Ist Year M.D., Department of Post Graduate Studies in RasaShastra
S.J.G. Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Gavimath Campus
Koppal-583231, Karnataka
The Registrar,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Bangaluru, Karnataka
The Principal and the Head of the Department of RasaShastra
S.J.G. Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Gavimath Campus
Koppal-583231, Karnataka
Respected Sir,
Sub: Regarding the submission of completed Proforma for Registration of subject for Dissertation
I request you to kindly register the below mentioned subject against my name for the submission of dissertation to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangaluru, Karnataka for the partial fulfillment of M.D. (Ayurveda).
Title of the Dissertation
Here with I am enclosing complete proforma for registration of the subject for dissertation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Place: Koppal
1. /Name of the candidate & Address
KERALA 695042
2. / Name of the Institution / : / DEPT OF P.G STUDIES IN RASASHASTRA
3. / Course of Study & Subject / : / Ayurveda Vachaspathi m.d.(aY)
4. / Date of Admission to the Course / : / 30-10-2010
6. Brief resume of the intended work: -
6.1 Need for the study:
Ayurveda the knowledge of life science says, there is no substance in this world which cannot be use for medicinal purpose. They also indicated that a deadly poison can be used as medicine if used with logic1.
Our Acharya’s had considered jwara as first to be manifested amongst all diseases2 .It is also mentioned that jwara is a condition which causes santapa of deha and manas3. Fever is the part of body’s response to disease, it may be beneficial to the body and in many occasions there will be derangement of metabolic function.
Mrithunjaya rasa is one of the promising and clinically efficacious medications for jwara as referred in many classics4 like Rasa ratna sammuchaya5,Rasendra Chudamani6, Ayurveda Prakash7, Bhaishajya ratnavali8,Yogaratnakar9 etc. .There are variations in ingredients , method of preparation , dosage and anupana according to different texts as mentioned above. Hence a humble effort is planned to conduct a pharmaceutical, analytical and experimental evaluation of “Mrithunjaya rasa w.s.r to its Anti-pyretic action” as per the standard reference in Yogaratnakar with dose of one masha4.
Trial is done to prepare the Mrithunjaya rasa following reference in Yogaratnakara jwaraadhikara with the hypothesis that the final product will have higher potency, longer shelf life and good acceptance to meet the trend of fast moving people of present era.
6.2Review of Literature:
Ayurvedic literatures and Modern texts are reviewed and screened at appropriate places, to test the hypothesis mentioned.
For this the review of literature is planned under 3 chapters.
i)Drug review:
The formulation for the present study is selected from Yogaratnakara (Yogaratnakara jwarachikitsa prakaranam page numb..192.sloka number..38 39 40(rasa prakaranam)
Various classics of rasa shastra will be screened for the anti-pyretic properties, mode of action & the therapeutic value of the various drugs as ingredients of Mrithunjaya rasa.
ii)Pharmaceutical review:
The pharmaceutical processes involved in the study are-
Mrithunjaya rasa- As per Classical reference.
Various classics are reviewed for the description of pharmaceutical processes.
iii)Disease review:
Ancient classics, contemporary texts (Ayurvedic and Modern), previous works, journal etc will be reviewed for relevant information.
Previous work done
1 Lauha mrityunjayarasa ka nirman evam yakrit pleehodara vyadhi vinashatmaka pareekshana ek adhyana by dr audichya 1996 Rajasthan university M.M.M ayurveda college Jaipur
2 A clinical study on amavata (jvara orgin) & its management with mrityunjayarasa by dr patil dilip kumar 1999 Gopabandhu ayurveda mahavidyalaya Utkal university Bhuvaneswar
6.3 Objectives of the study:
- To prepare “Mrithunjaya rasa” as per classical reference.
- To evaluate “Mrithunjaya rasa” for its organoleptic, physico-chemical and pharmaceutical tests.
