UNCE Partnerships and Collaborations with Other UNR Colleges and Units

College of Business Administration

·  UNCE has worked with the Small Business Development Center in the College of Business Administration on several things over the years

·  Small Business Development Center classes are conducted at Extension’s Clark County Lifelong Learning Center

·  Buddy Borden is working with Kathy Carrico to implement the NxLevel training in Laughlin

·  A faculty member in College of Business Administration – Judy Strauss—worked with Tom Harris and Mike Havercamp on a community development project. She also got her students involved. She was awarded the UNCE Award of Excellence for a non-UNCE faculty member.

·  Glen Atkinson collaborated on a community development project in Lincoln County

·  UNCE partnered with the Small Business Development Center on NxLeveL’s Tilling the Soil of Opportunity (Harvest Your Future) training

·  Cooperative Extension provided a letter of support for COBA’s Center for Regional Economics

·  COBA provided a letter of support for UNCE’s Center for Excellence in Leadership and Civic Engagement

College of Education

·  Marilyn Smith collaborates with Gus Hill in Ed Leadership on Project MAGIC

·  The teacher proficiency exams administered through Ed Leadership have been given in the Clark County Cooperative Extension Building

·  Dan Weigel and Sally Martin have worked with Dianne Barrone in Education in literacy publication and education development

·  We fund 100% of Janet Usinger in Educational Leadership and she runs the Gear Up program

·  Marlene is currently collaborating with one or two faculty in Education on a Pyramid Lake project

·  Nevada 4-H Camp used by Dean’s Future Scholars

College of Engineering

·  4-H Discover Your Future teen camp on campus; work with Civil Engineering on educational tracks and presentations for teens. Overall the following people work with us: Ms. Carla Scott, Mr. Rod Savini and Environmental Engineering Presentations: Dr. Amy Childress, Dr. Eric Marchand and Structures Lab Presentations: Dr. Patrick La Place; and Soils Lab Presentations: Dr. Zong Tian. We also had demonstrations with the Earthquake simulator.

·  4-H Discover Your Future teen camp on campus work with Robotics: Dr. Monica Nicolescu.

·  Sue Donaldson worked with Keith Dennett & Eric Marchand on the Steamboat Creek on improving wetlands through education and research

·  UNCE collaborated with Ellen Jacobson in Engineering on youth programming related to energy

·  Bob Morris worked with Peter Sebaaly in Civil and Environmental Engineering on a project involving zeolite production

College of Liberal Arts

·  Loretta Singletary and Joanne Skelly are currently working with Emma Sepulveda in Foreign Languages and Literatures on a Hispanic needs assessment

·  Mike Havercamp facilitated department retreats for two separate departments in CLA

·  There has been work with Mariah Evans in Sociology and several UNCE faculty on a rangeland project

·  Marilyn Smith has worked with Matt Leone in Criminal Justice on Project MAGIC

·  UNCE collaborated with Foreign Languages to hold a two week intensive Spanish language school

·  Nevada 4-H Camp; Work with Lake Tahoe Music Camp

·  Dan Weigel works closely with Gwen Hullman in Speech Communications as well as various faculty in Psychology

·  Steve Hayes was the presenter at Cooperative Extension’s Diversity Day

·  Currently collaborating with Hugh Shapiro in History regarding a visit from a Chinese delegation

School of Journalism

·  We hire journalism interns to work with in the Dean’s Office

School of Medicine

·  Kerry Seymour is working with Barb Scott in the School of Medicine

·  Barb Scott also collaborated with Madeleine Sigman Grant on the Childhood Obesity Prevention in Nevada project

·  Madeleine Sigman Grant works with interns in the School of Medicine

·  Nevada 4-H camp has worked with Camp Buck for several years which is a diabetic camp for youth.

College of Health and Human Sciences

·  State specialists in HHS collaborate with UNCE on programs

·  We have an MOU for collaborations with the Center for Ethics and Health Policy in the College of Health and Human Sciences. In Southern Nevada, programs are promoted with both logos and they are housed in the Extension building.

