Invitation to Bidfor the

Provision of Group Yearly Renewable Term (GYRT) Life Insurance 2015


Duty Free Philippines Corporation (DFPC) through its 2015 Corporate Budget intends to apply the sum of Eight Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Pesos (PhP889,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for memorandum HRMD-ESD-Benefits Section (15)-31 dated 01 June 2015. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at Bid opening.

DFPC now invites bids for the Provision of Group Yearly Renewable Term (GYRT) Life Insurance. Implementation shall be indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Bidders should have completed, within the last three (3) years (2013-2015) from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project.Bidders must have at least three (3) years experience in providing group yearly renewable term insurance.The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II, Instructions to Bidders.

Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using the non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act” and is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138.

Interested Bidders may obtain further information from DFPC and inspect and/or purchase the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00AM – 5:00PM, Mondays thru Fridaysuntil 03 August 2015.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (PhP1,000.00) for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Procuring Entity, provided that Bidders shall pay the non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.

DFPCwill hold a Pre-Bid Conference, however, only those who have purchased the Bidding Documents shall be allowed to participate in the Pre-Bid on 22 July 2015, 2:00PM at the address given below.

Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 04 August 2015 at 2:00PM. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.

Bid opening shall immediately follow at 2:15PMat the address given below. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

DFPCreserves the right to waive any formality on the eligibility requirements of this project. Furthermore, DFP reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to annul the bidding process, or declare a failure of bidding, or not award the contract in any of the situations stated under Section 41 of the Revised IRR of RA 9184, and makes no assurance that a contract shall be entered as a result of this invitation without thereby incurring liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

BAC Secretariat

Duty Free Philippines

EHA Bldg, Fiesta Mall, Columbia Complex

Ninoy Aquino Ave., ParañaqueCity

(632) 552-4343; (632) 552 4337/16555 loc. 3039 / 3096

Telefax No. (632) 552-4345, 879-3664, 552 4399 loc 833

(Sgd.)Ma. Lourdes D. Velarde

BAC Chairperson

III.Bid Data Sheet

ITB Clause
1.2 / The lot and reference is:
Group Yearly Renewable Term (GYRT) Life Insurance 2015
Memorandum HRMD-ESD-Benefits Section (15)-31 dated 01 June 2015
2 / The Funding Source:
The Government of the Philippines (GOP) through the 2014 Corporate Budget of Duty Free Philippines Corporation in the amount of :
Eight Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Pesos (PhP889,000.00)
The name of the project is :
Provision of Group Yearly Renewable Term (GYRT) Life Insurance 2015
3.1 / No further instructions.
5.1 / No further instructions.
5.2 / None of the circumstances mentioned in the ITB Clause exists in this Project. Foreign bidders, except those falling under ITB Clause 5.2(b), may not participate in this Project.
5.4 / The Bidder must have completed, within the period specified in the Invitation to Bid and ITB Clause 12.1(a)(iii), a single contract that is similar to this Project, equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC equivalent to Four Hundred Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP444,500.00)
For this purpose, similar contracts shall refer to provision of group yearly renewable term life insurance.
7 / No further instructions.
8.1 / Subcontracting is not allowed.
8.2 / Not applicable.
9.1 / The Date and Venue of the Pre-Bid Conference is:
22 July 2015, 2:00PM
3rd Floor EHA Building, Fiestamall,
Columbia Complex, Ninoy Aquino Ave.
10.1 / The PROCURING ENTITY’s address is:
Duty Free Philippines Corporation Ground Floor, EHABuilding, Fiestamall, Columbia Complex, Ninoy Aquino Avenue, ParañaqueCity
BAC Chairperson
Thru: BAC Secretariat
Tel No : 552 4337 loc 3039, 552 4343
Fax No. 879 3664 / 552 4345 / 552 4399 loc. 834

12.1(a) / No further instructions.
12.1(a)(i) / 2014 General Information Sheet stamped received by the SEC.
12.1(a)(iii) / Statement of all ongoing and completed government and private contractswithin the last three (3) calendar years (2013-2015)starting with the latest including contracts awarded but not yet started.
13.1 / No additional requirements.
13.1(b) / No further instructions.
13.2 / The ABC is
Eight Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Pesos (PhP889,000.00)
Any Bid with a financial proposal exceeding this amount shall not be accepted.
15.4(a)(iii) / No incidental services are required.
15.4(b) / No incidental services are required.
16.1(b) / The Bid prices for Goods and services supplied from outside of the Philippines shall be quoted in Philippine Pesos.
16.3 / Not applicable.
17.1 / Bids will be valid until 02 December 2015.
18.1 / The bid security shall be in the following amount:
  1. Cash or cashier’s/manager’s check issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank
/ Two Percent (2%) of the ABC or
Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Pesos (PhP17,780.00)
  1. Bank draft/guarantee (signed by the appointee) or irrevocable letter of credit (original and notarized) issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank: Provided, however, that it shall be confirmed or authenticated by a Universal or Commercial Bank, if issued by a foreign bank

