Senyor Santo Niño de Cebu

Catholic Church

Religious Education

Parent – Student Handbook

CY 2017-18





Director of Religious Education






RE Staff



Religious Education Ministry


“Let the little children come to me; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mk 10:14

The Parish Community of Santo Niño Catholic Church is dedicated to developing and maintaining a Religious Education Program that aids parents in the development of the Catholic faith of their children and other members of the family.

Religious Education Program is an important part of our Church life and we hope that you and your family will participate with us fully. This is a strong family based program set in Catholic doctrine and tradition. We recognize parents as the children’s first and foremost teacher of the faith and, therefore, expect your involvement at all levels of your child’s/children’s religious education.

Our goals are to:

  1. Encourage adults and more importantly the parents to put into action such faith by being involved in the community’s life, liturgy, and faith formation.
  1. Teach our children Catholic faith and doctrines and apply that to their daily life.
  1. Build a trusting and supportive faith community.
  1. Embrace our Catholic Faith.
  1. Increase the awareness, understanding, appreciation, and involment in faith formation.


Registration is available after every weekend Mass in July and August. Late registration ends on October 15, 2017 for students receiving their sacraments provided all requirements are turned in in a timely manner (see pp. 10).


1.Religious Education begins on September 10, 2017 for orientation of parents and children and ends on May 13, 2018. Confirmation will continue until the week before Confirmation date (determined by the archdiocese)

2. Classes are held every Sunday morning unless indicated on the calendar at the end of this handbook.

3. Classes are from 9:30-10:00, followed by Mass, and continues right after from 11:05 to 11:45. Confirmation schedule will be discussed in the Confirmation class.

4. An integral part of religious education program is the participation of the students and family members in the Sunday Eucharistic celebration of the Mass.

5.A book and folder will be issued per enrolled student.

  1. Pews will be reserved for students and their family members during the 10AM Youth Mass. Families are encouraged to join their students within this reserved section.
  1. Reconciliation will be held monthly throughout the catechetical year for ALL who have received the sacrament of Holy Communion. Catechists will always offer this sacrament in the beginning of every session.


1.Children are expected to attend all classes. Exceptions are made for students who are ill or have permission to be absent from the RE office. Please contact us if your child will be absent. Excused absences will not be counted against student attendance.

2. The Religious Education office will notify the parents after the child has missed three classes and a make-up class will need to be scheduled. Students in sacramental classes may need to retake the program if attendance expectations are not met.

3.Parents are requested to bring their student/s on time for classes and join them in class on the 4th Sunday of every month. If a child cannot stay for Mass, turn in your signed attendance using the sheet attached.

4. Parents have to register with the Religious Education office at least two names of designated persons to pick up the child. If the child is picked up by someone other than the two registered names, a written request is needed by the Religious Education Office prior to the date of pick up. A picture identification is required.


Behavioral concerns:

1.The teacher will first speak to the child about his/her behavior and the expectation/s in his/her class.

2. If the behavior continues to be a problem, the child will be asked to call his/her parents and be picked up from the class.

3.Use of cellphone during class will result in disciplinary action. If it is necessary for a student to bring a cell phone in the classroom, they must keep it on silent mode, not in vibrate, and in a pocket or purse.


Regular Registration fee ...... $50.00

Family of Two ...... $75.00

Family of Three...... $100.00

Additional fees:

Confirmation…………………………………………...…...... $15.00

First Communion.…………………………………………....$15.00

Family of 2 or more students...... $25.00


Santo Niño Catholic Church Religious Education scholarship is a financial aid from generous members of the parish to help children of the parish to receive catechesis. A scholarship is available when generous parishioners respond to the call of the work of the Church. This financial aid covers only the registration fee. Sacramental fees and other fees will be the responsibility of the parents or guardians.


To avail of the scholarship, the parent/s or the guardian will do the following:

  1. Fill out a form requesting for financial aid.
  2. Follow up to ensure approval of the request.
  3. Participate actively in all the parish events.
  4. Perform volunteer work.
  5. Make payment plans when the request is denied.


The celebration of the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion) normally takes place when the child is in the 2nd grade. This is a 2-year program.


1.Must be a registered parishioner of SenyorSto. Niño Parish.

2.Must complete registration form, and pay the required fees.

3.Weekly family participation in the Sunday Liturgy.

4.Weekly and timely class attendance.

5.Must have attended a year of Religious Education. Transferees need certification letter from previous parish.

6.Family involvement in the parish community.

7.Interview with a staff member of the Religious Education Ministry.

8. A copy of birth and baptismal certificates (from a Catholic Church) must be submitted.

9.Godparents are optional. Godparents must be practicing Catholics.

10.All children are required to attend the retreat and rehearsal.

11.The entire class will coordinate a service project benefitting the parish or a charitable Christian organization.

12. Other detailed requirements, approved by the RE office, particular to the First Confession and First Communion will be given in writing by the teacher.

13. Parents of candidates are required to attend an adult formation class. Sponsors are encouraged to attend as well.


It is the mission of the Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation to equip and strengthen each baptized person to follow Jesus faithfully and to carry out the responsibilities of being a Christian. “From this fact, Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace:it roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, "Abba! Father!" It unites us more firmly to Christ;it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;it renders our bond with the Church more perfect;it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross” (see CCC 1303)

The classes for Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation Yr. 2 begin during the orientation day and end on June 4. Confirmation date will be determined by the Office of the Bishop.


1.Must be a registered parishioner of Santo Nino Catholic Church.

2.Must complete a registration form, and pay the required fees.

3.A copy of birth, baptismal, and First Communion certificates.

