The History of MeScrapbook / Poster / PowerPoint
Create a scrapbook/poster/PowerPointabout your family’s origin(s).
Review resources and collect related data from no less than 2 different sources (People in your family are considered a source!) Create a plan for your scrapbook/poster/PowerPointincluding creativity and originality.
Yourproject willinclude:
- Title: History of your first and last name (3 points)
- A picture of you (school appropriate). (2 points)
- A completed family tree template (Fill in as much as possible; call relatives for information.)(45 points)
- Minimum of 10 pictures or illustrations of family members. Include captions. (10 points)
- A list of 5 Interesting family facts or2 stories about someone or something in your family history.(10 points)
- Bibliography of who or what helped you obtain family information. Give a quality presentation to the class summarizing who you interviewed, what you learned, and what connections you made throughout this project. (10 points)
- Neatness and creativity. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. (10 points)
- Give a quality presentation to the class summarizing who you interviewed, what you learned, and what connections you made throughout this project. (10 points)
- NOT REQUIRED, but interesting additions include copies offamily documents, awards, honors, etc.
Presentation:Besides exhibiting your “History of Me” scrapbook/poster/PowerPoint to the class, feel free to use a variety of tools to keep your audience engaged. This may include, but is not required, the use of audio, video, artifacts, handouts, visuals, whole group/small group activities.
Time frame: You will have two weeks to prepare this presentation. It should take you a few days for collecting the information and one or two days to put the scrapbook/poster/PowerPoint together.This project is to be completed at home, there will be no in class time to work on this project so please check with your social studies teacher if you have any questions.
Let your personality shine through. This is about you sharing what you’ve learned about yourself. If your interest lies in a particular area, then focus on it. I want you to learn something interesting and exciting about your heritage. Also, there is nothing wrong with this becoming a family project rather than just your project. Work together, share stories, and have fun with it.
The History of Me Scrapbook / Poster / PowerPoint Due: Monday, October 2nd