“What a Difference a Day Makes”
Exodus 20:8-11
*Eric Liddell of Scotland served God as a missionary in China. Several years ago his name became known through the movie Chariots of Fire. The movie is built around the 1924 Olympics and Liddell's refusal to run on Sunday. He was the British record holder for the 100-meters and when he discovered that the 100-meters race was scheduled to run on Sunday, he quietly, but firmly stated he would not run. He was criticized by his teammates, and even questioned by his country's leaders. Yet, nothing or no one could persuade him to run on Sunday. To solve the dilemma, a teammate ran the 100-meters on Sunday and he ran the 400-meters during a weekday. Many felt that he had no chance at winning the 400-meter race, but not only did he win, he broke a world-record in the process. Just before he ran, someone handed him a note that read, "Them that honor Me, I will honor." 1 Samuel 2:30.
For Eric Liddell, running on Sunday would have broken the fourth commandment. What would you have done if you had been faced with such a choice? I must ask myself the same question. Would we have run, or like Eric Liddell, refused to run because we felt it would have violated God's command?
William Gladstone said, "Tell me what the young men of England are doing on Sunday, and I will tell what the future of England will be."
Our forefathers called it the holy Sabbath ……Our grandfathers the Sabbath ….Our fathers called it Sunday ….Today we call it the week end---and it is getting weaker all the time!
The noted agnostic Voltaire said, "I can never hope to destroy Christianity until I first destroy the Christian Sabbath."
More than 100 years ago D.L. Moody said, "There has been an awful letting down in this country regarding the Sabbath during the last 25 years, and many a man has been shorn of spiritual power, like Samson, because he is not straight on this question."1 I wonder what Moody would say about today?
G. Campbell Morgan said it “provides for the perpetual maintenance of a symbol of the relationship that exists between God and man.”
Thelongest of the Ten Commandments deals with taking a day off!
God has more to say about taking a day off than He does about either murder or adultery or stealing.
-to keep this commandment, you have to literally swim against the cultural current we face today.
When billionaire Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, was asked why he didn't believe in God, here is what he said.
"Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There is a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning."
-before God gave the state, the church or even the home - the first institution God gave to mankind was the Sabbath - His day! It is the oldest of the Ten Commandments, because it goes all the way back to the creation of the world. Genesis 2:2-3
Everyone in sports recognizes this sign - [Make a time-out sign]
Football has quarters and time outs. Tennis has rest between service and games. Baseball has rest between innings. Hockey has what is called "rest-periods." When God took a day off, it wasn't because He was tired; He was introducing a maintenance plan for the human race. He was so serious about it He chose to make Himself an example.
I. With OurMindWe Are ToRemember The Lord's Day
*An irate customer calling the newspaper office demanded to know where her Sunday edition was. "Ma'am" said the employee, "Today isSaturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until Sunday." There was a pause, followed by a ray of recognition. "I'll bet that's why no one was in church today too."
Sabbath does not mean 7thor Saturday …It means “rest”
--for Gods children (not the world)
---not binding in the ceremonial sense---only one not repeated in the NT
--moral in that it involves worship and obedience
Significance of Sunday-“Lords Day”-Resurrection—every Gospel emphasized it.
Christians worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, rather than Saturday, the last day.
“First day” God should be first Not weekend (Randy Bane)
Those who want to remove BATH from Sabbath & SUN from Sunday are missing it!
A Day of Love, not Legalism.A Day of Service, not Selfishness. A Holy Day, not a Holiday!
*Sundae 1875 Evanston, Ill forbid ice cream sodas sales on Sunday----someone created ones with syrup instead of soda sold it on Sundays. Became so popular people requested the Sundays on weekdays. City official thought it profane to spell it the same way
Talk about a revelation and a revolution to these people - this was a 24/7 culture. They had just come out of Egypt and they were slaves. There were no holidays, coffee breaks, vacations, or weekends.