4.Must be in 8th grade through high school.

5. A minimum of two consecutive years of religious education is required prior to reception of the Sacrament. Transferees need a certification letter of Religious Education attendance from previous parish Church.

6. Attendance in all classes, Confirmation Retreats* and rehearsal.

7. Weekly family participation in the Sunday Liturgy.

8. Membership and active participation in at least 1 ministry in Sto. Nino De Cebu Parish.

9. 30 hours of community service. 15 hours on church -based service and 15 hours for community–based service.

10. A Confirmation sponsor is required. Sponsors must be confirmed and practicing Catholics. The Church encourages Baptismal godparents to be Confirmation sponsors.

11.Additional class days are designated for parents to be present with their student/s. Parents should be available on these days. Parents and sponsors are welcome to attend any class session with their child.

12. Parents of candidates are required to attend an adult formation class. Sponsors are encouraged to attend as well.

13. The entire class will coordinate a service project benefitting the parish or a charitable Christian organization.


Two retreats are required for every candidate, their parents/guardians, and/or sponsors. Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation must attend the assigned weekend retreats prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Candidates not able to attend the retreat willmake special arrangements with the Director of Religious Education to attend another retreat.


All high school juniors/seniors who have been confirmed are welcome and encouraged to continue their parish involvement through the Religious Education program as teacher aides, substitutes, partner-teacher, participate in the Parish Youth Ministry activities, and be proclaimers of the Word as lectors. All parish youth are strongly encouraged to continue to deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith through engaging in parish catechetical programs.


As members of the faith community in Senyor Santo Niño de Cebu Catholic Church, we commit ourselves to personal discipleship nurtured through prayer, music, dialogue and study of the Word and the Christian faith. We believe catechesis is a collaborative effort between the family and the parish community. Therefore, our parish is providing Faith Formation Programs to help parents in teaching their children about the Catholic faith. Our program is not a "drop-off" program, rather, parents are required to share in the activities and formation of their children.

In the Sacramental Rites of Marriage and Baptism, the Church clearly affirms that parents bear the responsibility to teach and practice the faith with their children. Prayer and participation in Sunday worship are essential for children to grasp the essentials of our faith.


Adult Faith Formation……………….... Sun. 9:30-10:00 AM

Faith Seeking Understanding…………. Saturdays 9-12nn

Parish Bible Study………………….…. Mon. 7:00-8:30PM


Pre-K & K*Angel Velasquez & Mel Garcia

Esther Rodriguez

Communion Yr 1 (Eng)Reyna Aguilar & ElinorAcebu (assistant)

Communion Yr 1 (Span) Christina Barajas & Joaquin Casino (assistant)

Communion Yr 2Sockie Candelaria

Class 1 (+ Class 2 as needed)Ed Candelaria

Third GradeJhanePaguila

Fourth GradeDenielleNolasco

Fifth GradeSirLanceNolasco

Sixth GradeFlorence Alvarez

Seventh Grade Ralph Hernandez / Randall Garcia

Confirmation Yr 1Betty Childress

Jesse Childress (asst)

Confirmation Yr 2Doris Garza

Adult Faith Formation (Eng)Dr. Salvador Baylan

Faye Baylan

Adult Faith Formation (Sp) SixtaRoodettes

Bro. Juan Lopez

*we will separate this two classes depending on numbers.



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In our catechesis on the family, today we consider the vocation of families to educate their children, to raise them in the profound human values which are the backbone of a healthy society. This educational mission, essential as it is, nowadays encounters a variety of difficulties. Parents spend less time with their children and schools are often more influential than families in shaping the thinking and values of the young. Yet the relationship between family and school ought to be harmonious. Our children need sure guidance in the process of growing in responsibility for themselves and others. Christian communities are called to support the educational mission of families. They do this above all by living in fidelity to God’s world, cultivating faith, love and patience. Jesus himself was raised in a family; when he tells us that all who hear the word of God and obey are his brothers and sisters, he reminds us that for all their failings, our families can count on his inspiration and grace in the difficult but rewarding vocation of educating their children.

Credit to:


(mm/dd/yy) / Parish Attended / Pastor’s Signature / RE Ofc
Use Only


(mm/dd/yy) / Parish Attended / Pastor’s Signature / RE Ofc
Use Only

Parent Commitment Form

I understand that my role as a parent/legal guardian is a significant responsibility and will make it a priority. I look forward to working with the staff of SenyorSto. Nino De Cebu and, like the others, I:

  1. Support the Mission, Values and Goals of the Religious Education Ministry.
  2. Will offer my expertise to help ensure the health and success of the ministry.
  3. Will contribute significantly to fundraising and program activities, including offering suggestions of and introductions to potential donors, sponsors and grant makers, to involve the community in the success of faith formation of my child, myself, and our entire my family.
  4. Will work with the members of other ministries to promote the goals of the Religious Education Ministry to our most important audiences.
  5. Will prioritize the faith formation of my child/children and our entire family by participating in parish ministry volunteer work, attending faith formation regularly, attend mass as a family, and attend meetings and retreats accordingly required/recommended by the parish.
  6. Will commit to follow up with family discussions as recommended by the faith formation program at least once per week.
  7. Will coordinate with my child/children’s catechist/s for needs and inquiries pertinent to his/her/their faith formation by scheduling a meeting with the RE Office after class time.

I have read and fully agree to this Letter of Commitment and look forward to assisting the ministry in this role.

Parent1/Guardian 1 Print name ______

Signed ______Date ______

Parent2/Guardian 2 Print name ______Signed ______Date ______

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