Autumn Term 1 / Component 01/02 Section A: Reading information and ideas / meaning and effects / AO1 / Question 1 skills:
- Information retrieval
- Inference and deduction
- Select appropriate quotations
- Explain key ideas and information
- Summarise single texts
- Summarise and synthesise multiple texts
- Summarise similarities and differences between texts
- Understand conceptual ideas
- Comment on writers’ choices of language and structure
- Learn subject specific terminology for exploring choices of language and structure
- Analyse texts in detail at word, phrase and sentence level
Overview of the exam papers: OCR English Language Book 2 pp.10-11; pp.104-105 / Q1/Q2/Q3 exam-style questions for consolidation
Ongoing homework: create revision cue card for each question, including key assessment objectives in own words, key words and timings for the exam
OCR Teacher Guide: Reading skills / Thematic link to the conflict poetry cluster, studied alongside (Literature 02 Section A)
Reading unseen texts (Literature 01 and 02)
Skills focus: AO1 and AO2
Autumn half term
Autumn Term 2 / Component 01/02 Section A: Reading information and ideas / meaning and effects
Component 01
Section B: Writing for audience, impact and purpose / AO3 / Question 4 skills:
- Explore connections across texts
- Compare audience, purpose, form and broad contexts across a range of texts
- Compare how writers convey ideas and perspectives
- Structure comparative writing
- Evaluate ideas, attitudes and points of view in a text
- Justify evaluations with close and integrated evidence from a text
- Respond to a given statement, considering a variety of viewpoints
- Evaluate the usefulness, effectiveness and impact of a text
- Identifying purpose, form and audience from a given task
- Adapt techniques and language for persuasive purpose; use rhetorical devices effectively
- Produce original articles and speeches with a persuasive purpose
Component 01 (2 hours) / Unit built around theme of war and conflict: OCR English Language Book 1 Chapter 5 (pp. 134-163)
Overview of the exam papers: OCR English Language Book 2 pp.10-11; pp.104-105; pp. 70-73
OCR Teacher Guide: Question 4
OCR Specimen paper (Component 01):
Persuasive writing focus around theme of conflict: conventions of articles and speeches; rhetorical devices (AFOREST) / Q4/Section B exam-style questions for consolidation
Ongoing homework: create revision cue card for each question, including key assessment objectives in own words, key words and timings for the exam
Mock examination: Component 01 / Thematic link to the conflict poetry cluster, studied alongside (Literature 02 Section A)
Reading unseen texts (Literature 01 and 02)
Skills focus: AO1 and AO2; AO3 (comparison of texts)
Year 10 / Specification/ Topic Area / Key Learning/Assessment Objectives / Recommended teaching activities and resources / Assessment/ homework / Links to wider curriculum
Spring Term 1 / Component 01
Section A & B
Component 02 Section B / Detailed mock examination feedback and model responses
AO5 / AO6 Writing skills:
- Understand creative forms and viewpoint
- Organise and structure writing to create deliberate effects; focus on building tension and developing character
- Adapt tone, style, register and vocabulary to fit characterisation and emotion
Literature focus this term
Writing comes from this term’s study of the Shakespeare text and keeps writing skills refreshed / Creative writing piece exploring a character’s emotions / Supporting study of plot, characterisation, relationships and language in Shakespeare text (Literature 02)
Spring half term
Spring Term 2 / Component 02
Section B / AO5 / AO6 Writing skills as above / Literature focus this term
Writing as above where appropriate
Year 10 / Specification/ Topic Area / Key Learning/Assessment Objectives / Recommended teaching activities and resources / Assessment/ homework / Links to wider curriculum
Summer Term 1 / Revision:
Component 02 Section A: Reading information and ideas / meaning and effects / Revision of reading skills (focus on 20th and 21st century prose):
- Inference and interpret
- Explore writers’ creation of narrative, character and dialogue
- Analyse writers’ descriptions
- Evaluate themes and ideas
- Analyse writers’ use of figurative language
