Tuesday, May 22, 2018


SENIORS: May 25th will be the deadline to pay all of your fines and turn in your laptop and textbooks. Please make sure you do this to be clear for graduation!



The bookroom is open before school, during lunch, and after school. All textbooks should be turned in before you leave on your last day. Any student that turns in a book after their last day will be assessed a $10.00 late/restocking fee for each book turned in late.

Students, all library books are due in the Media Center now.

YEARBOOKS are now available for pickup. If you have purchased a yearbook, please come to Mr. Mood’s room in A229 during RTI to receive your book.

These books will only be given out during RTI.


The Alive @ 25 Class is required for any student who plans to drive a vehicle and park on campus during the school year. The class will be offered on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, June 5th at Rock Hill High School at 9:00am.

Check the Alive @ 25 website for more class dates. After you complete the course, please print out your certificate and bring it to Mrs. Workman.

To all student drivers………The Alive at 25 Course has made some changes that you need to be aware of. The Alive at 25 class fee has increased to $40.00 and the new registration web site is SCNSC.org. Students, please remember, parking privileges are extended to students in grades 10 through 12 only according to POWER SCHOOL records. In order to drive and park on school grounds, you have to complete the Alive at 25 course, provide proof of a Driver’s License, and complete a parking application and return it to Mrs. Workman. If you fail to complete any of the above and you drive to school, your vehicle is subject to ticket or towing at your expense. Also, parking in frontof “A” building is designed for senior parking stickers only. Any Underclassman parking in front of “A” building will receive a parking ticket.

Attention Student Drivers at Rock Hill High School

If you receive a driving or Parking ticket, you have 24 hours to see Mrs. Workman or Mr. King about the ticket. Failure to follow-up with Mrs. Workman or Mr. King about your parking ticket may result in suspension of your driving privileges at Rock Hill High School. This includes students who drive to school and have failed to complete the Alive at 25 course and those who have failed to purchase a parking decal for your vehicle. PLEASE TAKE NOTE!


Name: The Kenneth C. Taylor Book Scholarship

Award: $250

Who is Eligible: Seniors planning to further their education and who demonstrate diligence in and commitment to their studies and academic excellence. Pick up a paper application from the Scholarship Notebook in the Guidance Office.

Deadline: May 25, 2018

Name:Nursing Schools Almanac Scholarship


Who is Eligible: Seniors that have a passion for the nursing profession and the overall field of healthcare and a track record of academic excellence, particularly in science and mathematics. Visit for details and to apply.

Nursing Schools Almanac: The definitive guide to U.S ...

Our mission at Nursing Schools Almanac is to provide aspiring nurses a detailed, comprehensive, and analytical resource for selecting their future nursing school.

Deadline:August 31, 2018