American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter


EffectiveAugust 23, 2004

Amended April 2014

Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter of Iowa State University

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of theAmerican Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter, hereafter referred to as ASCE, of Iowa State University, hereafter referred to as ISU, shall be to expose members to the real life challenges of civil engineering, to provide a support network, outreach and contacts for members, and to improve the image of civil engineering

Article III – Membership

Section 1: ASCE abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws and follows local ordinances and regulations.

Section 2: ASCE agrees to annually complete President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training and Advisor Training (if required).

  1. Eligibility

To be a member, s/he must be a full-time or part time engineering undergraduate or graduate student at IowaStateUniversity

  1. Membership

All members,with the exception of Faculty Advisor(s), Practitioner Advisor(s), Cabinet members, and first semester students,shall pay membership dues. A Membership Drive shall be conducted at the start of each semester prior to the first Speaker Meeting

  1. ASCE Cabinet members
  2. President
  3. Vice President
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Social Chair
  7. Public Relations and Recruitment Chair
  8. Webmaster
  9. Outreach Chair
  10. Engineering Student Council Representative
  11. Freshmen Representative
  12. Sophomore Representative
  13. SteelBridge Chair(s)
  14. Concrete Canoe Chair(s)
  15. Active members

In order to obtain active membership status for a semester, ASCE members must have completed at least the following requirements

  1. Pay semester dues in full except those previously mentioned
  2. Attend two (2) Speaker Meetings
  3. Attend one (1) Social Event
  4. Participate in at least one of the following:
  5. Attend one (1) Outreach Event
  6. Attend one (1) Event deemed as a “Special Event:
  7. Active member of Steel Bridge Team
  8. Active member of Concrete Canoe Team

Article IV – ASCE Government

  1. University Non-Discrimination Statement
  2. "Iowa State University (and ASCE) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Robinette Kelley, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, Title IX/ADA Coordinator, and Affirmative Action Officer,3350 Beardshear Hall,Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. 515 294-7612, "
  3. Faculty Advisor
  4. The Faculty Advisor position is a position that is filled by a faculty member whom fulfills this position for a timeframe that they choose. The Faculty Advisor position will only be voted upon when the current Faculty Advisor steps down from this position.
  5. One or more advisor(s) from the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, hereafter known as CCEE, Department, shall:
  6. Be recommended by the ASCE Student Chapter Cabinet
  7. Be subject toannualevaluation by the ASCE Cabinet to be submitted with the annual report
  8. Provide input for ASCE matters
  9. AttendCabinet Meetings
  10. Attend Speaker Meetings
  11. Practitioner Advisor

One or more advisor(s) who are registered professional civil engineers in central Iowa and are members of the Iowa Section of ASCE, shall:

  1. Be recommended by the ASCE Student Chapter Cabinet
  2. Be subject to annual evaluation by the ASCE Cabinet to be submitted with the annual report
  3. Provide input for ASCE matters
  4. Attend speaker meetings
  1. ASCE Cabinet

The following officers shall constitute the ASCE Cabinet:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Social Chair
  6. Public Relations and Recruitment Chair
  7. Webmaster
  8. Outreach Chair
  9. Engineering Student Council Representative
  10. Freshmen Representative
  11. Sophomore Representative
  12. SteelBridge Chair(s)
  13. Concrete Canoe Chair(s)
  1. Steel Bridge Team

The Steel Bridge Team will be run by the Steel Bridge Chair(s) as elected by active members of the Steel Bridge Team.