·  Claudia Collins is working with Larry Weiss in the Sanford Center for Aging

·  Several students have been hired in our Washoe 4-H Afterschool program

·  Karen Copera-Frye from HDFS participated in a health initiative in Fallon and in the Aging Needs Assessment. She involved several students in the Fallon project.

·  Nora Constantino from the School of Public Health has been a partner on the Healthy Hearts Project

·  Rosalie Marinelli from Health Ecology worked on the Healthy Hearts Project

·  Debbie Mitchell from Human Development and Family Studies was a collaborator on the Aging Needs Assessment

·  Dan Weigel works closely with Eric Albers in Social Work and Paul Devereux in Public Health

·  Claudia Collins works with the Sanford Center for Aging on Single Point of Entry (Keeping seniors healthy & well-informed

·  CASAT classes for professionals getting BETA certification are held in the Clark County Lifelong Learning Center

·  Madeleine Sigman Grant is working with Melinda Hoskins in Nursing to develop a breastfeeding education program which involves students as educators

College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources

·  State Specialists in CABNR collaborate on UNCE programs

·  Faculty in range have collaborated with Berry Perryman on a project

·  Mike Teglas in Animal Biotechnology has been involved in a project with Ron Torell and David Thain

·  Jamie Benedict from Nutrition was a collaborator on a project with Don Breazeale

·  Maureen Kilkenny in Resource Economics (Stan’s wife) was a collaborator on a Lincoln County project with Holly Gatzke and Tom Harris

·  Ken Conley from the Gund Ranch collaborated on the Nevada Range School

·  Rang Narayanan collaborated with Don Breazeale on the bee pollination research

·  Nevada 4-H works with Dr. Carol M. Condit and graduate students on Discover Your Future; teen camp on campus. Six hour of intensive education training is offered to youth during this time.

·  Sue Donaldson worked with Mae Gustin and Laurel Saito on the Steamboat Creek improving wetlands through education and research

·  Ed Smith subcontracted with CABNR to do the rural fire assessment surveys

College of Science

·  Walter Barker and Eric Killian are currently working on a collaboration with faculty in the Mackay School of Earth Sciences & Engineering on a youth GIS/GPS program

·  We have just begun talking about the potential to work together with a faculty member in Biology

·  Faculty from Biology consulted with Willie Riggs on a rodent problem in Eureka County

·  Mackey School of Mines and Engineering in geography worked with State 4-H on GPS and GIS: Dr. Pat Guiberson and his graduate student.

Extended Studies

·  Carl Dahlen and Jim McClenahan are collaborating on a leadership institute

·  Extended Studies is working with UNCE on the International Master Gardener Conference

·  Both Marlene Rebori and Mike Havercamp have taught in an Extended Study non credit leadership certificate program

·  Extended Studies material are distributed through UNCE offices

Center for Research Design and Analysis

·  UNCE funds .25 FTE of the director of the Center


·  Gwenn Snow from the Office Research Protection was a collaborator on a project with Don Breazeal

·  Shernaaz Webster from Counseling Services has collaborated with UNCE on diversity programming. She won the 2007 UNCE Award of Excellence for a non-UNCE faculty member.

·  Several faculty and staff served on subcommittees and even lead efforts related to the Accreditation Review

·  Nevada 4-H Camp works with ASUN, Office of Perspective Students and the UNR Honor Program

·  Jacqueline Cashmere/Director of Development for Cooperative Extension works with all colleges in the efforts of fundraising support to solicit gifts of $10,000 or more for the University’s programs and/or projects.

·  Mike Havercamp’s work with the International Activities Committee

·  Sue Donaldson presented on low-impact development at the UNR Environmental Sciences and Health Seminar series

·  Moving Ahead: Preparing the Youth Development Professional Training sessions were offered for staff of 21st CCLC and collaborating staff, including Reno Recreation, Sparks Recreation, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Girl Scouts and UNR students who work at the sites

·  Mary Wilson is collaborating with Jill Wallace and Dian Lange in TLT to establish a live classroom distance education program