- To evaluate the anti-pyretic efficacy of “Mrithunjaya rasa” experimentally in animal model by brewer’s yeast method.
- To evaluate the anti-pyretic effect of trial drugs in comparison with standard drug Paracetamol.
7. Materials and Methods: -
7.1 Source of data:
This being a pharmaceutical and experimental study the source of data will be under 3 headings.
a) Pharmaceutical source:-
The formulation selected for present study, Mrithunjaya rasa(yogratnakara-jwara adhikara) will be prepared in the Pharmacy attached to Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G Center, Koppal.
b) Analytical study:-
All the trial drugs will be subjected for the physico-chemical analysis.
Different analytical procedures will be carried, are like-
Physico chemical parameters / Qualitative tests / Quantitative tests- Mrithunjaya rasa
b) Acid insoluble ash
c) Extractive values (Methanol, Water ) / a)TLC
b)XRD / a) Free mercury
b) Free sulphur
and other tests will be carried as possible in the Laboratory attached to Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G Center,Koppal.
c) Experimental source:-
The experimental source based on study design as per standard reference10,11 including healthy albino rats of either sex, which are maintained under standard conditions in the animal house attached to Shri B.M.K Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya & Hospital shahpur Belgaum .590003
7.2 Method of Collection of data (Including sampling procedures):
a) Sample:
18 Albino rats will be selected randomly.
b) Grouping:
Each group contains 6 rats & will be kept in separate cages.
Sl. No. / Grouping / No. of Rats / Drug / Dose/200gm.wt1. / Control / 6 / Distilled water / 2ml
2. / Standard drug / 6 / Paracetamol Tab powder / 9mg
3. / Trial drug / 6 / Mrithunjaya rasa powder / 18mg
c) Inclusion Criteria:
- Healthy albino rats of either sex.
- Weight - 150 to 200gms.
d) Exclusion Criteria:
- Rats weighing below 150gms & above 200gms.
- Diseased and infected.
- Pregnant rats.
- Rats which are under trial for other experiments.
e) Procedure10,11:
- Animals will be kept on fasting over night.
- Next morning the initial rectal temperature of all rats will be recorded with digital
- Suspension prepared of 20% dried Brewer’s Yeast in normal saline, is to be injected
subcutaneously in a dose of 1ml/100gm of body weight.
- After 2 hour of induction of fever, the respective trial drugs are to be administered.
- The dose for rats is determined by using Paget Barne’s table Method (rat dose conversion formula)
Rat dose/ kg body.wt = Human dose × Surface area Factor (0.018) × 5
- Group-I will be observed as control. The animals of this group will receive distilled water 2ml/200gm.wt.
- Group-II will be standard group. The standard drug i.e. Paracetamol tab powder 9mg/200gm.wt, will be administered with a suitable solvent.
- 90mg of standard drug (Paracetamol) will be added with 10ml of suitable solvent and mixed well. Thus 1ml suspension may contain 9mg of Paracetamol approximately. So 1ml of this suspension will be administered for rats as a single dose.
- Group-III is trial groups. The rats will receive Trial drug Mrithunjaya rasa powder form in a dose as per standard rat dose conversion formula with a suitable solvent.
- Rectal temperature will be recorded at regular interval of one hour until the end of experiment.
- The readings will be tabulated and analyzed statistically.
f) Duration:
Single dose(1 day).
g) Observation:
Rectal temperature should be recorded with Digital Thermometer.
- Before administering Brewer’s Yeast (Normal temperature)
- 18 hour after administering Brewer’s Yeast (Temperature grade) and albino rats having temperature more than 38 degree centigrade would be randomly divided into three groups and this would be zero hour temperature .
- 0 to 4th hour after administering the trial drugs.
- 0 to 4th hour after administering the standard drug.
- 0 to 4th hour after administering the control drug.
h) Comparison:
All groups are inter-compared-
- Trial drug is compared with Control Group.
