Request for Proposal for Affordable Housing
SITE: Lot 602 Yelverton Drive Woodbridge
Reference No.
Lodgementof Initial Proposal
Initial Proposal Closing Date:15 April 2014
ME_103738490_3 (W2007)
Table of contents
ME_103738490_3 (W2007)
PART A - Instructions and general information for Respondents
1.1Affordable Housing Strategy
1.2The Opportunity
1.3Project Objectives
2.Project details
2.1Site location and details
2.2Preferred Housing Type and Configuration
3.Overview of Procurement Process
3.1Purpose and structure of this RFP
3.2Procurement Process
4.Indicative Timetable
5.1General requirements
5.2Lodgement of Proposals
5.3Closing Dates
5.4Late Proposals
5.5Discrepancies, errors or omissions
5.6No contracted obligations
5.7Content of Proposals
5.8Format of Proposals
5.9Alterations, erasures or illegibility
5.10Supporting materials
5.11Language of Proposals
5.12Priority Start
5.13Contact person
5.14Proposal validity period
5.15Non-complying Proposals
6.Initial Proposal Evaluation Criteria
7.Final Proposal – Evaluation Criteria
8.Procedural matters
8.1Registration of Respondents
8.3Site Inspection
8.4Information session
8.5Housing Authority site visits
8.6Presentations by Short-listed Respondents
9.Evaluation Process
9.1Evaluation Panel
9.2Process for the selection of Short-listed Respondents
9.3Notification of and consultation with Short-listed Respondents
9.4Housing Authority requests during evaluation process
9.5Process for awarding 'Preferred Respondent status'
9.6Negotiations with the Preferred Respondent
9.7Housing Authority reserves its rights
9.8Final approvals
9.9Contractual Close
9.10Probity Advisor
PART B - Terms and Conditions
10.Rights and obligations
10.1The Housing Authority's rights
10.2No fettering
10.3Exclusion of liability
10.4Exercise of rights
10.5Ownership of the RFP
10.6Ownership of Proposals
10.7Intellectual property rights
10.8Exclusion from consideration
10.9Whole or part Proposal
10.10Acceptance of Proposal
10.11Relationship between parties
10.12No legal rights or obligations
10.13Acceptance of conditions of Proposal
10.14Return of information
10.15Conflict of interest
10.16Collusive behaviour
10.17No Improper Influence
10.18Respondents to inform themselves
11.Confidential information
11.1Obligation of confidentiality
11.2Limitation of obligation of confidentiality
11.3Disclosure of confidential information
11.4Freedom of Information
12.Probity Procedures
13.The Housing Authority's investigations
13.2Right to perform security, probity and financial checks
13.3Provision of reasonable assistance
14.Consortium Proposal
15.Financial terms of Proposal
15.1No alteration of Proposal
15.2Costs of preparing Proposal
15.3Compliance Costs
15.4Taxes and Charges
15.5GST Inclusive
APPENDIX 1 - Affordable Housing Design Guidelines and Specifications
Appendix 2 – Risk Allocation Matrix
Initial Proposal Form
Final Proposal Form
Returnable Schedule 1 –Planning, Design and Construction
Returnable Schedule 2 – Commercial
Request for ProposalDepartment of Housing1
This Request for Proposal (RFP) has been prepared by the Housing Authority.
The RFP has been prepared to assist prospective Respondents in making their own assessment of the Housing Authority's requirements for Affordable Housing on the Site (the Opportunity) and does not purport to contain all of the information that Respondents may require. The accuracy of any statements, opinions, projects or other information (Statements) contained in this RFP may change. Where any Statements relate to future matters, no steps have been taken to verify that the Statement is based on reasonable grounds, and no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the Housing Authority, or any of its officers, employees, advisers or agents that the Statements are accurate.
