Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)

Ministry of the Environment of Brazil (MMA)

Regional Workshop: National Protected Areas Systems in the ACTO Member-Countries.

Amazon Region Protected Areas Program - ARPA

and opportunities for regional cooperation

Methodological and Logistic document

October 2 and3, 2013

Brasilia/DF, Brazil


  1. Workshop’s objectives
  1. To promote the exchange of experiences on the creation and consolidation of protected areas in the ACTO Member Countries.
  2. To give priority to cooperation activities in the scope of Protected Areas of the Strategic Amazon Cooperation Agenda.
  3. To analyze the Arpa Program aiming at identifying instruments, propositions and approaches, and possible common traits with other models implemented by ACTO Member Countries.
  1. Results / products
  1. Cooperation priorities and interaction opportunities in the Amazon Basin on the issue of protected areas, based on AECA.
  2. Minutes of the event.
  1. Workshop structure

The workshop is structured as follows:

a)Presentations on protected areas management systems and instruments in Member Countries; Arpa Will be the focus of the Brazilian presentation;

b)Identification of:

(i)instruments,propositions and approaches in the Arpa program, and possible common ground with other ACTO Member-Countries, and

(ii)cooperation potential;

c)Presentations on the different financial sustainability models of protected areas in ACTO Member-Countries and cooperation potential.

  1. Guidelines for country presentations

In order to better understand the protected areas systems in ACTO Member Countries, participants are expected to present information on their respective (a) protected areas management systems and instruments; as well as (b) Financial sustainability of their protected areas systems.

Therefore, information will be shared on two occasions, in which the following issues are expected to be debated:

  1. Legal framework in force: mention the main legal instruments that underpin the creation and management of protected areas;
  2. Protected areas management instruments: to present and describe the main instruments and mechanisms to guarantee: (i) planning for the use of protected areas; (ii) effective and fair management of protected areas; (iii) ecological representativeness of protected areas; (iv) protected areas connectivity systems and other conservation measures involving territorial planning; (v) integration of such systems in the landscapeand (vi) the system’s financial sustainability.
  3. Priority actions: to suggest cooperation mechanisms among Member Countries.

Each participant will have 15 minutes for each presentation (two will happen during the event), which will be conducted in power point, with 15 slides maximum.The first presentation should be on protected areas management systems and instruments in ACTO Member-Countries. The second presentation should be on the financial sustainability of protected areas systems in ACTO Member Countries.

  1. Agenda

Wednesday, October2, 2013
9:00 / Opening Session:
Ambassador Robby Dewnarain Ramlakhan,Secretary-General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).
Ambassador Clemente Baena Soares, Head of the II South America Department –Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (MRE)
MrBráulio Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD)
Mr Roberto Vizentin, President of the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio)
Mr Roberto Cavalcanti, Secretary of Biodiversity and Forests, Ministry of the Enviroment of Brazil (MMA).
9:40 / CBD’s protected areas systems: Aichi Targets and Funding
10:10 / Strategic Amazon Cooperation Agenda. Sub-theme Protected Areas
10:30 / Break
10:45 / National Protected Areas System (SNUC): the Brazilian case
11:00 / The Arpa program as a model for the protected areas system: milestones, creation and consolidation of conservation units
11:40 / Debate
12:30 / Lunch break
14:00 / Presentations on the protected areas systems and management instruments in ACTO Member-Countries
16:45 / Break
17:00 / Identification of Arpa instruments, propositions, and approaches that are in line with those of other ACTO countries and potential for cooperation.
18:00 / Closure
Thursday, October 3, 2013
08:30 / Financial sustainability of Protected Areas supported by Arpa - Brazil
09:15 / Financial sustainability of Protected Areas systems in ACTO countries
10:00 / Break
10:15 / Financial sustainability of Protected Areas systems in ACTO countries
11:30 / Debate
12:30 / Lunch break
14:00 / Financial sustainability of Protected Areas systems: Development Banks, Funding and Implementing Agencies
World Bank– BIRD
Global Environment Fund - GEF
Interamerican Development Bank - IDB
Latin America Development Bank - CAF
Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES
KfW Entwicklungsbank
15:30 / Break
14:45 / Financial sustainability of Protected Areas systems: Development Banks, Funding and Implementing Agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO
World Wide Fund for Nature - WWF
International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN
Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity - Funbio
Fondo Patrimonio Natural (Colombia), Profonanpe (Peru)
17:00 / Debate
17:30 / Review the minutes of the workshop: follow-ups and future steps
18:30 / Closure
Ambassador Clemente Baena Soares, Head of the II South America Department – Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (MRE).
Mr Roberto Cavalcanti, Secretary of Biodiversity and Forests, Ministry of the Enviroment of Brazil (MMA).
Ambassador Robby Dewnarain Ramlakhan, Secretary-General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).


1.Date and venue of the Meeting.

The meeting will be held on October 2 and 3, 2013 in the city of Brasilia, Brazil.

The venue will be Palacio de Itamaraty-Sala Santiago Dantas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.

2.Hotel for Delegates:

Kubitschek Plaza Hotel

SHN, Quadra 2 Bloco E

55 61 3329-3333

3.Registration and Opening.

The registration of participants will take place at the same venue of the meeting from 8:30 a.m. on October 2, 2013.

4.Languages of work of the workshop.

The workshop will be held in two languages: Spanish and English, which will be available for simultaneous translation.

4.Costs of participation.

The costs for airfare, transportation, accommodation and meals for two (2) Representatives of the Member Countries of ACTO will be covered by the Amazon Regional Program (PRA). In case the Member Countries of ACTO decide to include more than two representatives in their delegations, the costs of participation of the additional delegates shall be covered by the country itself. The representatives of Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia will receive their airfare and per diem from the agency GIZ in your respective country, the agency of GIZ will contact the Delegates. The representatives of, Guyana, Venezuela and Suriname will receive their airline tickets directly from the Amazon Regional Program and receive their per diem upon their arrival in Brasilia.


The Delegates will have the service of transfer from Airport-Hotel - Airport. When you arrive at the airport in Brasilia see a sign with the distinction of the hotel and/or the name of the participant.

6.Transfer hotel-venue-hotel.

The transfer between the hotel and the venue of the workshop will be offered during the event.

For more information, contact with:

Antonio Matamoros, Coordinador de Medio Ambiente de la OTCA

Julio Baena, Sector de Asuntos Internacionales, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Teléfono: +55 (61) 2028-1745