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I. How do you get to Type to Learn?

Click the start button, go to students, click Type to Learn.

II. How do you add teachers or students in Type to Learn?

Once you are in Type to Learn, type ctrl, alt, t at the same time.

You don’t need a password, so click ok.

You will notice that no one can be in the program working while

you are adding or deleting data. You will now be able to enter teachers’ names.

The program is designed for 20 teachers with 15 classes each

as many as 40 students. For our elementary school of 27

classes, I set up the teachers as Kindergartens, First Grades,

Second Grades, and Third Grades. Then for the classes such as

Kindergarten classes, I listed the kindergarten teachers’ names. I

did the same for first, second, and third. To add classes to your

teachers’ names, click ok. Then you will come to another screen

and you must again click ok. The words “Type to Learn”

will appear in front of your eyes. Again use ctrl, alt, t at the same

time and when it asks for a password, click ok. It will warn you

that no one can be in the program while you make adjustments.

The word teacher will appear on the menu bar.

Click teacher and add classes to begin adding your classes.

Actually for us this will be adding teachers, but we call it adding

classes because we have more than 20 teachers.

III. How do you import student name

Refer to page 20 of the Type to Learn manual. The input file must be of the format:

(first name) (delimiter) (optional last name) [Return/Enter] and there must be no spaces between lines. If you include a last name, the delimiter can be a space, tab, or comma. The person who handles Osiris does this for the media specialist.

IV. How do you customize the classes?

Select a class.

Once you are where the classes are to the right of the screen, select

a class. Under the Teacher menu, click Individualize.

Decide if you want to individualize a student or a class. I would

probably choose the class plan. Change each line as instructed.


Sometimes you will get the message that the student has already been

selected. You must enter in as a teacher and unlock the data files. Be

sure to do this after school when nobody is in the program. Your

media specialist should handle this for you. Never have Type to Learn

open in your classroom and expect to open it in the computer lab. This

can cause problems.

V. How does a child customize his work?

The child’s name must be selected and click okay.

Click options.

Click sound.

You can control whether you want a male or female voice, the volume,

and whether or not the child wants directions.

VI. What are the options for the students to select?

There are four options for the students to choose:

  1. New Frontiers – provides keyboarding lesson drills. Games-provides

entertaining games to reinforce keyboarding skills, practice in language

arts, and opportunities to learn geography, astronomy, American Sign

Language, and other general knowledge. There are 22 lessons. See

attachments for a listing of the lessons.

  1. There are four game categories: Star Maker-lesson 1, Star Maker and

Blast Off-lessons 2-6, Star Maker, Blast Off, & Map Games-lesson 7-

16, and Star Maker, Blast Off, Map Games, & How Many-lessons 17-


  1. Notepad- provides students with a word processor where

they can practice and implement their keyboarding skills. It

familiarizes students with word processing. This does not track speed

or accuracy.

  1. Warspeed-teaches students to type rapidly and accurately from copy.

Students are provided with lines of text to type. You must have

completed lesson 5 in order to do this.

Once you are where you select students from a class, you will

see a green R on the menu. You must have highlighted a student’s

name and clicked okay for this to work. From here you are able to

select different lessons. Students’ work is not saved and accuracy

and speed measurements are not recorded.

VII. How do you print reports?

The child’s name must be highlighted and press ok.

You can select Look at Speed (wrp), Look at Accuracy Graph , or

Look at Progress Chart. You also have the option to print these


VIII. Where should you save something in Notepad for a student?

If you just click save it will save to the TTLData folder. You

could create your own folder.

If you wish to save something in Notepad for a student, you could

save it to a disk. Remember to check the disk for viruses.

  1. How do you scan a disk for a virus?

Click the start button, go to East Network Applications, click McAfee Virus Scan. Click scan now and you should see, “No infected items found.” If you see this message, you are fine. Close out the program and use your disk.

  1. How do you format a disk?

Click the start button, go to East Programs, click Format a Floppy. This will erase everything on the disk. I only purchase formatted disks. I don’t use this often.

  1. How can you quickly remove many saved documents on a


Open up to view what is available on the disk. Click the first item

To be removed, hold down the control key and highlight as many

Items as you wish to delete. Press the delete key.