Respondents should conduct their own independent investigations, review and analysis of the Opportunity and the information set out in this RFP. Respondents must rely entirely on their own investigations, review and analysis, and not on this RFP or any information provided by or on behalf of the Housing Authority nor any of the Housing Authority's employees, agents, advisers or consultants in relation to their assessment of the Opportunity. Neither the Housing Authority, nor any of its employees, agents, advisers or consultants (or their respective associated companies or businesses, partners, directors, officers or employees) makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this RFP or subsequently provided to Respondents by or on behalf of the Housing Authority or its advisors or consultants. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of those persons shall have any liability (whether arising from negligence or otherwise) for:
(a)any representations or warranties (express or implied) or information contained in, or for any omissions from, this RFP or any written, oral or other communications transmitted to the Respondents by or on behalf of the Housing Authority or any of its employees, agents, advisers or consultants; or
(b)any cost, expense, loss, claim or damage of any nature arising in any way out of or in connection with the statements, opinions, projections, forecasts or other representations, actual or implied, contained in or omitted from this RFP or by reason of any reliance thereon by any person or body.
The Housing Authority may, in its sole and absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, amend, update or supplement the information contained in this RFP. Any further information will be and is provided subject to the terms and conditions set out in this notice.
Nothing in this RFP will be construed to be or create a binding contract (express or implied, including a process contract) enforceable against the Housing Authority by any Respondent. Any conduct or statement by the Housing Authority, whether prior to, or subsequent to, the issue of these this RFP is not, and this RFP is not, and must not be deemed to be, an offer to contract on the part of the Housing Authority or a binding undertaking of any kind by the Housing Authority. Each Respondent waives any right to administrative law relief (whether under statute, the common law, equity or otherwise) to which that Respondent is or may in the future become entitled in connection with this document or the process outlined in it.
Request for ProposalDepartment of Housing1
- Definitions
Addenda means modifications or clarifications to the RFP issued by the Housing Authority in accordance with this RFP.
Affordable Housing means dwellingswhich households on low to moderate incomes can afford, while meeting other essential living costs. It includes public housing, not-for-profit housing, together with private rental and home ownership options for those immediately outside the subsidised Social Housing system.
Affordable Housing Design Guidelines and Specifications means the Housing Authority's design guidelines and minimum specifications for Affordable Housing a set out in Appendix 1.
Building Code of Australia means the prevailing Building Code of Australia as produced and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board and BCA shall have the same meaning.
Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Western Australia.
Complying Proposal means a Proposal that:
(a)is complete and responds in all material respects to the Initial Proposal Evaluation Criteria or the Final Proposal Evaluation Criteria (as applicable);
(b)satisfies the Conditions of Proposal.
Conditions of Proposal includes the instructions to Respondents contained throughout Part A of this RFP and the terms and conditions set out in Part B of this RFP
Contract means the legal contract between the Successful Respondent and the Housing Authority for the implementation of the Successful Respondent's Final Proposal.
Evaluation Panel means the panel or panels (as the context requires) appointed by the Housing Authority to undertake the evaluation of the Proposals from time to time.
Evaluation Process means theprocess outlined in section 9 of this RFP by which the Housing Authority may evaluate a Proposal.
Final Proposal means a detailed proposal for Affordable Housing on the Site lodged by a Short-listed Respondent inresponseto section 7 of this RFP and otherwise in accordance withthis RFP.
Final Proposal Closing Date means the closing date for lodging Final Proposals as determined by the Housing Authority and notified in writing to Short-listed Respondents pursuant to section 5.3(b)of this RFP.
Final Proposal Form means the form of the same name annexed to this RFP to be completed and lodged by a Short-listed Respondent with its Final Proposal.
Housing Authority means the Housing Authority, a body corporate established under the Housing Act 1980 (WA).
Initial Proposal means a preliminary proposal for Affordable Housing on the Site lodged by a Respondent in response to section 6 of this RFP and otherwise in accordance with this RFP.
Initial Proposal Closing Date means the closing date for lodging Initial Proposals pursuant to this RFP as set out in section 5.3(a).
Initial Proposal Form means the form of the same name annexed to this RFP to be completed and lodged by a Respondent with its Initial Proposal.