  1. Members of the Steel Bridge Team must be working toward active membership of ASCE
  1. Concrete Canoe Team

The Concrete Canoe Team will be run by the Concrete Canoe Chair(s) as elected by active members of the Concrete Canoe Team

  1. Members of the Concrete Canoe Team must be working toward active membership of ASCE
  1. Eligibility
  2. To be anASCE Cabinet members/he must be a full-time or part-time civil engineering discipline undergraduate student enrolled at Iowa State University and meet the following requirements:
  3. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum cumulative GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election, the semester of election and semesters during the term of office. For undergraduate students, the minimum GPA is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. If a student was involved in an internship the previous semester, the prior semester to the internship shall take effect.
  4. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office.
  5. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (i) and (ii).
  6. To be an ASCE Committee member, s/he must be a full-time or part-timeengineering undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at IowaStateUniversity
  7. The president of ASCE Cabinet shall have at leastone (1) year of experience on the ASCE Cabinet
  8. With the exception of Freshmen Representative and those students on a work term during the semester prior to Cabinet term, candidates must be active members of ASCE, as defined by Article III, Section B, during the semester prior to Cabinet term
  9. Students on a work term during the semester prior to Cabinet term must follow election requirements as defined in Article IV, Section J
  10. Election Process
  11. ASCE Cabinet
  12. All Cabinet positions will be subject to election every year; held at a elections event where current members will be present
  13. Elections for the following positions shall be held in April, the elected officers will begin their term with the Cabinet Exchange Meeting to be held in April or May
  14. President
  15. Vice President
  16. Secretary
  17. Treasurer
  18. Social Chair
  19. Public Relations and Recruitment Chair
  20. Webmaster
  21. Outreach Chair
  22. Engineering Student Council Representative
  23. Freshmen Representative
  24. Sophomore Representative
  25. SteelBridge Chair(s)
  26. Concrete Canoe Chair(s)
  27. Election process will be as follows: The person being elected must be nominated by two of his/her present members of ASCE, the nominated person will then accept or deny the nomination, if accepted, the nominated person will then give a speech to attending members on why they would do well in the nominated position, the nominated persons would then leave the room and a simple written vote would be cast and the winner would be determined by a simple majority.
  28. In the event that the term of election will involve a special event including but not limited to the Mid-West Regional Conference or Mid-West Regional Concrete Canoe Competition, one(1) or two (2) Special Events Chair(s) will be elected at the general Cabinet Elections and will be subject to all requirements for Cabinet Positions and will uphold responsibilities as defined in Article IV, Section L
  29. In the event that a Freshmen Representative is unable to be elected during Cabinet Elections, the Cabinet will appoint the Freshmen Representative during the fall semester
  30. Elections shall be run by President
  31. Nominations shall be taken at the Election Meeting
  32. Nominees will address all members present at the meeting in which the vote is taken with the exception of those candidates on work term
  33. Students on work term must write a statement of qualifications to be read by the President at the Election Meeting
  34. Nominees shall leave the meeting room during discussion and election of position
  35. Voting shall be done by secret ballot
  36. Outreach Committee shall count votes and report to President
  37. Competition Team Elections
  38. All competition team positions will be subject to election every year
  39. Elections for the following positions shall be held in March or April, but will be held before the Cabinet Elections in April. The elected officers will begin their term with the completion of the previous competition year
  40. SteelBridgeChair(s)
  41. Concrete Canoe Chair(s)
  42. Duration of office positions
  43. Cabinet positions will be one year except as defined by Article IV, Section K
  44. If a position is filled halfway through an academic year, the position will be vacated when the new elections take place
  45. Special Elections

A special election will be held in the following cases:

  1. A cabinet member is unable to fulfill responsibilities due to extenuating circumstances including but not limited to co-op work experience, study abroad, illness, etc
  2. A cabinet member fails to fulfill responsibilities and is terminated by cabinet
  1. Removal from Offices and Vacancies

ASCE Cabinet members may be removed from office for negligence or incompetence by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the attending ASCE Cabinet, provided that notice was given at the prior meeting

  1. Vacancy of the President
  2. In the event of a temporary absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President
  3. In the case of the permanent absence of the President, the Vice-President shall receive a confidence vote of ½ Cabinet members to assume the duties of the President. If this fails or the option is not taken, nominations and an election shall be held at the earliest possible consecutive meeting to elect a President to complete the term
  4. Vacancy of other ASCE Cabinet members
  5. In the event of a temporary absence of other Cabinet members, that position’s responsibilities will be allotted accordingly to the available Cabinet members
  6. Nominations and elections shall be held at the earliest possible consecutive meeting
  1. Duties of ASCE Cabinet members

All ASCE Cabinet members shall follow the requirements for active membership outlined in Article III, Section B. Failure to do so will result in removal from office in accordance with Article IV, Section K, and a special election for that position will be held at the next meeting of the semester in accordance with the Election Process outlined in Article IV, Section J.