  1. Surety bond callable upon demand issued by a surety or insurance company duly certified by the Insurance Commission as authorized to issue such security.
/ Five Percent (5%) of the ABC or
Forty Four Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Pesos (PhP44,450.00)
  1. Any combination of the foregoing.
/ Proportionate to share of form with respect to total amount of security
  1. Bid-Securing Declaration
/ Refer to Bidding Form No. 2
18.2 / The bid security shall be valid until 02 December 2015.
20.3 / Each Bidder shall submit one (1) original andthree (3) copies of its Eligibility/Technical Componentand Financial Component.
21 / The Address for Submission of Bids is:
3rd FloorEHA Building, Fiestamall,
Columbia Complex, Ninoy Aquino Ave., ParañaqueCity
The deadline for Submission of Bids is on
04 August 2015 at 2:00PM.
24.1 / The place of Bid Opening is
Duty Free Philippines Corporation, 3rd Floor Conference Room EHA Building, Fiestamall, Columbia Complex, Ninoy Aquino Avenue, Parañaque City
The date and time of Bid opening is on:
04 August2015 at 2:15PM.
24.2 / No further instructions.
27.1 / No further instructions.
28.3 / No further instructions.
28.3(b) / Bid modification is not allowed.
28.4 / No further instructions.
29.2(a) / No further instructions.
29.2(b) /
  1. 2014 Income Tax Return (form 1701/1702)
  2. Business Tax Return(forms 2550M and 2550Q) for the last six (6) months (January to June 2015) prior to opening of Bids filed thru Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS).
Only tax returns filed and taxes paid through the BIR Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) shall be accepted.
29.2(d) /
  1. Company profile with names and designation of the company’s officers/partners (original).
2. Location map and photo of the office (original).
32.4(g) / No further instructions.

V.Special Conditions of the Contract

GCC Clause
1.1(g) / The PROCURING ENTITY isDuty Free Philippines Corporation.
1.1(i) / The Supplier is ______.
1.1(j) / The Funding Source is:
The Government of the Philippines (GOP) through the Corporate Budget of Duty Free Philippines Corporation 2015 in the amount of :
Eight Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Pesos (PhP889,000.00)
1.1(k) / The Project Site is :
DUTY FREE PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, Ground Floor, EHABuilding, Fiestamall, ColumbiaComplex, Ninoy Aquino Avenue, ParañaqueCity
5.1 / The PROCURING ENTITY’s address for Notices is:
DUTY FREE PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, EHABuilding, Fiestamall, Columbia Complex,Ninoy Aquino Ave., ParañaqueCity
Lorenzo C. FormosoVictor Ramon G. Marfori, Jr.
Chief Operating Officer OIC- HRMD Manager
Tel. Nos. (632) 879-3559Telefax (632) 552 4346
Fax No. (632) 552 4301
The Supplier’s address for Notices is:
Upon rendering the Services required, the SUPPLIER shall notify the PROCURING ENTITY and present the corresponding Statement of Account.
This POLICY and the application of the POLICYHOLDER, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, any endorsements herein and the Insured Members’ individual applications, if any, shall constitute the entire contract between the parties. All statements made in the application by the POLICYHOLDER or by the Insured Member shall, in the absence of fraud, be deemed representations and not warranties and no such statement shall void or reduce the insurance benefit under this POLICY or be used in defense of a claim under it, unless it is contained in a written application signed by the applicant.
No agent is authorized to alter or amend this POLICY, to accept premiums in arrears or to extend the due date of any premium, to waive any of the COMPANY's rights or requirements, or to bind the COMPANY by making any promise or by accepting any representation or information not contained in the application for this POLICY. No change in this POLICY shall be valid unless approved by the COMPANY and evidenced by an endorsement herein or by amendments hereto signed by the POLICYHOLDER and by the COMPANY.


This POLICY may at any time be amended and changed by a written agreement between the COMPANY and the POLICYHOLDER. Such amendment shall be binding on all Insured Members under the POLICY whether they become insured prior to, on, or after the Commencement Date of the amendment.
If the Insured Member’s classification changes, his insurance shall be changed on the date of said change in classification except when the employee on account of injury or disease is not actively working in full time employment on such date, the benefits applicable to such employee shall not be changed until the date on which he returns to full time active work.
The COMPANY shall take-over the Insurance of all Eligible Members regardless of their insurability, provided they were insured by the POLICYHOLDER’s previous SUPPLIER in the last POLICY year.
This Group Life Insurance and the insurance of the Insured Members as of the Commencement Date of this POLICY shall not be contested on any ground except for non-payment of premiums.
The insurance of the Insured Member, which becomes effective after the Commencement Date of this POLICY, shall not be contested on any ground except for non-payment of premiums, after such insurance has been in force for one (1) year.
Subject to the Reinstatement provision, the insurance of an Insured Member shall not be contested on any ground except for non-payment of premiums, after such insurance has been in force for one (1) year from the date his/her Individual Insurance was reinstated.
The COMPANY shall issue Individual Certificates of Insurance to the POLICYHOLDER for delivery to all Insured Members hereunder. Each certificate shall describe in general the insurance coverage and other privileges to which the Insured Member is entitled. Such certificate shall not, however, form part of the contract by and between the POLICYHOLDER and the COMPANY. In the event of discrepancy between the provisions of such certificate and this POLICY, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.


