1. Contact details
Name of applicant:
Contact name:
Email address for lead contact/project manager:
Is the applicant member of ICA?
2. Project Scope and Relevance
2a. Project Title:
2a. What issue(s) does the project address? (Please explain in 100 words or less)
2b. What activities will the project undertake? (Please explain in 100 words or less)
2c. Please explain below how the project supports the achievement of the six objectives in ICA’s Strategic Direction as agreed by the 2008 General Assembly? (For details of the strategic direction, please see the Programme Commission pages on the ICA website)
2d. Which geographical area(s) or ICA Region(s) will the project cover? (Please list below)
2e. What benefits will the project bring to archive organisations or people involved with records and archives in these areas?
2f. If the project is not focused on a specific geographical area, whom is the project aimed at and how will they benefit from it?
2g. What are the concrete results to be expected from this project?
3. Project Management and Success Factors
3a. Is there a Project Plan?
If YES, please provide a copy.
If NO, what is the estimated completion date?
Are there interim milestones or deadlines to keep the project on track?
3b. What risks are there to the success of the project and how will you deal with them? (Please give details)
3c. How much experience do you have of managing projects:
¨ None
¨ A little
¨ Considerable
Please give details:
3d. How will you ensure the project is managed successfully?
3e. How do you propose to keep ICA members informed about the progress of the project?
3f. What final products will the project provide? How will these products be made available to ICA and its members?
3g. How will you measure the success of your project?
3h. How will you ensure the maintenance and sustainability of the project?
4. Project Costs (Please indicate currency, $ or €)
4a. Total cost of the project:
4b. Funding provided by applicant:
4c. Funding from other sources (please specify):
4d. Funding requested from ICA
If you request funding from ICA:
- what is the amount requested?
- How will ICA funding be used? (please provide a budget)
4e. Do you plan to request additional funding from ICA next year? If so, please identify what project activities you will be asking ICA to fund.
5. Project Partners (please list each partner individually)
5a. Name:
5b. Type of organisation:
5c. Role in this Project:
5d. What support will this partner give?
5e. How will co-ordination between the partners be assured?
5f. Is the partner a member of ICA?
6. Prospects for the Project if ICA is unable to provide funding
6a. If ICA is unable to fund this project, will it (tick one)
¨ Go ahead with support from other bodies?
¨ Go ahead more slowly?
¨ Not go ahead?
6b. If ICA is unable to fund your project, do you wish PCOM to give it formal endorsement? (The advantages of ICA endorsement are given in in the Guide for Applicants)
¨ Yes
¨ No
6c. Would you like the Programme Commission to give you advice on other possible funding sources, partnerships, or on the project development?
7. ICA Membership
7a. Are you or is your institution a member of ICA?
7b. If you are not yet member of ICA: do you intend to be?