Non-complying Proposal means a Proposal that is not a Complying Proposal.
Practical completion means that stage in the execution of the works comprising the Project when:
(a)The works are complete except for minor omissions and minor defects which do not prevent the works from being immediately occupied as a residence, and rectification of which will not prevent the convenient use of the works; and
(b)The works are capable of being immediately occupied as a residence; and
(c)Any tests required by the Housing Authority have been carried out and passed; and
(d)All documents and other information required by the Housing Authority or which are essential for the sale, use, operation or maintenance of the works have been supplied by the Successful Respondent to the Housing Authority, including without limitation strata titling documentation when required.
Preferred Respondent means the Short-listed Respondent selected following the evaluation of the Final Proposals with a view to conducting Contract negotiations.
Probity Adviser means the probity adviser that may be engaged for the Evaluation Process as referred to in this RFP.
Procurement Process means the process of procuring a private sector party to deliver the Project under this RFP.
Preferred Housing Type and Configuration means the preferred housing type and configuration as set out in section 2.2
Project means the project to design and build and, if applicable, finance, Affordable Housing on the Site.
Project Objectives mean the objectives as set out in section1.3
Proposalmeansboth an Initial Proposal and a Final Proposal.
Respondentmeans the legal entity lodging a Proposal in response to this RFP.
RFP means this Request for Proposal for Affordable Housing Reference HOU0775514.
Risk Allocation Matrix means the Housing Authority's preferred risk allocation for the Project set out in Appendix 2.
Short-listed Respondent means a Respondent selected following the evaluation of an Initial Proposal with a view to preparing and lodging a Final Proposal.
Site means the site referred to in section 2.1 of this RFP.
Social Housing is an umbrella term that refers to all housing that is targeted towards low income households and provides a subsidy that tenants pay no more than 30% of their income on rent. It is generally used to describe public and community housing as one sector.
Successful Respondent means the Respondent whose Final Proposal is determined by the Housing Authority (in the Housing Authority's sole and absolute discretion) to best meet the Housing Authority's requirements and preferences as set out in this RFP and with whom the Housing Authority enters into a Contract.
PART A - Instructions and general information for Respondents
- Introduction
- Affordable Housing Strategy
(a)A key objective of the State Government's Affordable Housing Strategy – Opening Doors 2010-2020 (Affordable Housing Strategy) is the provision of an additional 20,000 Affordable Housing opportunities by 2020 to help low to moderate income earners who are struggling in the private rental market, unable to get into home ownership and/or trapped in the Social Housing system because of a lack of affordable alternatives.
(b)The State Government is committed to tackling the shortage of Affordable Housing in Western Australia. The Affordable Housing Strategy gives the Housing Authority a mandate to lead the implementation of vital changes in the way it delivers Affordable Housing and through new partnerships,start opening more doors for more people more quickly.
(c)This RFP is just one of the new ways the Housing Authority is currently seeking to engage the private sector to design, construct and, where appropriate, finance high quality, value for money Affordable Housing.
1.2The Opportunity
(a)Traditionally, the Housing Authority has prescribed its preferred design and tendered construction contracts for the delivery of new Social Housing on its land. Scope for innovative market-led design, construction and financing or partnering arrangements for such housing has been limited accordingly.
(b)Respondents are now presented with the opportunity to lodge Proposals for and, if selected by the Housing Authority, deliver a diverse range of Affordable Housing (not just Social Housing) on land owned by the Housing Authority.
(c)The Housing Authority intends to release to the market a number of sites it owns generally in accordance with the process and principles outlined in this RFP. A separate request for proposal will be issued and a separate procurement process undertaken for each new site.
(d)Details of the Site for this RFP and the Housing Authority's Preferred Housing Type and Configuration are set out in this document.
(e)By partnering with the private sector in this way, the Housing Authority expects to achieve a range of objectives referred to in section 1.3 below.