*The moment I mention Chick-fil-A, besides the food you think about, you automatically should think about the fact that they don't open on Sundays; never have and never will. Mr. Cathy He said almost invariably in every mall, where they operate, they take in more revenue in six days than every other food outlet in that mall does in seven days. If you believe in this commandment that shouldn't surprise you.
*Remembering the Sabbath is like remembering your anniversary. If Karen came up to me on September the 17thin any given year and said, "Do you remember what this day is?" and all I said to her was, "Sure, I remember. It is our anniversary" and there was no dinner, no flowers, no gifts, no nothing, it would be a special anniversary, because it would probably be the last one I would ever see! Remember the Lord's day means to show your love for God on that day in a special way.
1. O.T. Day celebrates God's finished work of creation.
N.T. Day celebrates God's finished work of Redemption.
2 O.T. Day commemorates the beginning of natural life.
N.T. Day commemorates the beginning of supernaturallife for all God's children.
3. O.T. Day celebrates life in Adam.
N.T. Day celebrates life in Christ.
4. O.T. Day celebrates the work of God's Hand.
N.T. Day celebrates the work of God's Heart.
5.. O.T. Day was a Shadow day.
N.T. Day is a Son Shine day.
Col 2:14 "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that wasagainst us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of theway, nailing it to his cross; v15 And having spoiledprincipalities and powers, he made a show of them openlytriumphing over them in it. v16 Let no man therefore judge youin meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of thenew moon, or of the sabbath days: v17 Which are a shadow ofthings to come; but the body is of Christ."
Those who insist on Saturday, are living on thewrong side of Calvary and the Easter!
O.T. Day was a shadow of things to come.
II. With Our Body We Are To RestOn The Lord's Day
God rested for the same reason that there are rests in music.
The reason you have pauses and rests in music is not because the musicians get tired, but they want to have a pause for emphasis and a pause for reflection.
*Coal miner used mules to pull coal cars, in mine six days, seventh day in pasture, otherwise they would go blind.
* Explorers in Africa hired guides and packcarriers. On Sunday they rested. They
would not work! Giving one's soul a day to catch up with one's body.
-all these commandments were not given to hurt us; they were given to help us. They were not given to be a burden. They were given to be a blessing.
T. Dewitt Talmadge said, “Our bodies are seven-day clocks and they need to be wound up, and if they are not wound up they run down into the grave. No man can continuously break the Sabbath and keep his physical and mental health.”
Same principal as the tithe (10%). The 90% goes farther.
God has so made this world that even dirt needs to rest.
-farmers don't plant the same things in the same fields year after year. They may plant corn in one spot one year, but the next year they will plant beans. Why do they do that? The corn will take certain nutrients out of the dirt and the beans will put them back in. Sometimes (if a farmer can afford it) he will let entire tracts of land lie for a year or more and not plant anything. Why? Even dirt needs to rest.
I know there are people who say, "The devil doesn't take a day off". That is true, but whose example do you want to follow - the devil's or the Lord's?
"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.(Mark 2:27)
Notice the implication is not only for the individual, but for the family and for business. Vs 10
III. With OurSpiritWe Are ToRejoiceIn The Lord's Day
Vs. 8,11Twice we are told this day is not just an ordinary day, it is a “holy” day.
-set apart for sacred use.
- There is more to the Sabbath than theabsenceof work; there is also thepresence of worship.
-that is why it is calledinExodus 20:10 "The Sabbath to the Lord."
Sundays--get up, boat ready, golf clubs, come “worship” with our lips--but our hearts--”Hope service is not too long”
The Lord's day is primarily and preeminently a day of worship; a day to focus on God to get a spiritual tune-up.
The tragedy is many people now just simply take the day off. They use it to take care of their mind and their body, but then they ignore their most important need which is their spirit.
Let me show you what the Sabbath day is really supposed to do for you and your family.
(Isaiah 58:13-14)
Mom and Dad, your children should know that your worship on Sunday is more important than your work on Monday!!!