American History
Teacher: Mark Rose
Room 110
Theme: This course examines the history of the United States of America from 1877 to the present. The federal republic has withstood challenges to its national security and expanded the rights and roles of its citizens. The episodes of its past have shaped the nature of the country today and prepared it to attend to the challenges of tomorrow. Understanding how these events came to pass and their meaning for today’s citizens is the purpose of this course. The concepts of historical thinking introduced in earlier grades continue to build with students locating and analyzing primary and secondary sources from multiple perspectives to draw conclusions.
Topic: Historical Thinking and Skills
Students apply skills by utilizing a variety of resources to construct theses and support or refute contentions made by others. Alternative explanations of historical events are analyzed and questions of historical inevitability are explored.
Content Statements:
1. Historical events provide opportunities to examine alternative courses of action.
2. The use of primary and secondary sources of information includes an examination of the credibility of each source.
3. Historians develop theses and use evidence to support or refute positions.
4. Historians analyze cause, effect, sequence and correlation in historical events, including multiple causation and long- and short-term causal relations.
Learning Targets:
These content standards will be used throughout the year in varies other topics. For example, what if Truman had not ordered the Atomic bomb to be dropped? How might history of changed?
Topic: Historic Documents
Some documents in American history have considerable importance for the development of the nation. Students use historical thinking to examine key documents which form the basis for the United States of America.
Content Statements:
5. The Declaration of Independence reflects an application of Enlightenment ideas to the grievances of British subjects in the American colonies.
6. The Northwest Ordinance addressed a need for government in the Northwest Territory and established precedents for the future governing of the United States.
7. Problems facing the national government under the Articles of Confederation led to the drafting of the Constitution of the United States. The framers of the Constitution applied ideas of Enlightenment in conceiving the new government.
8. The Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers structured the national debate over the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
9. The Bill of Rights is derived from English law, ideas of the Enlightenment, the experiences of the American colonists, early experiences of self-government and the national debate over the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
Learning Targets:
1. I can identify enlightenment philosophers and their contributions to our government.
2. I can explain how the Declaration of Independence was influenced by enlightenment ideas.
3. I can explain how the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence was an exercise in social contract thought.
4. I can compare and contrast the language used in the Northwest Ordinance with the U. S. Bill of Rights.
5. I can explain the terms “republic” and “republican” as they apply to our historic documents.
6. I can explain why the Northwest Ordinance was drafted and the basic provisions in it.
7. I can explain how the limitations of the Articles of Confederation led to the drafting on the U.S. Constitution and how the ideas of the enlightenment influenced the Constitution.
8. I can explain the problems facing the nation during the ratification process of the U.S. Constitution.
9. I can explain the role of the Federalist Papers in the ratification process.
10. I can explain the role of the Anti-Federalists Papers in the ratification process.
11. I can explain how the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist led to a political rift that will eventually lead to our two-party system.
12. I can explain the influences of the Bill of Rights. [Magna Carta, Enlightenment, English Bill of Rights, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Northwest Ordinance, etc.]
Topic: Industrialization and Progressivism (1877-1920)
Ignited by post-Civil War demand and fueled by technological advancements, large-scale industrialization began in the United States during the late 1800s. Growing industries enticed foreign immigration, fostered urbanization, gave rise to the American labor movement and developed the infrastructure that facilitated the settling of the West. A period of progressive reform emerged in response to political corruption and practices of big business.
Content Statements:
10. The rise of corporations, heavy industry, mechanized farming and technological innovations transformed the American economy from an agrarian to an increasingly urban industrial society.
11. The rise of industrialization led to a rapidly expanding workforce. Labor organizations grew amidst unregulated working conditions, laissez-faire policies toward big business, and violence toward supporters of organized labor.
12. Immigration, internal migration and urbanization transformed American life.
13. Following Reconstruction, old political and social structures reemerged and racial discrimination was institutionalized.
14. The Progressive era was an effort to address the ills of American society stemming from industrial capitalism, urbanization and political corruption.
Learning Targets:
1. I can identify key natural resources and innovations/inventions that fueled the expansion of industry.
2. I can explain key events in railroad expansion.
3. I can describe how Social Darwinism drove the actions of the "Robber Barons."
4. I can describe why early unions formed and the tactics they used.
5. I can explain key events in early labor conflicts.
6. I can identify and explain the four factors that drive immigration.
7. I can explain how urbanization caused opportunities and problems for the cities
8. I can explain how the political machines controlled state and local politics.
9. I can describe early attempts to correct the “spoils systems.
10. I can describe innovations/inventions that hoped to improve city life.
11. I can explain American Leisure activities at the turn of the Century.
Topic: Foreign Affairs from Imperialism to Post-World War I (1898-1930)
The industrial and territorial growth of the United States fostered expansion overseas. Greater involvement in the world set the stage for American participation in World War I and attempts to preserve post-war peace.
