Mansfield High School $2,155

Laura Thomas, Asst. Jr. High Boys Soccer Coach, Mansfield High School $ 1138

Erick Cummings, Head Volleyball Coach, Mansfield High School $3263

William Kelly, Asst. Girls Soccer Coach, Mansfield High School

--pending receipt of current clearances (EXH 4.3.1) $2155

Kevin Pletz, Asst Jr High Boys Basketball Coach, Liberty High School

--pending receipt of current clearances (EXH4.3.1) $1138

Amy Czako, Asst. Jr High Volleyball Coach, North Penn High School $1138

Selina Paulhamus, Jr. High Volleyball Coach, North Penn High School $1549

Thad Compton, Jr. High Football Coach, North Penn High School $1549

Entering into supplemental contracts with the following persons as mentors for

the 2009/10 school year in the amount of $1333:

Marcia Bartlett, English Teacher, Mansfield High School

--mentor for Nicole Cummings, Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher

David Redell, Science Teacher, Mansfield High School

--mentor for Jessica Darrow, Science Teacher

Kathryn McQuaid, Special Education Teacher, Mansfield High School

--mentor for Jason Hemling, Special Education Teacher

Patty White, Special Education Teacher, W.L. Miller Elementary School

--mentor for Emily Parana, Autistic Support Teacher

Natalie Hetzel, Elementary Teacher, Blossburg Elementary School

--mentor for Erin Route, Elementary Teacher

Robin Glowatz, English Teacher, North Penn High School

--mentor for Caitlin Tierney, English Teacher

James States, Art Teacher, Mansfield High School

--mentor for Katherine Wise, Art Teacher

Laurel Smith, Special Education Teacher, North Penn High School

--mentor for Hilary Travis, Special Education Teacher

Entering into supplemental contracts with the following persons to continue as

mentors in the 2009/10 school year for the specified dates:

Lisa Stryker, Special Education Teacher, Blossburg Elementary School $351

--mentor for Melissa Loomis, Special Education Teacher, 8/19/09-10/29/09

Christa Alexander, Social Studies Teacher, Mansfield High School $509

--mentor for Jason Chimmics, Social Studies Teacher, 8/19/09-12/3/09

Jenny Kilmer, Elementary Teacher, W. L. Miller Elementary School $674

--mentor for Eleanor Farrington, Elementary Teacher, 8/19/09-1/15/09

Samantha Yonker, Special Education Teacher, North Penn High School $488

--mentor for Katherine Seeley, Pre-Arranged Short Term Substiute Special

Education Teacher, 8/19/09-11/25/09

On motion of Mr. Berguson and second of Mr. Crossen, the Board voted 8-0 to

approve the above recommendation.

The Administration recommended approval of the following:

A letter of agreement with the Tioga County Department of Human Services to

purchase Pre-Vocational Services from the Highland Chocolate Program at a rate of

$3.51 per quarter hour of service.

A renewal agreement with Laurel Health System to provide student and athletic

physicals for 2009/10 at a rate of $50/hour plus .45/mile for services provided by a

Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant.

School bus drivers’ list for 2009/10 (EXH 4.4.4)

Pupil Transportation Contracts for 2009/10 )EXH 4.4.4)

Local Agency Agreements as follows:

Bradford-Tioga Head Start $300/month

Bradford-Tioga Head Start (Meals) $1.95-3.30/meal

Mansfield Area Nursery School $100/month

Joyful Happenings Day Care $200/month

Toddler University (Blossburg) $200/month

Toddler University (Liberty) $200/month

Stepping Stones Day Care $200/month

On motion of Mrs. Schwab and second of Mrs. Landis, the Board voted 8-0 to

approve the above recommendation.

The Administration recommended approval of a contract with Ivan Erway to

provide daily transportation of students to and from school during the 2009/10

school year in accordance with district formula and approval to place Ivan Erway

on our list of approved school bus drivers for 2009/10.

On motion of Mrs. Schwab, and second of Mr. Crossen, the Board voted 7-0, with

Mr. Erway abstaining, to approve the above recommendation.

Board President Barbara Shull made the following announcements

Board Work Session(s)

Tuesday,September 8, 2009, at 6:30 P.M.

North Penn High School Library

Monday, October 5, 2009, at 6:30 PM

North Penn High School Library

Next Board Meeting (s)

Monday, September 14, 2009, at 6:30 P.M.

Liberty High School Auditorium

Executive Sessions(s)


North Penn High School Library

August 12, 2009, at 5:50 PM

September 1, 2009, at 5:50 PM

September 15, 2009, at 5:30 PM

RE: Labor

Committee Meeting(s)

On motion of Mrs. Schwab and second of Mr. Erway, the Board voted 8-0 to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted


James J. Rakoski, Board Secretary