German 1003 Instructor:
Fall 2010 Office hours:
Texts: 1) Tell Me More module: license available at the bookstore, but DO NOT open the package and activate
the license until your instructor goes over it with you in class.
You should also have a German-English, English-German dictionary. You have several options. You can buy a dictionary, or you can use the ones in the library. Good brands are Harper-Collins, Pons, Cassell, and Langenscheidt. Or, you could also use one of the following two dictionaries on the internet; both are free and reliable: http://dict.leo.org/?lang=en http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de
If you use an internet dictionary, keep in mind that it might not have every word you need, and you should be prepared to stop by the library or allow enough time to ask your instructor about the word before the assignment is due. In general, though, the internet dictionaries are thorough and reliable.
Montag / Mittwoch / Freitagden 23. August
im Unterricht:
Chapter 1: Anfänge (beginnings)
We get to know each other and go over the Useful Classroom Expressions.
Hausaufgabe: Try to learn the Useful Classroom Expressions. / den 25. August
im Unterricht: Das Alphabet und sich vorstellen (introductions)
Hausaufgabe: Learn the alphabet and the phrases we covered in class. / den 27. August
im Unterricht: Wiederholung (review) und die Zahlen (the numbers).
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class.
**Last day to add the course**
den 30. August
im Unterricht: Introduction to Tell Me More software in JB Hunt 207.
Hausaufgabe: Log in to the Tell Me more system and do “Assignment 1.” / den 1. September
im Unterricht: du, ihr, Sie (pronouns—saying “you”); Wie spät ist es? (telling time)
Hausaufgabe: Study for a quiz on spelling (the alphabet), du/ihr/Sie, and telling time. / den 3. September
im Unterricht: Pronomen (other pronouns) und “sein” (“to be”); Farben (colors)
Hausaufgabe: Log in to Tell Me More (TMM) and do “Assignment 2.”
**Last day to drop the course without a W**
den 6. September
Kein Unterricht heute—viel Spaß!
(=No class today—have fun!) / den 8. September
im Unterricht: Nomen (gender of nouns); Im Zimmer (vocab: things in the room); Wochentage (days of the week)
Hausaufgabe: You will receive a worksheet in class. / den 10. September
im Unterricht: Plural of nouns; Present tense verbs conjugation (kommen, wohnen)
Hausaufgabe: Study for a quiz on “sein,” colors, and days of the week.
den 13. September
im Unterricht: Quiz; present tense verb meaning (ich komme = I come, I do come, I am coming)
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #3.” / den 15. September
im Unterricht: More verbs: gehen, kaufen, bringen, wohnen
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #4.” / den 17. September
im Unterricht: Wiederholung für die Prüfung (review for the test)
Hausaufgabe: Lernen Sie für die Prüfung! (Study for the test!)
den 20. September
im Unterricht: Prüfung 1 (Exam 1)
Hausaufgabe: Schreiben Sie fünf Sätze auf Deutsch. (Write five sentences in German.) / den 22. September
im Unterricht:
Chapter 2: Identität (talking about yourself)
Wortstellung (word order);
Was für ein Mensch sind Sie? (What kind of person are you?)
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #5.” / den 24. September
im Unterricht: Koordinierende Konjunktionen (coordinating conjunctions); Monate (months)
Hausaufgabe: Study for a quiz on “Was für ein Mensch sind Sie?” and the months.
den 27. September
im Unterricht: Quiz; Fragewörter (question words); Geburtstag (birthday)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 29. September
im Unterricht: Ja/Nein Fragen (yes/no questions); Jahreszeiten (seasons)
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #6.” / den 1. Oktober
im Unterricht: werden (to become) und gern (to like); Destination
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class.
den 4. Oktober
im Unterricht: spielen und machen (to play and to do); Sport
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #7.” / den 6. Oktober
im Unterricht: Musik; Gefühle
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 8. Oktober
im Unterricht: Weather
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #8.”
den 11. Oktober
im Unterricht: Wiederholung für die Prüfung (Review for the test.)
