Distance Education (hybrid or online) Course Development Proposal


Proposals submitted after April 30th are not guaranteed to be reflected in the next catalog

  1. Faculty member(s):

  1. Email(s):

  1. Department:

  1. Course Information:
/ Course title:
Course Number:
Course Description:
  1. Explain the rationale for offering this course in a distance format:

  1. Faculty Assignment Confirmation:
/ ☐As of this date, the faculty listed above is scheduled to teach at least one section of the course
  1. Syllabus:
/ ☐A current syllabus is attached to this proposal
  1. Check all Distance Education definitions that will apply to delivery of this course:
/ ☐ Hybrid (at least 25% in classroom, up to, but no more than, 75% online)
☐ Hybrid w/ Lab (at least 25% in classroom and/or lab, up to, but no more than, 75% online)
☐ Online (100% delivery via Distance Education)
  1. Required Statement Addressing the Following Items:
/ On a separate document, list statements that address the following criteria. Including these in an attached syllabus is acceptable:
  1. Clear statement on how online office hours are conducted; to include ways in which instructor(s) may be contacted
  2. The minimum level of student preparation needed, and, if applicable, prerequisites are clearly stated
  3. The minimum technical skills needed for students to be successful
  4. Clear statement on the required hardware (i.e. PC or Mac, webcam) and software (i.e. version of operating system or word processing software)
  5. Method of assessment/evaluation for measuring course objectives via the distance education format
  6. Method for instructing students on how to access resources (i.e. library) at a distance
  7. Method for informing students of the technical support offered, including contacts to help resolve technical problems
  8. Method for insuring the integrity of evaluation methods, including information about proctored exams, if required
  9. Method for communicating expectations for participation in online discussions, email, and other forms of communication
  10. Method for providing students with a schedule of class activities, including due dates for all course activities and, if applicable, a schedule of when students must be in attendance for traditional in-class instruction
  11. Method for ensuring appropriate student-student and student-faculty interaction through appropriate course design
  12. Method for addressing issues related to students who fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act

  1. Faculty Training:
/ ☐ Instructor agrees to successfully complete all required training courses.
  1. Online Accessibility
/ ☐ Course instructor has reviewed the Fort Lewis College Guidebook for Developing and Teaching Distance Education Courses and agrees to develop accessible materials as described and comply with federal copyright law, including the provisions of the TEACH Act of 2002.

Signatures: Approval of department chairperson/program director and Dean serves as confirmation of the inclusion of all required pieces of the proposal packet.

Course Proposal Originator: / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
Dept. Chair/Program Director: / Date Reviewed: Click here to enter a date.
Academic Dean or Designee: / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
Assoc. VP, Academic Affairs / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process