May 17, 2012
Easter Iowa Oncology Nursing Society (EIONS) Meeting
Location: Hotel Kirkwood, Cedar Rapids, IA
Topic: Introduction to Metastatic Melanoma
Speaker: Shane Grivna, PhD, Clinical Strategy Scientist II, Cato Research
Sponsor: Heath Christians, Bristol-Myers Squibb
18 member’s attending/8 guests attending
President Linda Abbott presiding
Rhonda Evans was honored as Oncology Nurse of the Year. Linda Abbott summarized Rhonda’s vast accomplishments and the fine work she has done for our chapter. Rhonda’s husband, mom, dad and several friends joined the celebration.Thank you to Rhonda for all you have done for this chapter!!
Business Meeting:
The Iowa Cancer Consortium Grant, a project to help recruit young nurses to oncology nursing was not funded.
EIONS Vendor Fair will be held next September in Cedar Rapids at the new Hall-Perrine Cancer Center. Six vendors have agreed to participate so far. This will be a time to tour the new facility, network and recruit. This may also be an opportunity to inviteother organizations (APON, SOHN and palliative care).
Oncology Nursing Month is a time to promote our profession. Linda Abbott encouraged members to use our ONS display to encourage membership. There are many certified oncology nurses in our area who are not members of EIONS.
Linda Moeller will be attending an ONS leadership conference in July and will attend a session about recruiting new members. We want to try and identify what younger oncology nurses want from membership in a professional organization? Ideas such as blogs, electronics and U-tube were discussed.
Rhonda Evans and Kelly Petrulevich volunteered to work with Linda Moeller on a needs assessment survey for our members and/or for national members in the area that are not currently EIC members. Will also discuss recruitment efforts and meeting redesign.Judy Gilliam suggested planning several CEU’s on one Saturday morning a year.
Linda Abbott, Ann Collins-Hattery and Beth Schubert summarized their experiences at this year’s ONS Congress.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer:CD $3427.48
Checking: $ 4182.56
Newsletter:Coming this fall
Website:Progressing with Kris Sargent
Legislative:Linda Moeller reported on a Washington Post article outlining the scope of practice for Advanced Practice Nurses. There will be 73,000 fewer MDs by 2015.
Nominating:No report
Membership:Currently have 62 members
Program:Ann Collins-Hattery shared that next program will be in October. May have a program for fun at the September Vendor Fair but not sure of that at this time.
Judy Gilliam announced she will be moving to Colorado. We will miss her and wish her well!
Jo Clark, Secretary