Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs

NOTES – 12 May 2008

Assessment of Learning Committee (ALC)

Attendees: L. Kjeseth, J. Simon, O. Hadley, C. Gold, R. Bergeman, H. Storms, C. Wells,

C. Striepe, C. Lee, D. Goldberg, I. Graff, T. Bonacic (CEC)

I.  Reflections on the Assessment of Student Learning Week

It was recommended to continue with the Assessment of Student Learning Week. The afternoon event was well attended with approximately forty in attendance. The evening event (SLO fair) was least attended. The SLO meeting at CEC was attended by 12-14 people. Discussion will continue on Assessment of Student Learning Week before the next event in the fall semester.

II. Benchmarks for Next Year - Calendar

Begin to look at benchmarks and work toward them. Goals and dates need to be set. Divisions write a plan for completing one SLO proposal per course by the dates on the agenda. By the end of December 2009, every course taught regularly will have an assessment.

How to evaluate process? Information has not been provided by the ACCJC on how to evaluate process locally. ALC works as a whole to develop principles as it goes through assessment cycle.

What can we ask the College in helping us to move forward? Program review fits nicely into SLOs. L. Kjeseth is working with the Program Review Committee to connect process. Program review is being changed by being simplified.

a.  Plan for one SLO assessment per course. Is this doable? Assign someone to be responsible for overseeing that the task is done by December 2009. It was suggested to divide the responsibility among a group of faculty.

b.  Program and degree SLOs for all programs and degrees. Provide a program SLO statement by Spring 2009. May need to present during spring flex day.

c.  Continued progress in assessing existing SLOs. Have a yearly goal which will depend on size and resource of program. Include Compton faculty in assessment cycle. Need to have joint meetings at ECC and CEC. Yearly deadline for SLO reports has changed from June 30 to December 1 due every academic year.

III. Spring 2008 Final Report

Deadline to submit Spring 2008 final report will be June 2, 2008.

IV. Assessment of Student Learning Week

The Assessment of Student Learning Weeks for the 2008-2009 academic year will be October 20-24, 2008 and April 27-May 1, 2009.

V. ALC Meetings 2008-09

The meetings for the 2008-09 academic year will continue on Mondays, 2:30-4:00 pm in Library 202 on the following dates:

September 15, 29 March 2, 16, 30

October 13 April 20

November 3, 17 May 18

December 1 June 1

VI. Other

Flex Day – There will be several SLO workshops on fall flex day. After division meetings, department meetings will be scheduled to focus on SLOs. Workshops on various aspects of assessment will include (1) rubric development (2) panel on SLO integration; and (3) assessment smorgasbord.