Queenswood Medical Practice March 2017
Blood Pressure and Lifestyle
There are many things you can do to help reduce your blood pressure. www.bloodpressureuk.org and NHS choices has lots of useful information.
1. Diet
The ‘DASH’ (Dietary approaches to Stop Hypertension) study has shown that eating a fruit and and vegetable rich diet outlined below reduced BP significantly by up to 11.4/5.5 mmHg, even if weight stays the same. More information/ meal plans can be found at www.dash.diet.org.
The following is a summary:
Aim to reduce:
· Total and saturated fat and red meat
· Sugar and sugary drinks
· Salt (aim <5.8 g per day)
· Check labels for hidden salt (80% of salt is hidden)
§ Low salt foods have <300mg salt per 100g food (or <0.1 g sodium per 100g).
§ Medium salt 0.3-1.5 g salt per 100g (0.1 -0.6 g sodium) have small amounts occasionally
§ High salt > 1.5 g per 100g food (>0.6 g sodium) – AVOID
· Caffeine (no more than 5 cups a day)
· Alcohol – high alcohol consumption is linked to increase in BP.
§ For both men and women the recommended limit 14 units/ week, no more than 3 units /day and at least 2 alcohol free days.
Aim to increase:
· Fruit and Vegetables (aim at least 5 a day, ideally 7-9),
· Whole grains
· Fish and poultry (aim 3 portions oily fish a week)
· Low fat dairy products
· Olives/ Olive oil and garlic
2. Stop Smoking
Stopping smoking will not only reduce your blood pressure, but it improves overall health and reduces risk of developing heart disease/ stroke, cancer and lung problems (COPD)
We run smoking cessation clinics at the surgery so please ask at reception if you would like to book an appointment.
3. Take regular aerobic exercise
Aim to exercise for 20mins a day, for example walking fast enough to get slightly out of breath. There are many exercise opportunities in Haringey; information is available at www.haringey.gov.uk
If you are over 65, you can sign up for free membership at local fitness centres including the Park Road pool and gym, next door.
4. Weight loss
If you are overweight, reducing your weight will reduce your blood pressure, and following the above diet and regular exercise will help with this.