This policy provides the framework for continuous improvement, to meet the Orbit Group’s commitment to equality and diversity as well as our statutory and moral obligations.
1. Introduction
1.3 This Group policy sets out how we will promote Equality and embrace Diversity across everything that we do, as an organisation which employs people, provides services and works in partnership with others.
2. Principles
2.1 We believe in a society that gives everyone an equal chance to live, learn
and work free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation and prejudice; a society that respects and celebrates our differences making for a stronger more vibrant community.
2.2 Equality is fundamental to us in the provision of homes, housing related
services and the creation of communities. We recognise that within Orbit we have a key role to play in creating an equal society which
‘….protects and promotes equal, real freedom and substantive opportunity to live in the ways people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish. An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be’.[1]
We understand that a person’s home directly influences their access to education and employment; it affects their health and wellbeing and access to social and economic opportunities within their communities.
2.4 We are committed to tackling discrimination and disadvantage through positive action, fairer policies and programmes, services, training and changing how we use resources.
2.6 People from different backgrounds and with different experiences bring fresh
ideas and solutions, which can improve what we do and make us more efficient. We recognise that the diversity of our customers and our employees enables us to:
· develop and improve our services and explore new ideas and business opportunities
· respond to the changing needs of our customers and partners attracting new customers
· attract, keep and motivate the best people to work for us
· deliver excellent services to all our customers.
The Legal and regulatory requirements
2.7 We are committed to meeting the duties of the Equality Act 2010 which effectively replaced / consolidated previous equality legislation (appendix 2)
The Equality Act protects people sharing ‘protected characteristics’ of:-
Age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion/ belief, sexual orientation, pregnant / on maternity leave, those who are married or in a civil partnership from discrimination.
We wish to be an organisation which not only meets, but exceeds the standards set by other bodies in this area. We will ensure that no customer, resident, service user, stakeholder, employee or job applicant is discriminated against or receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of their protected characteristic or their :-
State of health, appearance, family circumstances (responsibility for dependents), criminal convictions, HIV status, plus any other ground which cannot be shown to be justified.
We are committed to tackling social exclusion in its widest sense
2.8 Under the legislation all organisations providing a public service are required to
observe the public sector equality duty which requires organisations to
demonstrate how they will;
· eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited within the Act
· advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don’t by
o Removing / minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristic.
o Taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where they are different from the needs of other people
o Encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
· foster good relations between people who share protected characteristics and those who do not.
2.9 In addition to the legal requirements as a provider of social housing, Orbit works in a regulated sector. Our Regulator specifies the requirements on housing associations through its Standards framework. Under these standards, all housing associations must:
Customer service, choice and complaints:
· To provide choices, information and communication that is appropriate to the diverse needs of their tenants in the delivery of all standards.
Involvement and empowerment:
· To develop and implement opportunities for involvement and empowerment, including by providing support to tenants to build their capacity to be more effectively involved.
Understanding and responding to the diverse needs of tenants:
· To treat all tenants with fairness and respect to demonstrate that they understand and respond to the different needs of their tenants, including in relation to the equality strands and tenants with additional support needs. In the way they provide services and communicate with tenants.
3. Our Commitment
3.1 Orbit is committed to developing an organisational culture which
· gives everyone fair and equal chance to be successful in all that they do
· understands and values diversity and the contribution of all people
· treats every individual with dignity and respect
· does not tolerate prejudice, discrimination or harassment
We recognise that a policy in itself is not a solution. Mainstreaming equality
and diversity throughout the Group is key to our success. Equality and diversity is a key part of our values, vision, policies, strategies, systems, and practices. It is fundamental to our success in reducing and eliminating any discrimination within our daily work practices and promoting good relations between our staff colleagues, customers and partners.
4. The Policy
As a provider of services and as an employer we will ensure that:
· we keep up to date with legislation and regulatory good practice ;
· we review our policies and practices regularly and when new legislation or regulatory guidance emerges to ensure that they comply with the law;
· we develop and adopt good practice;
· staff / board members are aware of current legislation and good practice.
As a Service Provider – we will:
· Seek to ensure that we are governed by board members whose understanding of our customers is key to their board member role;
· Seek to understand who our customers are and provide a range of services and housing options for people; in the communities in which we work
· Actively seek the views of customers and potential customers, including minority groups, when planning, reviewing or making significant changes to our services, ensuring that our services are accessible, relevant and of use to our customers;
· Provide clear and meaningful information in ways that are accessible and which meet the diverse needs of our customers;
· Investigate promptly any complaint and take immediate action where there is evidence of direct or indirect discrimination;
· Work with community groups and others to contribute to an environment and community free from harassment and violence.