Hausaufgabe: Lernen Sie für die Prüfung! (Study for the test!) / den 13. Oktober
im Unterricht: Prüfung 2 (Exam 2)
Hausaufgabe: Schreiben: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 15. Oktober
im Unterricht:
Chapter 3: Freizeit (Free time)
Nominativ (nominative—what is case?; der and der-words); haben
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class.
den 18. Oktober
im Unterricht: Nominativ (ein and kein/nicht); Hobbys; eà ie Verben (lesen, sehen)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 20. Oktober
im Unterricht: Nominativ—possessive Pronomen (possessive pronouns)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 22. Oktober
im Unterricht: Akkusativ (accusative; der and der-words); Destination
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #9.”
den 25. Oktober
im Unterricht: Akkusativ (ein and ein-words)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 27. Oktober
im Unterricht: Akkusativ—Pronomen (pronouns)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 29. Oktober
im Unterricht: Akkusativ—Präpositionen (prepositions)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class.
**Last day to drop this course**
den 1. November
im Unterricht: Schreibaufgabe (writing assignment)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 3. November
im Unterricht: Wiederholung für die Prüfung (Review for the test.)
Hausaufgabe: Lernen Sie für die Prüfung! (Study for the test!) / den 5. November
im Unterricht: Prüfung 3 (Exam 3)
Hausaufgabe: Schreiben: Write an autobiography in 15 sentences. You can include anything you’d like.
den 8. November
im Unterricht:
Chapter 4: Familie und Freunde
(Family and friends)
Modalverben: können / müssen
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 10. November
im Unterricht: dürfen / sollen; Kultur: Reisen in Deutschland
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 12. November
im Unterricht: wollen / mögen / möchten; Destination
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #10.”
den 15. November
im Unterricht: aà ä Verben (fahren)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 17. November
im Unterricht: aà ä Verben (tragen/laufen)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 19. November
im Unterricht: trennbare Verben (separable prefix verbs: fernsehen, einkaufen, mitbringen)
Hausaufgabe: Log in to TMM and do “Assignment #11.”
den 22. November
im Unterricht: waren; Schreibaufgabe (writing assignment)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 24. November
Kein Unterricht—frohes Erntedankfest!
(=No class—Happy Thanksgiving!) / den 26. November
Kein Unterricht
den 29. November
im Unterricht: Kultur: Weihnachten in Deutschland (Christmas traditions in Germany)
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class. / den 1. Dezember
im Unterricht: Destination
Hausaufgabe: Finish your oral project skits for class on Friday! / den 3. Dezember
im Unterricht: Oral project skits due in class.
Hausaufgabe: You’ll receive a worksheet in class.
den 6. Dezember
im Unterricht: Wiederholung für die Schlußprüfung. (Review for the final.)
Hausaufgabe: Lernen Sie für die Prüfung! (Study for the test!) / den 8. Dezember
“Toter Tag” (Dead Day): kein Unterricht heute /
Die Schlußprüfung findet am Freitag, dem 10. Dezember von 1.30-3.30 Uhr statt.
(The final exam will be held on Friday, December 10, from 1:30-3:30 p.m.)Grade: Chapter tests (3) 30% A=100-90%
Final exam 20% B=89-80%
Homework 20% C=79-70%
Participation 10% D=69-60%
Quizzes 10% F=59 and below
Oral exam project 10%
Ziele des Kurses (Course goals)
This course is a four skills course, which means that you will learn how to understand, speak, read, and write in German at a basic level. To this end, you will learn basic vocabulary and grammatical structures and how to participate in conversations that occur in typical daily situations. You will also learn about culture in German-speaking countries and how German culture differs from that of the United States.
Teilnahme und Anwesenheit (Participation and attendance)
Your instructor will be evaluating you on a weekly basis according to use of German and your participation in small group activities and whole class discussions. If you are late to class or leave early, you are not participating in the full class period and will thus lose participation points accordingly. Should you have a course immediately preceding this one which continually ends late and/or is on the other side of campus, please notify your instructor.
