Open to the public / ITEM NO. 7
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report reviews the matters considered by Sustainable Regeneration Scrutiny on 4th April2011:-

Transport on the Crescent / Chapel Street Area– Following a request from Members, Councillor Antrobus and several senior officers attended the meeting to consider the recent traffic problems.

BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Reports to Sustainable Regeneration Scrutiny
are published on SOLAR
(Available for public inspection)
KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Central Salford Integrated Transport Strategy
ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Not applicable
SOURCE OF FUNDING: Not applicable
LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied byNot applicable
CONTACT OFFICER: Peter Kidd, Scrutiny SupportTEL. NO.793 3322


1Transport in the Crescent / Chapel Street area.

Following a request from members, Councillor Derek Antrobus, Lead Member Planning,

Councillor Ray Mashiter, Executive Support, Paul Walker, Strategic Director Sustainable Regeneration, Chris Findley, Assistant Director Planning and Transport Futures and John Butler, Group Engineer, Traffic Management and Control,attended the meeting to discuss the traffic problems in the Crescent / Chapel street area and what is being done to manage the situation now and in the future.

The Central Salford Integrated Transport Strategy and a reminder of the vision for Chapel Street was re circulated to Scrutiny members prior to the meeting.

Councillor Antrobus explained that the committee were correct, that the temporary roadworks on the crescent had caused problems with traffic flow, making journeys in the Manchester direction more difficult than normal. Significant delays are unavoidable with road works on this scale, however the start of the roadworks was well publicised in the newspapers and on regional television in an attempt to raise awareness of the likely difficulties. There were significant tailbacks on the first day perhaps because people did not pick up on the publicity but over the next few days the tailback had reduced as drivers used the alternative routes and the initial problems have eased.

When the woks are complete Councillor Antrobus confirmed that there will be sufficient capacity to carry workers into the city centre along Chapel Street and the alternate routes. The vision, which had the approval of Council, is one that brings vitality to the Chapel Street area; homes and jobs will be established in the heart of Salford. The alternative would lead to a housing provision elsewhere in the more rural areas and would actually increase commuter numbers.

Members were informed of the works done so far and the works to be done to ensure that the capacity on alternate routes into Manchester can be increased; offsetting the reduction on Chapel Street. Physical improvement works combined with altering the timing of traffic signals will substantially improve traffic flows. The works on Albion Way have been significantly delayed while waiting for Virgin Media to move a cable but they should be complete in 6-8 weeks. Only when all road works are complete and people settle on their choice of routes,the Greater Manchester Urban Traffic Control Unit, who monitor traffic flow, will be able to modify the signal timings to improve capacity. It may take 6 months, with further adjustments to bed in for capacity to reach the optimum levels.

Members reiterated concerns raised previously about the traffic flows; that the alternative routes could take the extra capacity away from Chapel Street as it slims down to one traffic lane and one bus lane in each direction. They also asked about the modelling tools used, compatibility with other schemes and relations with other authorities.

The end result will be worth the short term inconvenience.The vision is that the regeneration of Chapel Streetwill benefit the whole of Salford. Residents in the area are desperate for the regeneration to take place but they will not be the only ones to benefit. The modelling tools used are the best available;Greater Manchester Transport Unit conducted the modelling inclusive of all influences in Greater Manchester including the Inner Ring Road and City Centre destination, to ensure a consistent approach. Models are ways to predict the resulting impact of changes, they are the best way to help understand and manage issues. Model used are tried and tested and benefit from high level expertise and local experience. There is no reason to suppose they will not be very accurate. In the longer term the modelling also fits in with the redevelopment of the Rail Station the proposed cross city bus development, Irwell River Park and also predicted modal shift. Relations with Manchester council are very good; they are collaborating on the strategy and Salford is also working with AGMA on cross boundary issues.

Members flagged up the potential problems caused by rat running, cars using side roads to avoid congestion. This is being monitored and steps will be taken to address any specific issues. There are plans in development for a traffic calming scheme on the Ordsall estate, following consultation with Ordsall Community Committeedetailed proposals will reduce any potential advantage to be gained by cutting through the side roads.

Members thanked the Lead Member and the officers for attending. The area needs the regeneration and the improvements that the scheme brings, having had the chance to discuss the traffic issues members realise that it will be some time before the scheme can be judged as to its success.

2Report from previous meeting

This was agreed though a mistake was pointed out regarding bus operators in North Manchester this should read South Manchester.

3Forward Plan

Nothing specific arising.

4Work Programme

Members asked for a report on how the Government's changes to the Planning system are likely to affect Salford, including how we do strategic planningin the future.

It was suggested that Port Salford be looked at as an issue around September time alongside an update on the community stadium.

5Any Other Business

It was suggested that Scrutiny Chairs Group be asked to look at how Scrutiny can better monitor key decisions.


Councillor / 7th Feb. / 7th March / 4th April
Cllr.J. Dawson (Chair) / √ / √ / √
Cllr. S. Dirir / A / A
Cllr. R. Garrido / √ / √ / √
Cllr. A. Humphreys / √ / √ / √
Cllr. D. Jolley / √ / √ / √
Cllr. R. Jones / √ / √ / √
Cllr. I. Lindley / √ / √ / √
Cllr. M. Mold / √ / A / A
Cllr. B. Ryan / √ / √
Cllr. J. Taylor / √ / A / A


Also in attendance

Councillor Derek Antrobus, Lead Member Planning.

Councillor Ray Mashiter, Executive Support.

Paul Walker, Strategic Director, Sustainable Regeneration.

Chris Findley, Assistant Director Planning and Transport Futures.

John Butler, Group Engineer, Traffic Management and Control.