Unit built around theme of friendship and family: OCR English Language Book 1 Chapter 3 (pp. 76-101) fits well thematically with several of the modern set text options. / Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 exam-style questions for consolidation / Thematic link to modern novel (Literature 01 Section A)
Reading unseen prose texts (Literature 01)
Skills focus: AO1 and AO2
Summer half term
Summer Term 2 / Revision:
Component 02 Section A / Section B / Revision of Component 2 assessment objectives and timings
Year 10 Summer mock examination Component 02 (2 hours) / OCR Specimen Paper (Component 02): / Mock examination: Component 02
Year 11 / Specification/ Topic Area / Key Learning/Assessment Objectives / Recommended teaching activities and resources / Assessment/ homework / Links to wider curriculum
Autumn Term 1 / Component 01 Section A / Literature focus this term: Nineteenth Century Novel
Reading Nineteenth Century texts, including non-fiction: evaluating ideas, themes and viewpoints; making connections between texts / OCR Online Delivery Guide: 19th Century Texts
19th Century non-fiction: OCR Learner Resource 2.3 and 2.4 on theme of marriage provide interesting points of connection and have thematic links with Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice
The British Library is a very useful resource for allowing students to independently explore a range of 19th Century non-fiction texts in context (see for example
Students can explore contemporary texts around 19th Century studied author, e.g. letters/diaries to further explore 19th Century non-fiction / Exam-style questions on OCR 19th Century Texts to aid revision of examination technique / Contextual link to Literature Component 01 Section B: 19th Century
Reading range of non-fiction relating to studied text/author (e.g. letters from the Brontës) supports AO3 for Literature 01 Section B
Autumn half term
Autumn Term 2 / Component 03 or 04: Spoken Language
Component 01 Section B: Writing for audience, impact and purpose / Spoken Language preparation:
- Select relevant information and ideas appropriate for audience and purpose
- Plan chosen topic effectively, including structure and organisation of talk
- Express a range of ideas effective using Standard English
- Adapt form for purpose and effect
- Control tone, style and register for audience
Component 01 (2 hours) / OCR Teacher Guide: Preparing learners for their spoken language assessment
OCR Teacher Guide: Writing skills
Non-fiction writing skills for Component 01 anchored around chosen topic for spoken language component; skills revised here are highly relevant to both components
OCR Practice Papers Set 1 (Component 01) / Planning and preparation of spoken language presentation
Component 03 or 04: Spoken Language presentation
Independent revision of Component 01 Section A (continued from Term 1)
Mock examination: Component 01
Year 11 / Specification/ Topic Area / Key Learning/Assessment Objectives / Recommended teaching activities and resources / Assessment/ homework / Links to wider curriculum
Spring Term 1 / Revision:
Component 01 Section A and B / Detailed mock examination feedback; model responses / Practice Paper Set 1 (Component 01) walkthrough for whole year group / Much of walkthrough also serves as revision for Component 02
Spring half term
Spring Term 2 / Revision:
Component 02 Section A and B / Revision of reading skills:
- Analysis of language and structure
- Analysis at word, phrase and sentence level
- Subject terminology
- Effective planning for autobiographical, descriptive and narrative writing
- Effective openings and hooks
- Vocabulary and spelling
Component 02 (2 hours) / OCR Unseen 20th and 21st century texts anthology
OCR Teacher Guide: Writing skills / Exam-style questions based on OCR unseen anthology / Analysis unseen 20th and 21st Century texts (Literature 01 Section A)
Year 11 / Specification/ Topic Area / Key Learning/Assessment Objectives / Recommended teaching activities and resources / Assessment/ homework / Links to wider curriculum
Summer Term 1 / Revision:
Component 01
Component 02 / Revision and exam preparation for Component 01 and 02 / OCR Exam preparation student checklist
OCR The Little Book of SPaG
OCR Practice Papers Set 2 (Component 01 and 02)
Teaching in carousels to focus on specific skill areas and revise techniques and timings quickly and efficiently / OCR Practice papers; independent revision
Summer half term
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