Content Statements:
15. As a result of overseas expansion, the Spanish-American War and World War I, the United States emerged as a world power.
16. After WWI, the United States pursued efforts to maintain peace in the world. However, as a result of the national debate over the Versailles Treaty ratification and the League of Nations, the United States moved away from the role of world peacekeeper and limited its involvement in international affairs.
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain how Jim Crow Laws affected African Americans in the South.
2. I can explain the effects of the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case.
3.I can explain how the roots of Progressivism are seated in the agricultural/populist movements of the late 1800s.
4.I can explain the importance of the election of 1896.
5.I can explain early attempts of reforms and why those reforms were needed/wanted.
6.I can explain how the progressive movement aimed to helped women.
7.I can explain key principles of the Square Deal.
8.I can explain the key figures and issues of the election of 1912.
9.I can explain how the Federal Reserves System works to regulate the economy.
Topic: Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal (1919-1941)
The post-World War I period was characterized by economic, social and political turmoil. Post-war prosperity brought about changes to American popular culture. However, economic disruptions growing out the war years led to worldwide depression. The United States attempted to deal with the Great Depression through economic programs created by the federal government.
Content Statements:
17. Racial intolerance, anti-immigrant attitudes and the Red Scare contributed to social unrest after World War I.
18. An improved standard of living for many, combined with technological innovations in communication, transportation and industry, resulted in social and cultural changes and tensions.
19. Movements such as the Harlem Renaissance, African-American migration, women’s suffrage and Prohibition all contributed to social change.
20. The Great Depression was caused, in part, by the federal government’s monetary policies, stock market speculation, and increasing consumer debt. The role of the federal government expanded as a result of the Great Depression.
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain early motives and actions of American expansion. [including Alaska and Hawaii]
2. I can identify and explain the causes of the Spanish-American War.
3. I can explain the major military operations in the Spanish-American War.
4. I can explain the Treaty of Paris and describe the major provisions of it.
5. I can explain how the thirst for new markets drove expansion to the Far East.
6. I can explain how America emerged from the Spanish-American War as a major world power.
7. I can describe the strengths and weaknesses of Wilson’s foreign policy in Latin American.
8. I can explain the causes of WWI.
9. I can explain how old strategies and new technologies affected combat conditions in WWI.
10. I can explain how the US was pulled into WWI.
11. I can explain how the US involvement in WWI tipped the balance of the war.
12. I can explain how the Treaty of Versailles will shape the future of European Politics.
13. I can describe how the US emerges from WWI to become a world economic leader.
14. I can explain how the desire to avoid future conflicts will lead to arms limitations and territorial limitation agreements.
15. I can explain how the homefront helped to fight the war in Europe.
16. I can explain how American Civil Liberties were infringed as a result of WWI.
17. I can explain how fear lead t the Red Scare of the 1920’s.
18. I can explain the political scandals of the Harding Administration.
Topic: From Isolation to World War (1930-1945)
The isolationist approach to foreign policy meant U.S. leadership in world affairs diminished after World War I. Overseas, certain nations saw the growth of tyrannical governments which reasserted their power through aggression and created conditions leading to the Second World War. After Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II, which changed the country’s focus from isolationism to international involvement.
Content Statements:
21. During the 1930s, the U.S. government attempted to distance the country from earlier interventionist policies in the Western Hemisphere as well as retain an isolationist approach to events in Europe and Asia until the beginning of WWII.
22. The United States mobilization of its economic and military resources during World War II brought significant changes to American society.
23. Use of atomic weapons changed the nature of war, altered the balance of power and began the nuclear age.
Learning Targets:
- I can explain how the Good Neighbor Policy changes our stance in Latin America.
- I can explain how the rise of nationalist leaders threatens world peace.
- I can explain how the US tries to stay out of the Asian and European conflicts, while still providing aid to our friends.
- I can explain how the Atlantic Charter and Pearl Harbor break down our isolationist views.
- I can explain the causes and effects of the Holocaust.
- I can explain how the US mobilized for defense and its effects on its citizens.
- I can explain how/why Americans at home sacrificed during the war.
- I can explain how women and minorities were affected by the wartime economy.
- I can explain American motives for Japanese-American Internment and its legacy.
- I can explain the American Strategy of ending the War in Europe.
- I can explain the American Strategy for ending the War in the Pacific.
- I can explain the need for dropping the Atomic Bombs on Japan and the Global impact of that event.