If the employee whose insurance was terminated in accordance with “Termination of Individual Insurance” provision, again becomes entitled to participate for insurance hereunder, such employee may again become insured under this POLICY by submitting without expense to the COMPANY, an evidence of Insurability acceptable to it. If such evidence is submitted, the employee shall become insured from the date the COMPANY determines the evidence to be satisfactory and the corresponding premium due is paid.


On Termination of the Individual Insurance
If a Member’s insurance terminates because of termination of his/her status as an Eligible Member, he/she shall have the privilege of converting all or at his/her option any part of his /her insurance to an individual policy of life insurance without being required to furnish an evidence of insurability subject to the following conditions:
a)Written application for the individual policy of life insurance and payment of the first premium thereon must be made within thirty-one (31) days after termination of the Member’s group insurance.
b) The individual policy of insurance shall be upon one of the forms then customarily issued by the COMPANY, except term insurance and preferred risk plans and without disability or other supplementary benefits.
c) The individual policy shall be effective at the end of the thirty one (31)-day period after such termination.
d) The premium payable shall be based upon the COMPANY's rate applicable to both the class and risk to which the Insured Member belongs and his/her then attained age.
e) In no event may the amount converted exceed the Amount of Insurance of the Insured Member just prior to entering an ineligible class reduced by any life insurance the Insured Member is eligible for under any other group life insurance plans offered by the COMPANY.
On Termination of this POLICY
If a Member’s insurance terminates because this POLICY terminates, and if he/she has been insured under this POLICY for at least five (5) years prior to its termination, he/she shall have the privilege of converting his/her group insurance to an individual policy, subject to the conditions described in subdivision (1) of this section except that Amount of Insurance the individual policy shall not exceed the lesser of:
a) the amount for which his life had been secured by this POLICY on the date it terminated, reduced by the amount of any group life insurance for which he is then eligible or for which he becomes eligible within thirty-one (31) days after the termination, and
b) Two Thousand Pesos (PhP2,000.00).


If an Insured Member dies during the period within which he/she would have been entitled to have an individual policy issued in accordance with the provisions entitled "Conversion Privilege,” the Amount of Insurance the Member would have been entitled to have under such individual policy shall be payable under this POLICY, whether or not application for the individual policy or the payment of the first premium thereof has been made.


In the event an Insured Member dies while insured under this POLICY, the proceeds of his/her insurance shall be paid to the beneficiary/ies designated by the Insured Member.
The Insured Member may change a beneficiary by filing a written notice through the POLICYHOLDER on a form satisfactory to the COMPANY. Once a properly executed form has been received by the COMPANY, it will relate back to and take effect as of the date the notice was signed and delivered to the POLICYHOLDER, but without prejudice to the COMPANY on account of any payment made before receipt of such notice.
If any beneficiary should die before the Insured Member, the interest of such beneficiary including an irrevocable beneficiary, shall thereupon automatically terminate, provided, however, that if two or more beneficiaries have been designated by the Insured Member, the benefit shall accrue to the surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries, unless the Insured Member, in the exercise of the right of revocation, should designate a new beneficiary or beneficiaries.
If more than one beneficiary is designated, and if the Insured Member fails to specify their respective interest, they shall share alike and the interest of any such beneficiary who predeceases the Insured Member shall pass to the survivors equally.
If with respect to any amount of insurance, the Insured Member fails to designate a beneficiary or no designated beneficiary survives the Insured Member, the payment shall be made to the duly qualified administrators of the Insured Member’s estate, except that the COMPANY may in such case, at its option, pay such insurance coverage to the Insured Member’s widow or widower, if living; if not living, to the surviving children born to or legally adopted by the Insured Member, if any, equally; if none, to the parents of the Insured Member equally, if both are living, otherwise to the one still alive, if any.
Any amount payable to a beneficiary who is a minor or is otherwise incapable of giving a valid release for any payment due, may be paid to the legally appointed guardian of such beneficiary; or, if there is no such guardian, to such person or institution as has in the opinion of the COMPANY assumed the custody and principal support of such beneficiary.
By filing with the COMPANY a satisfactory written request, an Insured Member may elect to have the proceeds of his/her insurance paid in installment, the amount and terms of which shall be in accordance with those customarily offered by the COMPANY for settlement of POLICY proceeds at the time of election. If the Insured Member does not elect an Optional Method of Settlement, the beneficiary may do so after the Insured Member’s death.


Clerical error in keeping the records shall not invalidate insurance otherwise validly in force nor continue insurance otherwise validly terminated. If the age or date of birth or other relevant facts relating to an Insured Member shall be found to have been misstated and if such misstatement affects the Amount of Insurance or has anything to do with the terms and conditions of this POLICY, the true age and facts shall be used in determining whether insurance is in force or under the terms of this POLICY, and in what amount, an equitable adjustment of premiums shall be made.