For any excused absence, you will be allowed to make up any work and exams missed. Excused absences include illness, official university functions (i.e. band, field trip), and family emergency. For an illness to be counted as excused, you can bring a note from the health center or your own doctor, which states the days you were sick. Or, if you simply have a stomach virus or bad cold, you should contact your instructor via e-mail to let her know you will not be attending class that day so that the absence will be excused. (If this occurs frequently, however, the instructor reserves the right to ask for a doctor’s note to verify all further illnesses.) If an absence causes you to miss two or more consecutive class days, however, you must bring a doctor’s note or a note from the Health Center with you when you return to class. Students who have contracted the H1N1 (swine flu) are not required to have a doctor’s note as is otherwise the policy. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control web-site, the most any student should have to miss for the H1N1 flu is one week (patients can return to work or school after being fever free for 24 hours).
Excused family emergencies include serious illness or death of a family member. However, driving a sibling to the airport in Tulsa, for example, would not be excused. Any homework missed because of excused absences must be brought to class the same day the student returns to class; any tests or quizzes missed must be made up within one week of the excused absence. Students must attend the entire class period to be considered present. If a student takes a quiz and then leaves, the quiz will be given a grade of zero since he/she has not attended class on that day.
You are allowed two unexcused absences. For the third and each subsequent unexcused absence, one point will be deducted from your final grade. So, if you have four unexcused absences, you will lose two points from your final grade (four unexcused absences minus two allowed absences equals two absences = two points.) If your final grade were a 90, it would be an 88 after the deduction. If you know in advance you will have to miss class, contact your instructor as soon as possible to determine if your absence will be excused. Homework and quizzes missed because of unexcused absences may not be made up.
Participation and attendance are vital in learning a new language. If you miss class, you miss an opportunity to speak and hear German. Whether you miss class because of an excused or unexcused absence, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate or the instructor in a timely manner regarding any new assignments (not on the syllabus) or other schedule changes that might have been made. Write the name, number, and email of two of your classmates here:
If you cannot come to class, you should remember two things. 1) If you miss a class, you should be ready to participate upon your return. If you miss Monday and there’s a quiz on Wednesday, you should be ready for the quiz on Wednesday. 2) Please make every effort possible to get the assignment from a fellow class member. You may have missed just one German class, but instructors have many students, and especially during flu season and the like, we can end up responding to e-mails re: “What’s the homework?” for an hour or more.
You should always start with your course page on Blackboard (http://learn.uark.edu), which has links to Tell Me More, Snapgrades, the syllabus, and other important information.
The Elementary Program webpage can be found at: http://comp.uark.edu/~condray/1003_1013
The webpage includes your instructor’s office hours, links suggested by students, links to dictionaries and other helpful links, grammar help, a checklist for proofreading writing assignments, and the error code for writing assignments.
The webpage for the German section can be found at: http://german.uark.edu
There, you’ll find information about majoring or minoring in German, study abroad, language certification, extracurricular events, and what our alumni are doing.
What can you do with German? Check out our database that profiles real people who are using German as an automotive engineering intern with BMW, a project engineer for L’Oreal, an intelligence officer for the U.S. Navy, as teachers at various levels, and as a study abroad coordinator. http://www.whatcanidowiththat.com
Consider joining the Facebook groups “University of Arkansas German Program” and / or “German Cooking Club” to get updates on events, scholarship information, and other opportunities.
The use of e-mail is mandatory for this class. Although you will not submit assignments via e-mail, your instructor will contact you via e-mail regarding course matters, occasional hints on grammar constructions, and even scholarship information, so you should check your e-mail account daily for announcements. E-mail is also an excellent way to contact your instructor.
Hausaufgabe (Homework)
Assignments are due at the beginning of class or by 4:00 pm of the day the assignment is due. Homework turned in at the end of class (i.e. completed during the class period) will not be accepted. Late homework will not be accepted and will be recorded as a zero. Any work you miss for an excused absence MAY be turned in when you return to class. Remember that regular homework improves your ability to use the language, prepares you to do well on quizzes and tests, and helps you keep up with the pace of the course.
Referat (Oral exam project)
Instead of an oral exam, you will create a short conversational skit in small groups based on what you have learned during the semester. You will get more information on this project later in the semester.
Inclement Weather Policy
The university policy on inclement weather will be followed. You can check the procedure for weather emergencies on-line at: http://pigtrail.uark.edu/info/WeatherEmergencyProc.html
Fragen? If you have any questions regarding the syllabus or this course, contact the course coordinator,
Dr. Kathleen Condray, at or 575-5938.