- I can explain the Yalta Conference and the impact that it had on global politics in the future.
- I can explain how the Allies controlled and organized Germany and Japan after the War is over.
Topic: The Cold War (1945-1991)
The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) emerged as the two strongest powers in international affairs. Ideologically opposed, they challenged one another in a series of confrontations known as the Cold War. The costs of this prolonged contest weakened the U.S.S.R. so that it collapsed due to internal upheavals as well as American pressure. The Cold War had social and political implications in the United States.
Content Statements:
24. The United States followed a policy of containment during the Cold War in response to the spread of communism.
25. The Second Red Scare and McCarthyism reflected Cold War fears in American society.
26. The Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics.
27. The collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R. brought an end to the Cold War.
Learning Targets:
1.I can explain the ideological origins of the Cold War.
2.I can explain the formation of the UN and the possible strengths and weaknesses of it.
3.I can explain Truman’s containment policy and describe how it will be applied.
4.I can describe how the communist revolution in China affects global politics.
5.I can describe how the Marshall Plan and NATO strengthen Western Europe.
6.I can explain how the Berlin Airlift was a major political success for the US and out Allies.
7.I can explain how containment was the cause for American involvement in Korea and Vietnam.
8.I can explain how the Korean War was fought and how the US got the UN to provide support of the action. [Security Council Boycott]
9.I can describe how the fear of communism spreading lead to the Second Red Scare.
10.I can describe how the Red Scare/HUAC attacked civil liberties and discuss the types of people accused.
11.I can explain Sen. Joe McCarthy’s role in the Red Scare and what lead to his downfall.
12.I can explain how the Cold War caused intense rivalries and an arms race.
13.I can describe when and where the Cold War became “hot.” [i.e. Middle East, Cuban Missile Crisis, etc.]
14.I can identify and explain key events in the Space Race and the impact of the space Race on education.
15.I can explain how the Vietnam War began.
16.I can explain how the Vietnam War was fought and the possible weaknesses of this strategy.
17.I can explain how the Vietnam War divided the country and helped to end the Johnson Administration.
18.I can explain how Nixon’s strategy in Vietnam attempted to achieve “peace with honor.”
19.I can explain how the Vietnam War and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution paved the way for the War Powers Act.
20.I can explain how the policies of the Nixon Administration helped to thaw the Cold War and how the Carter Administration heated it back up.
21.I can explain how the foreign policies of Reagan coupled with strong anti-communist movements in Eastern Europe help to end the Cold War.
Topic: Social Transformations in the United States (1945-1994)
A period of post-war prosperity allowed the United States to undergo fundamental social change. Adding to this change was an emphasis on scientific inquiry, the shift from an industrial to a technological/service economy, the impact of mass media, the phenomenon of suburban and Sun Belt migrations, the increase in immigration and the expansion of civil rights.
Content Statements:
28. Following World War II, the United States experienced a struggle for racial and gender equality and the extension of civil rights.
29. The postwar economic boom, greatly affected by advances in science, produced epic changes in American life.
30. The continuing population flow from cities to suburbs, the internal migrations from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt, and the increase in immigration resulting from passage of the 1965 Immigration Act have had social and political effects.
31. Political debates focused on the extent of the role of government in the economy, environmental protection, social welfare and national security.
Learning Targets for Part 1: Civil Rights
- I can explain the segregation system in the South.
- I can explain the legal hurdles that were needed to be jumped to move Civil Rights forward.
- I can explain the NAACP’s legal strategy to promote Civil Rights
- I can explain the significance of the Brown vs. Board Supreme Court decision and the South’s reaction to it.
- I can identify major Civil Rights Leaders and their importance to the movement.
- I can compare and contrast MLK Jr.’s strategy in the movement with other major leaders of the time.
- I can identify major Civil Rights organizations and the strategies they used.
- I can explain the events and legacy of Freedom Summer.
- I can identify and explain key pieces of Civil Rights Legislation.
- I can explain why the Civil Rights movement became more proactive/militant and the affect that MLK Jr.’s assassination had on America.
- I can explain how the success of African Americans leads others to fight for their civil rights as well.
- I can identify major Latino civil rights organizations and their importance to the movement.
- I can explain the successes and set backs experienced by Latinos in their fight for civil rights.
- Ican explain the importance of the Immigration Act of 1965. [politically as well as socially]
- I can explain how Native American groups pushed for their civil rights.
- I can describe how women pushed for equality and important figures/groups that helped women’s liberation.
- I can compare and contrast previous civil rights movements with modern civil rights movements of the day.
Learning Targets for Part2: Social Transformations