IPSoft-ordering.docPage 1 of 10
How to place an Order with POS
Last updated May 21, 2010
A) Starting from IPSoft:
B) Going directly to the store
C) Changing and completing your order
D) Changing addresses, and reviewing past orders:
E) Leaving the Store:
Should you have questions that are not addressed in this document, please contact POS technical support:
You may place an online order with POS using one of these methods:
- From IPSoft, as explained below. If you place the order from IPSoft, your shopping cart will be filled with bands, brackets, and archwires from the IPSoft Order tab.
- Or by going to the POS online store, as explained further below. If you place the order directly in the store, without using IPSoft, you will start with an empty shopping cart.
A) Starting from IPSoft:
- Make sure your IPSoft software is open.
- Selected the patient for whom you wish to place an order. Note: You will be able to combine items for multiple patients in the same order.
- If you cannot recall when you “relicensed” your IPSoft the last time, do it now by clicking Program, Licensing; then click “Connect to IPSoft License Server”, then OK:
Wait for the success message, then click OK.
- Select items like bands, brackets and archwires for this patient.
- You must click the appropriate button(s) such as “Add to order – bands and brackets”; “Add to order – Archwires” etc. for each product category for this patient.Repeat this process for as many patients as you wish:
- Scroll to the rightmost tab. Then click the brown ordering tab, click the + sign to the left of each patient and each date, and make sure you can see “(1)”, indicating a quantity of 1, to the right of each product.
- Click “Place Order”:
- On the Invoice screen, click Continue:
- Enter your confirmation code (typically your last name), then click Continue:
Then continue with the steps shown under section “C) Changing and completing your order”.
B) Going directly to the store
This is an alternate method of accessing the POS online store: directly, and without using IPSoft
- Click this link:
- Click "Login" in the upper right
- Enteryour email address
- Enter your password: (by default, this is your IPSoft password – unless you changed it)
- Click Login, and you should be in the store. Typically your cart will be empty if you enter the store this way.
C) Changing and completing your order
- On the next window, you should see your name in the upper right. Review your order.
- In “Order Notes”, enter any special instructions you might wish for this order:
- If you want to add items, type the item’s name in the Search box in the upper left, then click Go:
Or, on the left, under "Browse Categories", click any category that interests you. Items like instruments, headgear and adhesives are under "Peripherals". Most have detailed descriptions and images. All prices are in USD; but in Europe, they are in EUR .
- You may view larger images and description for most items. If you found what you want, click “Add to Cart”:
- Click “Continue Checkout” when you are ready to complete your order.
- Then, select your shipping address (if you have more than one).
NOTE: Depending on your shipping address, prices may be shown in US Dollars (USD) or in Euros (EUR); and your shipping options will vary, too. To learn more about shipping options, click the link “Click here for details on these shipping options and recommendations”.
- Then, click “Continue Checkout”. On the next window, you will see your complete order:
- Click “Place Order”, and after a short delay, you will see your order number (100549 in the example shown below). Your customer ID will always be the same, but your order numberwill be different in each order:
- Once you see your 6-digit order number, your order is in the POS system, and it will be processed. If we have your current email on file, you will also receive an email that confirms your order.
If you did not see such a 6-digit order number, then we did not receive your order, and it will not be processed.
D) Changing addresses, and reviewing past orders:
To edit your address book, or review past orders, click your name or “Your Account” in the upper right:
To change your billing or shipping address, do this:
- Scroll down until you see your address book.
- Select an address; click “change”; then “Edit”;
- Make your changes; then click “Saved Edited Address”.
To return to your current order, click the “Shopping Cart” link close to the top.
Further down, below your address book, you will see a link to every order you placed approximately since February 2008. In that view, you may review, print, and repeat any of your past orders.
E) Leaving the Store:
Close the online store window. If you see the question “Did you complete your order?” click Yes:
That will place your order in your IPSoft order history. However, the order history in IPSoft will NOT include items that you added while you were in the store.