- To consolidate the Association’s documents/videos/pictures in one cabinet file.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Available cabinet, folders/book binder/other supplies / From Chairman to the Secretary / 40-09 70th Street 3rdFl., Woodside, NY / March 2012 / The process makes each and every member gets access of the stuffs because these are placed in order and easy to find. / Open to teacher members / Bona fide members
- To further communicate the public via the AFTEA, INC.’s Face Book page.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Participation/contributions (advertisements, information/message) from each member / Asst. Secretary and other contributors / Face book page at:
/ On-going / Communication process via Face book gives each member or non-member a chance to voice out his/her opinion for the common good. / Open to all interested teachers and individuals / No requirement, nor criteria
- To further develop the Association’s website contents or pages for communication purposes.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Some important contributions (message, educational links, etc.) from teacher members or individuals. / All interested members or subject coordinators / AFTEA, INC.’s website:
/ On-going / The website is accessible to the public anywhere in the world. So its content should be educational, and informative in purpose. / Open to all interested teachers and individuals / No requirement
Nor criteria
- To organize another group of Filipino teachers at Virginia Beach as additional AFTEA, INC. chapter
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Group/Individual visitation going to Virginia Beach via Greyhound bus
Contact teachers in Virginia Beach and North Carolina respectively. / The executive Officer(s) / Virginia Beach / Spring / Organizing another new Association chapter in the state of Virginia extremely partners with other chapters so that together, we all function as one team, for possible projects and programs the association wants to propose with. / Open to all teachers and individuals especially at Virginia Beach, and Norfolk, Virginia, as well / No requirement, nor criteria
- To hold a Family Day and Sport Fest this spring 2012.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Family Day/ Sport fest for all participating teachers, their families and friends
Information “Brigade” for more participants
POT LUCK and programs / All Officers, members, families and friends / Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York / May 28th of 2012 / Strengthen relationships within the family and among other families and friends. / Open to all interested teachers and individual / No requirement,
Nor criteria
- To participate in the Philippine Independence Day Parade 2012.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Participation in the Philippine Independence Day Parade
Communication by email, face book, phone/text or website “Brigade”
Drums and Band majorettes, if available / The executive Officers, members from the different chapters, individuals and friends
Band Major and drummers / Madison Avenue, Manhattan, New York / June 3rd of 2012 / Strengthen awareness of Filipino values and culture
Entertain the public and advertise the presence of other state chapters as Filipino teachers in Eastern America functioning as one team / Open to all interested teachers and individual / No requirement, nor criteria
- To carry on the 2012 summer “Balik Turo” or “Return to Share” project in the Philippines.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Seminars/Workshops for the Filipino teachers back home
Our permission letter address to DepEd Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
Personal contact with DepEd USec. Yolanda Quijano about AFTEA, INC.’s Project proposal
Training matrix, instructional videos, etc. / Any interested teachers who will travel this summer 2012 / Some parts of the Philippine Islands / July – August 2012 / The importance of giving back something like sharing our expertise as teaching/learning supplement for our “Kababayans” back home. This will enhance their teaching competency in different subject area. / Open to all interested teacher volunteers who will travel back home taking their vacation, and at the same time lecturing for one-day seminar workshop. / No requirement needed
- To write a grant proposal for the Association’s funding purposes.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Grant writing PD
Contributions from teachers who experienced writing a grant proposal / Interested teacher volunteers
Resource speaker / Lovin Life Learning Center, Manhattan, NY / June 2nd of 2012 / Funding for special projects like after-school tutoring program as well as other programs need an excellent and acceptable grant proposal. / Open to all teachers and individual participants / No requirement, nor criteria
- To conduct Seminar and Workshops for teachers in Eastern America as part of their professional development.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Seminar and Workshop – an exchange of expertise in teaching, and well as sharing of teaching resources
Teaching aids and other teaching technologies / Interested teacher lecturers from the different disciplines (Math, Science/STEMEnglish, Arts, Music, Special Ed/Literacy) / Philippine Consulate Office / October 2012 / Support teachers in classroom practices and management
Learn innovative teaching strategies / Open to all teacher participants and individual / No requirement, nor criteria
- To volunteer in the NYC Service, City Hall in area of education.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
Any proposed project
Participation and contribution from teacher volunteers / Teacher volunteers / New York City Area/ Public schools / Fall 2012 / Provide strong mentoring support in the teaching profession and fostering strong relationship, too with the city government of New York / Open to all interested volunteers / No requirement needed
- To celebrate the Association’s Annual General Assembly and Christmas Party.
What does the activity entail? / Who conducts the activity? / Where? / When? / How significant is the activity? / Who may participate in the activity? / How are the participants selected?
General Assembly and Christmas Party
Formal invitation for any City government official in New York City
Invitation “Brigade” for more participants
Giving of certificates of appreciation for those teachers with exemplary service in education / AFTEA, INC. FAMILY / Lovin Life Center, Manhattan, New York / Dec. 2012 / Strengthen relationships among teachers and their families and friends / Open to all interested teachers and individual / No requirements needed