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Trade name of food business: / Japanese Gourmet KenjiCompany name (if applicable):
Address of premises where offence(s) occurred: / 10/1407 Toorak Road, Camberwell
Name of convicted person(s) or company: / Japanese Gourmet Ken Pty Ltd
Relationship of convicted person(s) to the business: / Proprietor
Date of conviction: / 9 December 2014
Court: / Melbourne Magistrates’ Court
Description of offence(s): / Food Act S16(1) – on 14 March 2014 fail to comply with the Food Standards Code as follows:
1. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 19(1) – fail to maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there was no accumulation of garbage, food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter;
2. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 19(2) – fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment having regard to its use, to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease and other visible matter;
3. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 20(1) – fail to ensure the food contact surfaces of equipment including food storage containers and strainers were in a clean and sanitary condition;
4. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 24(1) – fail to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests on the food premises;
5. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 17(1) – fail to ensure hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face;
6. Standard 3.2.3, Clause 4(1) – fail to have an adequate supply of water if water is to be used at the food premises for any of the activities conducted on the food premises;
7. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 6(1) – fail to store food in such a way that it is protected from the likelihood of contamination;
8. Standard 3.2.3, Clause 11(3) – fail to ensure that walls and ceilings were sealed to prevent the entry of dirt, dust and pests;
9. Standard 3.2.3, Clause 6 – fail to adequately contain the volume and type of garbage and recyclable matter on food premises;
10. Standard 3.2.3, Clause 12(2) – fail to ensure fixtures, fittings and equipment be designed, constructed, located and installed so that they were able to be effectively cleaned;
11. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 21(1) – fail to maintain food premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment in a good state of repair and working order having regard to their use;
12. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 15(2) – fail to ensure that food handlers washed their hands whenever their hands were likely to be a source of contamination of food;
13. Standard 3.2.3, Clause 15(1) – fail to ensure food premises have adequate storage facilities for the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food, including chemicals, clothing and personal belongings;
14. Standard 3.2.2, Clause 7(3) – did not, when cooling cooked potentially hazardous food, cool the food –
(a) within two hours – from 60 degrees C to 21 degrees C; and
(b) within a further four hours – from 21 degrees c to 5 degrees C.
Court decision: / Found guilty with conviction
Sentence and/or order imposed: / With conviction, fined $16000.00 as part of an aggregate order, with $6208.40 costs
Prosecution brought by or for: / City of Boroondara
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