  1. General Cabinet Duties
  2. All Cabinet members must complete and return applicable event forms to Secretary within one (1) week of the event.
  3. Attend all events unless prior notice is given.
  4. Assist in setting up before speaker meetings and kickoff events
  5. Attend all cabinet meetings.
  6. Assist in maintaining the ASCE office space.
  7. Become Serve-Safe certified through ISU for the safe handling of food
  8. Promote and encourage fellow ISU students to join and attend ASCE events.
  9. President
  10. Act as a liaison between faculty/college of engineering and Student Chapter
  11. Assist all other Cabinet Members as need to make ASCE as successful as possible
  12. Schedule and Conduct all Speaker Meetings, Cabinet Meetings, and Cabinet Elections
  13. Lead Cabinet and Chapter in setting goals for each semester with assistance from the secretary
  14. Conduct Annual Review of Faculty Advisor(s) and Practitioner Advisor(s)
  15. Plan Cabinet Exchange at the end of the term
  16. Present student chapter update at Iowa Section Meetings
  17. Attend dinner with presenters before all speaker meetings
  18. Assist Public Relations Chair in updating Velcro Board
  19. Update Student Organization Database and respond to inquiries sent via email through the Student Organization Database
  20. Provide ASCE members with a update on upcoming meetings weekly or as needed
  21. Ensure proper forms are signed at the end of the semester to ensure the club is in good standing with the university
  22. Schedule and plan the Iowa Joint Section Meeting at ISU
  23. Take notes and write report for Joint Section Meeting
  24. Order business cards at the beginning of each school year
  25. All other tasks, duties, and responsibilities not explicitly stated are the responsibility of the president to personally handle, or delegate to another chair
  26. Vice President
  27. Contact professionals for Speaker Meetings
  28. Schedule Speaker Meetings based on Speaker availability and ISU exam schedules
  29. Reserve classrooms and ITC equipment for Speaker Meetings, Cabinet Meetings, and Cabinet Elections
  30. Conduct Annual Review of Faculty Advisor(s) and Practitioner Advisor(s)
  31. Attend dinner with presenters before all speaker meetings
  32. Take notes and write report for Speaker Meetings
  33. Order nametags and Polos at the beginning of each semester
  34. Secretary
  35. Make a Cabinet contact list at the Cabinet Exchange
  36. Compile a list of all paid members after Membership Drive
  37. Set up general membership and cabinet email list
  38. Write minutes for all Cabinet Meetings, and Cabinet Elections
  39. Take attendance at all Cabinet Meetings, Speaker Meetings, Joint Section Meetings, and Cabinet Elections
  40. Compile attendance records to keep track of active membership and report to Cabinet at Cabinet meetings
  41. Work with Cabinet to compile and submit Annual Report
  42. Lead Cabinet and Chapter in setting goals for each semester with assistance from the President
  43. Treasurer
  44. Maintain weekly balance of funds available:
  45. Total ASCE balance
  46. General fund balance
  47. SteelBridge balance
  48. Concrete Canoe balance
  49. Collect dues at Membership Drive
  50. Deposit checks and cash weekly, or as needed
  51. Pick up receipts and ledger in B4 Memorial Unionmonthly
  52. Confirm Student Organizations balance matches Club’s records monthly
  53. Ensure all travel accommodations are paid for at least one week in advance, including but not limited to hotels, vehicles, food, registration fees
  54. Provide a statement of the budget to CCEE Department Chair for all allocations
  55. Arrange conference funding for students, Faculty Advisor(s) and Practitioner Advisor(s), as appropriate
  56. All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
  57. Order Fundamentals of Engineering Review Materials, which includes both general and civil manuals
  58. Social Chair
  59. Organize and plan all social functions
  60. Take attendance at all social functions and submit attendance records to secretary at least one week before all Cabinet Meetings
  61. Organize and run Social Committee
  62. Submit complete active Social Committee membership list to Secretary no more than one (1) week after a time set under the discretion of the committee leader