1.3Project Objectives
The Housing Authority's primary objective for this Project is to procure affordable, sustainable and high quality residential accommodation that is suitable for the Housing Authority's sale and rental programs and that will meet the needs of low to moderate income households.
Through this RFP, the Housing Authority is also seeking to achieve the following objectives
(a)to encourage the private sector to present for consideration by the Housing Authority Proposals for value for money, innovative and high quality Affordable Housing on the Site;
(b)to secure expertise in the design and construction of residential built form that meets or exceeds the requirements in the Affordable Housing Design Guidelines and Specifications;
(c)to transfer operational and risk revenue to the private sector provider where it is economically efficient to do so;
(d)to achieve exceptional value for money through not only economies of scale but through other innovation and efficiencies such as housing design, materials selection, purchasing arrangements and other supply chain efficiencies; and
(e)to procure Affordable Housing in a manner that is highly innovative in respect of financial, contractual and risk arrangements.
- Project details
- Site location and details
(a)The Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority is managing the urban renewal program in Midland. Lot 602 Yelverton Drive is situated within the Woodbridge Lakes Estate adjacent to the mixed use Workshops Village. Woodbridge Lakes was the first neighbourhood to be developed on the historical Railway workshops site. The site is close to well established amenities such as shopping centres, schools, health facilities and the Swan Valley. In addition existing bus and train routes are readily available. The site is approximately 3595m2
(b)Certificate of title details Lot 602 on Deposited plan 50641 volume 2621 folio 70
(c)Local AuthorityCity of Swan
(d)Zoning subject to Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority Polices & Guidelines
(e)Site conditions refer to MRA Lot 602 Yelverton Drive Woodbridge site specific guidelines, Geo technical report by Coffey P2641/21-AP(Rev1) 15 December 2004, Validation Report Helena West Redevelopment dated (04/011 RP0011 November 2004),MRA Planning Policy 2.12 Noise Attenuation, WAPC statement of planning policy no 51 Land use planning in the vicinity of Perth Airport dated February 2004
(f)Services Water, Telephone, Electricity, Sewerage, Gas
(g)Transport networks / local amenity Existing transport and well established dwelling some of historical significance
(h)Indicative land value $1,500,000
2.2Preferred Housing Type and Configuration
The urban design and built form outcome should be consistent with the aims of Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020 and the Affordable Housing Design Guidelines and Specifications. It is anticipated that the residential component of the development will involve dwellings being delivered for a number of purposes including social housing, affordable housing and private market sales.
- Overview of Procurement Process
- Purpose and structure of this RFP
The purpose of the RFP is to:
(a)provide Respondents with details of:
(i)the Site;
(ii)the Preferred Housing Type and Configuration; the Project Objectives; and
(iii)Project Objectives
(b)outline the proposed Procurement Process, including an indicative timeframe for each phase or milestone;
(c)invite Respondents:
(i)to prepare and lodge an Initial Proposal; and
(ii)(if short-listed by the Housing Authority in accordance with this RFP), prepare and lodge a Final Proposal,
in accordance with the Housing Authority's requirements; and
(d)specify the evaluation criteria against which the Housing Authority may evaluate Proposals and upon which it may:
(i)short list Respondents based on its evaluation of Initial Proposals; and
(ii)at its discretion, select a Preferred Respondent based on its evaluation of Final Proposals.
3.2Procurement Process
(a)This RFP incorporates a two-phase procurement process. The Procurement Process has been designed to minimise the cost and time impost associated with preparing a Proposal until the Housing Authority has short-listed a small number of Respondents to prepare and lodge a Final Proposal in phase two.
(b)Phase one will involve the evaluation of Initial Proposals and selection of Short-listed Respondents. Initial Proposals must respond in sufficient detail to the Initial Proposal Evaluation Criteria. However, it is intended that the required level of detail will be much less than that required for Final Proposals. For example, Respondents will only be required to prepare design and layout sketches, not detailed, final plans. More information regarding the Initial Proposal Evaluation Criteria is set out in section 6 of this RFP.