· Monitor and evaluate the services that we provide to ensure they do not discriminate or exclude individuals or people from different groups
As an Employer – we will:
· Seek to establish a workforce that reflects the local population in which we work; in all departments and at all levels within our organisation and consider positive action to redress any imbalances found;
· Assist staff to realise their potential ensuring fair consideration of their training and career development needs and opportunities;
· Provide a safe, supportive and accessible working environment which values individuals’ identities and cultures.
· Monitor our employment policies and practices to ensure that they are fair and demonstrate our commitment to diversity;
· Ensure that staff understand how valuing diversity can improve our ability to deliver better quality services and so reduce inequality;
· Aim to become an employer of choice; for whom people will want to work, and who will remain with Orbit because they see us as a good employer.
· Listen to our staff, and develop a culture and environment which
o Enables and supports colleagues to be themselves at work
o Encourages and supports staff involvement in employee networks and
In working with others - we aim to:
· Promote, share information, experiences and examples of good practice of equality and diversity through links with other organisations;
· Encourage and support people to be active in community life by celebrating contributions and respecting the variety of lifestyles and cultures;
· Ensuring that equality and diversity is embedded throughout our procurement activity.
5 Implementation
5.1 Group Board has overall responsibility for this policy and the Chief Executive and Executive Team for its implementation.
5.2 All employees and Board Members will be trained and provided with guidance
on this policy to ensure that they clearly understand their position in law, and the
implications for them of the Group’s policy.
5.3 In addition we will seek to ensure that our commitment to equality and diversity and the elements of this policy are implemented fully through
· Our Equality Framework and Business planning
· Using equal impact assessments / equality analysis and benchmarking opportunities (internal and external) to inform and influence policy and service delivery.
· Monitoring of our key services by equality group / protected characteristic
· Self assessments and improvement through diversity health checks.
· Seeking external validation of our approach.
· Improving knowledge, communication and understanding through our equality and diversity forum.
· Involving customers and partners to shape our future activities.
· External and internal benchmarking.
· Using our learning and development programmes to deliver consistent messages relating to this policy.
· Participation in Equality and Diversity forums to help improve our understanding of the issues and to receive and share best practice.
6. Monitoring and Accountability
6.1 Board members with Orbit staff of the Orbit Group are ultimately responsible for the policy. Together they will monitor the effectiveness and implementation of the policy and recommend changes to improve service delivery where appropriate.
6.2 All members of staff have a responsibility for implementing this policy and using the principles of equality and diversity in their day to day work.
6.3 All Board members, staff, partners, contractors, consultants, and customers should ensure that their actions do not contribute to the unfair or discriminatory treatment of others.
7. Review
7.1 We will carry out a fundamental review of this policy every two years.
Appendix One
Equality is about
Our definition draws on the definition of the Equalities Review, which was set up to carry out an investigation into the causes of persistent discrimination and inequality in British society. In their final report ‘Fairness and Freedom: The final report of the Equalities Review” is defined as one which;
· protects and promotes equal, real freedom and substantive opportunity to live in the ways people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish.
· recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be.
Diversity is about
· recognising that everyone is different and that we all have a
different contribution to make based on our life experiences, skills and knowledge, and above all valuing those differences.
Direct Discrimination – is treating one person less favourably than another solely due to e.g. their age or their race. Such an example of this would be not offering a person accommodation because they were disabled.
Indirect Discrimination – is creating a condition or requirement which cannot be justified and which prevents certain people from enjoying the service. For example requiring all job applicants to have been educated within the UK which would disadvantage applicants from outside the UK
Harassment – where an individual or group of people are harassed or abused because of who they are. It can be intentional or unintentional. However, the key issue is the impact of behaviour on the person receiving it and the feeling of violation of that person’s dignity or the creation of an intimidating or hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.
Positive action – where it can be demonstrated that members of particular groups are under represented for example in the allocation of our homes or employment, positive action can be used to encourage such people to take advantage of the opportunities available. In terms of employment an organisation may wish to offer training for those currently employed to support them in developing their career – Orbit subscribes to the Housing Diversity Networks mentoring programme which supports career development for groups which tend to be under represented in housing.
Prejudice - is when someone forms an opinion about something or somebody without knowing the full facts for example someone has had damage caused to their car they assume it is one of a group of young men congregated nearby without any other evidence.
Victimisation - treating someone less favourably than others simply because they have made ( or someone thinks they have made) an allegation about discrimination or harassment. For example a witness of a racist incident may be victimised to try to convince them not to support the victim of the incident.
[1] Taken from the definition of an Equal Society Fairness and Freedom: The Final Report of the Equalities Review