  63. Coordinate with Treasurer and design, order and distribute t-shirts annually for ASCE
  64. Organize travel arrangements with Treasurer for all conferences
  65. Public Relations and Recruitment Chair
  66. Organize and run Recruitment Committee
  67. Submit complete active Recruitment Committee membership list to Secretary no more than one (1) week after a time set under the discretion of the committee leader
  68. Create and post flyers of upcoming events at least one week prior to scheduled date of events
  69. Update layout of the bulletin board and display caseeach semester, update content of board and display case periodically as needed
  70. Update CCEE Communication Specialist on ISU ASCE events through press releases and copies of pictures
  71. Compile Chapter Newsletter as described in Article V, Section E
  72. Plan the Membership Drive each semester.
  73. Take Photos at all events or delegate to freshman or sophomore representatives
  74. Upload photos to P-drive one week after all events
  75. Assist President in updating Velcro Board
  76. Continually promote continued recruitment and advertisements of ASCE to current and potential ASCE members
  77. Webmaster
  78. Maintain and continually develop ASCE website
  79. Update website with Active Membership at the end of the semester
  80. Update website calendar with all Cabinet Meetings, Speaker Meetings, Joint Section Meetings, and Cabinet Elections as final dates are decided
  81. Update google calendar with all other events after Cabinet Meeting or Speaker Meeting when eventsare first announced
  82. Update website with Speaker Meeting summaries and Weekly Updates
  83. Manage Net-ID’s with access to the P-Drive
  84. Outreach Chair
  85. Take attendance at all Outreach Events and submit attendance records to secretary at least one (1) week after an event
  86. Recruit and schedule student volunteers at outreach activities
  87. Act as a contact for members of theCollege of Engineering Outreach and Recruitment Office, CCEE department, or Amescommunity to reach ASCE members
  88. Attend ISU Volunteer Fair for Outreach ideas and opportunities
  89. Engineering Student Council Representative
  90. Attend all Engineering Student Council meetings
  91. Update ASCE Cabinet and general membership on Engineering Student Council announcements at each Cabinet Meeting and Speaker Meeting
  92. Freshmen Representative
  93. Act as a liaison between Freshmen in CCEE and ASCE, and encourage attendance at ASCE events
  94. Assist in advertising events (Hanging Posters, Writing on Classroom whiteboards)
  95. Assist all Cabinet Members in creating successful events through encouraging attendance, and assisting with set up and tear down
  96. Sophomore Representative
  97. Act as a liaison between Sophomores in CCEE and ASCE, and encourage attendance at ASCE events
  98. Assist in advertising events (Hanging Posters, Writing on Classroom whiteboards)
  99. Assist all Cabinet Members in creating successful events through encouraging attendance, and assisting with set up and tear down
  100. SteelBridge Chair(s)
  101. Complete all competition requirements as defined by the AISC National Steel Bridge Competition Rules and attend Mid-WestRegional Steel Bridge Competition
  102. Plan, publicize and conduct all Steel Bridge Team meetings and events
  103. Coordinate with treasurer to plan for Regional and National Competition budget and travel arrangements
  104. Coordinate fundraising and manage budget for all SteelBridge expenses
  105. Update chapter on progress and upcoming events at each Cabinet
  106. Submit updated active membership list to Secretary once per month
  107. Concrete Canoe Chair(s)
  108. Complete all requirements as defined by the MBT National Steel Bridge Competition Rules and attend the Mid-West Regional Concrete Canoe Competition
  109. Plan, publicize and conduct all Concrete Canoe Team meetings and events
  110. Coordinate with treasurer and social chair to plan for Regional and National Competitions
  111. Coordinate fundraising and manage budget for all Concrete Canoe expenses
  112. Update chapter on progress and upcoming events at each Cabinet Meeting
  113. Submit updated active membership list to Secretary once per month
  114. Special Events Chair(s)

i.Define a schedule and critical dates of competition