Feedback as “feed forward’:
The cohesion in the teaching-learning-assessment relation
DATE / 30 July 2016
TIME / 8:30 am (registration) for 9H00 -13H00
VENUE / Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute
Nooiensfontein Road, Kuils River.
Directions attached.
TOPIC / Feedback as “feed forward’:
The cohesion in the teaching-learning-assessment relation
**Please bring with a test paper/exam paper/project of a learner to practice the process of feedback as feed forward
PRESENTER / Dr Celia Booyse (Umalusi)
COST / R100 for IACESA members
R140 for non-members
Cost will include learning material and refreshments
REGISTRATION / See attached form
Aim of the seminar
Feedback as “feed forward”:
The cohesion in the teaching-learning-assessment relation
Educators are challenged in to develop learners with critical, creative and conceptual minds. So is the development of the learner’s ability to solve increasingly complex problems in the learning area as well as in daily life. The workshop intends to assist with a deeper apprehension of learning progression towards specific levels of understanding through using feedback as a teaching tool. The focus of the engagement will be on the formative monitoring of learner progress, attention to domain considerations in the conceptualization of formative assessment and the place of feedback.
Feedback has been shown to improve learning where it gives each learner specific guidance on strengths and weaknesses. Learners will then have been given the means and opportunities to work with evidence of their difficulties. Recognising the full range of achievements of all learners makes formative feedback constructive because of the motivational effect of such feedback, which inspires learners to achieve their best. In such a manner, learners become self-motivated to learn even more and become better able to master the next step. In this way the learner turns into a strategic and effective learner.
The discussion intends to be discovery-based, and according to the principles of experiential learning.
Dr Celia Booyse
BA Ed (cum laude) at UP; BA Hons at UP; B Ed (Hons) (cum laude) at Unisa, M. Ed (cum laude) at PU for CHE: D Ed (Didactics) at Unisa
Current:Manager: Curriculum at Umalusi (Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training) responsible for a variety of cross-cutting tasks to ensure standards development processes of the education and training sectors under the guardianship of Umalusi; the conceptual framing of research initiatives; development of curriculum guidelines in theoretical frameworks; manages comparative research initiatives and international benchmarking, the analysis of assessment items, provides guidance in curriculum development and evaluation and develops research tools/instruments. External moderator Unisa: Hons courses
Previous:Lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand (Wits): Curriculum Division; ACE Academic co-ordinator, materials developer for teacher training; curriculum development team; inter-institutional work for Unisa
Publications:Co-writer of three books on learning programme development and curriculum studies. Articles and conference papers are on instructional design and assessment practices, research findings from curriculum analysis, the application of typologies as teaching strategy and the impact of feedback as a feed forward process.
Interests: Biofeedback technology, holistic and integrated health practices, growing bonsai and orchids and involvement in NGO (community development) initiatives.
Name and surnameSACE or HPCSA number
Land line number
Cell phone number
Postal address
E-mail Address
Fax number
IACESA member / YES / NO
Payment method
Payment date and reference
Signature and date
Please complete the registration form by typing the information on the formand fax or email registration form with the proof of payment to the IACESA Secretariat, for attention: Magda Kloppers (Fax: 016 910 3078) or e-mail:)
Registration cost for seminar:
R100 for IACESA members and R140 for non-members
- Electronic payments can be made to:Nedbank, Branch Code 198 765; Account No 1071 270 680.
- Please ensure that youfax or email the registration form and deposit slip with the following reference: SURNAME/ SCHOOL 30 July 2016 (not later than 27 July 2016).
- Payments by cheque should be made out to IACESA
- Each person should complete his/her own registration form
- For queries about Cape Town IACESACog Ed Seminars contact Elsefie on 021900 3260 or 082772 0870 during office hours