Sept. 22, 2016 Equinox Meditation
Jacklyn Johnston’s You Awakening
The Influx of the Unfathomable Patterns of Perfection
for the New Earth
by Patricia Cota-Robles
The Portal of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection above Alaska was open to full breadth on August 17, 2016, the 29th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence.
Once the Portal of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection was fully opened NEW and previously unknown Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God instantaneously flooded into the Mental and Emotional Strata of Beloved Mother Earth. These patterns, which the Company of Heaven said were previously unfathomable to the finite minds of even the most Awakened Lightworkers, are now filtering into the Mental and Emotional Bodies of every person on Earth. This is occurring through the Divinity of each person’s newly Healed Heart and Heart Chakra.
Now the I AM Presence of every person is encoding the Infinite Patterns of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection onto our DNA structures which, in wondrous ways, will greatly accelerate Humanity’s ability to Transcend our self-inflicted challenges and miscreations.
The Company of Heaven revealed that as the NEW patterns filter into our conscious minds through our Mental and Emotional Bodies, they will assist Humanity en masse to move forward in the Light more effectively than anything Lightworkers have ever experienced.
Within the full dominion of each person’s I AM Presence, day by day, these new patterns will reveal themselves to Humanity through our intuitive thoughts, our compassionate feelings, our meditations and our dreams. As we ACCEPT, EXPECT and KNOW that these patterns are now tangibly available to ALL of us, we will tap into them and receive the inspired ideas, brilliant innovations, amazing creations and Life-transforming ways of manifesting Heaven on Earth that they contain.
TODAY, in this ETERNAL MOMENT OF NOW, the Company of Heaven will join us as we secure the highest Divine Intent of these NEW Patterns of Perfection from the CAUSAL Body of God. Together we will cocreate an invincible Forcefield of Divine Purity to protect this unformed Primal Light as is enters the physical plane of Earth through Humanity’s Earthly Bodies and our sacred Heart Flames.
Now we will join together to seal every electron of precious Life energy associated with the New Patterns of Perfection from the CAUSAL Body of God in an invincible Forcefield of God’s Purity and Divine Love.
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the full power of the Threefold Flame pulsating in my Heart and the Hearts of ALL Humanity, I speak directly to the intelligence within every electron of precious Life energy associated with the Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God that are now flowing through the Newly Opened Portal of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection.
Blessed Electrons, through the Power of God, I AM, I command that the Flame of Purity in the central core of your Being now EXPAND, EXPAND and EXPAND continuously and permanently to instantly transform anything less than the Immaculate Concept of the Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God as they flood through each person’s Newly Healed Heart Flame and Heart Chakra.
Through the power of God, I AM, I direct the Crystalline-white Flame of Purity to remove any shadows cloaking the electrons within the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of every man, woman and child on Earth, and remove any shadows cloaking the electrons existing in the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Beloved Mother Earth.
Oh, Sacred Flame of Purity, cast all shadows into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. Transmute every rate of vibration which is discordant and Transmute every rate of vibration that is causing any form of limitation in my life or in the World.
As the Flame of Purity quickens the vibratory rate of each electron, I witness every cloak of darkness now being cast into this powerful Violet Flame. All shadows created by Humanity’s past misuse of God’s Precious Gift of Life are instantly Transmuted into radiant Light.
Through the Grace of God, I AM experiencing this very moment the blazing white Light of Purity expanding, expanding and expanding in every electron on Earth until anything causing limitation in my life or on the planet can no longer exist.
As the power of God, I AM, I accept that this purification is being accomplished NOW even as I call, through the most intensified activity of the Flame of Purity ever known on Earth.
I accept that this purification is Victoriously accomplished right here and right NOW.
I accept that this sacred Flame of Purity will daily and hourly intensify within the Core of Purity in every electron with every breath I take.
I AM the Immaculate Concept of my I AM Presence abiding within my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, and I AM holding the sacred space until ALL Life on this sweet Earth is manifesting the Patterns of Perfection flowing through the newly opened Portal of God’s First CAUSE of Perfection.
I now invoke a Cosmic Dispensation from my Father-Mother God on behalf of the precious electrons associated with the Patterns of Perfection now flowing into the Mental and Emotional strata of Earth from the Causal Body of God.
In the full power and authority of the Presence of God, I AM, I make this call to our Father God, the Celestial Giver of ALL Life and to our Mother God, the Beloved Holy Spirit. I invoke a Cosmic Dispensation that no longer may the Electronic Light substance that forms the Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God be misqualified or imperfectly clothed by the Sons and Daughters of God.
I invoke a COSMIC DISPENSATION wherein these electrons will be INVULNERABLY CHARGED WITH PURITY’S FLAME IN ACTION and passing through Humanity’s Heart Chakras, which are the Open Doors for their expression in the physical world, the Electronic Light will remain within an invincible armor of Divine Love, emitting perfection, but allowing none of the discord of our physical, etheric, mental or emotional bodies to change the vibratory action, color or sound of their COMFORTING PRESENCE.
I now contemplate, for a moment, what this Cosmic Dispensation will mean, and. I begin to fathom the blessing our heartfelt call to the Flame of Purity is for these precious electrons now serving all Life on this Blessed Planet. I realize, as never before, that I have come to Earth to Love Life free, and through my concentrated efforts—SO I SHALL! And so it is, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.