- Trial drug is compared with Standard Group.
i) Statistical test:
Unpaired student’s ‘t’ test and ‘f’ test12.
7.3 Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on patients or other human or animal? If so, please describe briefly:
Yes, the experiment will be conducted on albino rats of either sex maintained under standard conditions (food and water etc.).
It needs intervention as at every hour rectal temperature is to be recorded.
7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case 7.3?
Yes, ethical clearance has been obtained through the ethical committee formulated in the institution.
8. References: -
- Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, English translation by Sharma Ramakaran and Dash Bhagwan, Varanasi Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 3rd Ed., 1998;,
Chapter no.-1, Sutra sthana, Sloka no.-126, 60 pp
- Acharya Charaka, Chraka samhitha, English translation by Sharma Ramakaran and Dash Bhagwan, Varanasi Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Office, 3rd Ed., 1998, Chapter no.-1, Nidana sthana, Sloka no.-16, 17 pp
- Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, English translation by Sharma Ramakaran and Dash Bhagwan, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 3rd Ed., 1998; Chapter no.-3, Chikitsa sthana, Sloka no.- 4, 108 pp
- Vaidhya Nagin Das Chhagan Lal Shah, Bharat Bhaisajya Ratnakar , with Bhavaprakash commentary in hindi by Vaidhya Gopinath Bhishagratna,Volume IV,page 255-259.
- Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna Samucchaya, editor Ambikadatta Shastri, 9th edition, Varanasi: Choukhamba Ambarabharati Prakashana, 1998, chapter 12.
- Acharya Somadeva, Rasendra Chudamani, editor Siddhinanadana Mishra, 3nd edition, Varanasi : Choukhamba Orientalia, 1999.
- Acharya Madhava, Ayurveda Prakasha, editor Gularaja Sharma Mishra, Varanasi : Choukhamba Bharateeya Academy, 1999, chapter 1.
- Acharya Govind Das, Bhaisajya ratnavali sanskrit text with Hindi translation, translated by Pandit Kavirajnarendranathmitrapad, published by Motilalbanarasidas publishers 6th Ed: Chapter no.-1, Sloka no. - 418, 53 pp
- Yogaratnakara, Vidyotini, hindi commentary by Laxmipati Shastri, 5th edition, Varanasi, Choukhamba Sanskrit Samsthana, 2008, Poorvardha, Jwaradhikara, p. 244.
- Murugesan T, Mandal SC, Bhakta T, Das J, Pal M,Saha BP. Evaluation of anti-pyretic potential of Jussiaea suffrutucosa Linn. Extract in rats.Phytomedicine, 7: 231-234, 2000.
- Chattopadhyay D, Arunachalam G, Mandal AB, Mandal SC. Evaluation of antipyretic activity of leaf extracts of Mallotus peltatus (Geist) Muell. Arg. var acuminatus: A Folk medicine. Phytomedicine, 9: 727-730, 2002.
- Snedecor GW, Cochran WG. editors. Statistical Methods, New Delhi, IBH Publishing Company. 1979.
9. Signature of the Candidate:
10. Remarks of the Guide:
The pharmacological study taken up in the project would go a long way in elevating the doubts of the modern thought regarding the efficacy of the time tested Rasa Preparation.
11. Name and designation of guide :
11.1. Guide : DR. P.H.C. MURTHY, M.D (AYU)
11.2 Signature:
11.3 Co –guide :DR. SHASHIDHAR.J , M.D(AYU)
11.4 signature :
11.5 Head of the department : DR.P.H.C. MURTHY , M.D(AYU)
11.7 Signature:
12.1 Remarks of Principal: The above synopsis is scrutinized by the Scientific Committee post graduate studies and research centre, of S. J.G Ayurvedic Medical College Koppal and submitted for registration as subject of dissertation at R.G.U.H.S, Bengaluru .Karnataka.
12.2 Signature: