Curriculum Map
Course Title:Math 6 Grade: 6
Unit (Name/Number):Unit 2- Integers / Pacing:Approximately 8 days (5 lessons)Essential Question(s):How does working with integers differ from working with whole numbers?
Content/Key Concepts / Standards / Key Vocabulary / Learning Activities/Resources / Evidence of Learning
(Assessments;Performance Tasks)
Represent Quantities in Real-World Contexts Using Positive and Negative Numbers / M06.A-N.3.1.1
M06.A-N.3.1.2 /
- integer
- positive
- negative
- opposite
Represent integers on real-world number lines and using real-world measurements.
- Temperature
- Measurement
- Direction
- Sea Level
- Money
- PBS Media
- EDpuzzle
- “Real World Integers” discussion
- Integers Exploration Packet
Write, Interpret, and Explain Statements of Order for Rational Numbers in Real-World Context / M06.A-N.3.2.1 /
- natural
- whole
- integer
- rational
Compare and Order Integers
- No More than 10 numbers in a set
- Integers Exploration Packet
Interpret the Absolute Value of a Rational Number / M06.A-N.3.2.2 /
- absolute value
- magnitude
Determine an integer’s absolute value including…
- Opposites of an integer
- Opposite of an integer’s absolute value
- Ordering and comparing absolute value
- EDpuzzle
- Online game practice:
- Absolute Value Boxes
- Number Balls
- Khan Academy
Plot and Identify Ordered Pairs on the Coordinate Plane and Use Them to Solve Real-World Problems / M06.A-N.3.1.3
M06.A-N.3.2.3 /
- coordinate plane
- ordered pair
- y-coordinate/x-coordinate
- origin
- quadrant (I, II, III, IV)
- x-axis/y-axis
Includes all 4 quadrants
- Area and surface area coordinate plane problems (addressed in Unit 5)
- Mahalo Tutorial
- Khan Academy
- Tutorial Video
- Practice