MarkingWorld Wetlands Day (WWD) 2017

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on the 2nd February, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971. Parties to the Ramsar Convention – including Ireland - commit to the wise use ofwetlands and more specific measures.

The theme for WWD 2.2. 2017 is “Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction”.It’s a pertinent theme for Ireland where plans to handle flood and coastal erosion risks are hotly debated.

The key message is that Wetlands play an important role in reducing the impact of extreme weather events such as storm surges floods and droughts.Intact coastal wetlands with seaweed buffers reduce the impact of storm waves. We -that is communities, journalists and decision makers - need to better understand, protect and indeed restore these and other wetland functions. For more information, please see

Things YOU can do:

1.Be informed: set aside to learn more about the role of wetlandsin flood and erosion risk reduction.There are excellent materials on the Ramsar wetland website see also IUCN overview on and teacher materials on

2.Enter or entice a young person(18 – 25 years old) to enter the Wetlands Youth Photo Contest, organized by the Ramsar Convention bureau. Up to 3 photos taken and uploaded between 2 Feb and 2 March 2017in/of a wetland which has disaster risk reduction functions.

3.Organise an event or activity on WWD or close to the day– A local flood plainor bog walk with someone who knows how it ticks. To make it extra informative download a flood or erosion map for the area from the OPW website and see where the past flood or prediction lines run.What about a coastal expedition at low tide around a bay, or holding a talk, debate, exhibition or paint in on wetlands. Ireland has 45 designated Ramsar sites, if one is near you, check it out. There is an Irish Ramsar Wetlands poster and a wetland leaflet produced by the Irish Ramsar Wetlands Committee which can be downloaded or posted out.

Please registeryourevent. Either go to where you can complete an online form and also see the many other events planned across the world, or first complete our national form below. This word document has the same headings as the online form. It may be easier to write into this one and then copy/paste into the online form. If you cannot handle the online form we can do it for you. To be included in a national press release please send this national formto ASAP and no later than Jan 30th. A press release will go out to flag WWD mentioning thefirst batch of events this weekend and a second one on Jan 30th.

CONTACT: Karin Dubsky CEPA Focal Point Ramsar Convention for Ireland. 086 8111 684 and . Karin is also member of the Irish Ramsar Wetlands Committee which includes a range of expertise from different government and nongovernment bodies see

Information about Your World Wetland Day 2017 event.

REGISTRATION(blue type indicates optional information in the Ramsar online form which also allows you to upload posters and pictures, black is mandatory information)

  1. CONTACT detail with name , mail and telephone number
  2. Title of event
  3. Description
  4. Location
  5. Country
  6. Start date/time
  7. End Date/time
  8. Partners
  9. Organizer
  10. Target Audience:
  11. Type of Event: (Drop down menu in the Ramsar online form)
  12. Website to get more information:
  13. Number of participants
  14. Any extra info to add

Re Ramsar Convention website on line registration

I already registered my event online

I will do it

I would like you to do it for me.

Please mail this form back to asap and no later than Jan 30th to ensure it gets onto the web and publicized.
