City of Hernando, Mississippi
Office of Planning
February 14, 2017 MINUTES
The Planning Commission met in a regular session on February 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at Hernando City Hall, 475 West Commerce Street, Hernando, MS 38632. The following Commissioners were present: Keith Hawkins, Ellen Jernigan, Leigh Wills, Randy Pirtle, Bob Wolfe, Brad Sims and Robert Carter. The following staff members were also present: Jared Darby, Kristen Duggan, and Annabelle Ibsen.
Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and it was followed by an invocation given by Commissioner Hawkins. Roll was called followed by a brief review of the minutes from the January 10, 2017 meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Carter and seconded by Commissioner Jernigan to approve the January 10, 2017 minutes as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Darby takes time to honor Commissioner Williams. Mr. Darby said that Commissioner Williams was a wonderful Commissioner and her legacy will live on forever. Mr. Darby requested the Commission to leave a page blank in honor of Commissioner Williams. The Commission agreed.
Chairman Wolfe announced the following item:
Item 1:
Application for a Zoning Map Amendment, submitted by Walker, Brown and Brown, P.A. is requesting a zoning amendment for 2.24 acres from A, agricultural to C-2, highway commercial. The subject property is better known as 23 Highway 51 South, Hernando, MS 38632; situated in Section 1, Township 3 South, and Range 8 West. (File: PL-1215)
Mr. Darby presented the application to the Commission.
Mr. Bill Brown, 2540 Highway 51 South, Hernando, MS came to the podium. Mr. Brown stated it was originally built as a Loves Sports Café a restaurant which was in the county and it was brought in the city as an AR zone due to a change in conditions and that Green T at the time had not been re-aligned.
Mr. Bill Brown stated that the population wasn’t as it is now and an increased need for restaurants is favored.
Commissioner Jernigan stated she was excited about a restaurant.
Mr. Cal Wilkins, 230 highway 51 South, Hernando, MS came to the podium. Mr. Wilkins said he lives directly across from the property and that he is totally for it.
Commissioner Carter made a motion to approve the Zoning Map Amendment. Due to the zoning criteria and the change in the area. Commissioner Hawkins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Item 2:
Application for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment, submitted by City of Hernando is requesting a zoning amendment for Article XVIII, Section (a), Paragraph (vi). (File: PL-1217)
Mr. Darby presented the application to the Commission. Mr. Darby stated that the zoning signs need to be in conformance with state law and he said part of the law is advertising to surrounding property owners within 500 feet and online on our city website.
Mr. Darby said his opinion on the signs are that they are a waste of time because the dates can be wrong and when planning cases are tabled they can be confusing.
Commissioner Wills asked why did this come up?
Mr. Darby said a couple of Aldermen thought the signs were misleading.
Commissioner Wills said if they are not correct, what about a fine?
Mr. Darby stated we could reject the application if the signs are incorrect because it wouldn’t be a complete application.
Commissioner Sims asked why the signs are important?
Ms. Duggan stated due to notification purposes.
Commissioner Carter said that they catch his attention.
Commissioner Wills said the signs remind her and what about raising the fees for zoning applications?
Mr. Darby said the signs are required by the zoning ordinance.
Commissioner Hawkins said he is not against signs because if something isn’t 500 feet from me, I wouldn’t know something is going to be re-zoned.
Chairman Wolfe said can we provide the applicant to do a bond to take the sign down after 10 days?
Commissioner Wills said if we keep the signs it needs to be in the form of an ordinance.
Commissioner Carter stated that our city isn’t big like other cities and the signs will be visible.
Mr. Darby stated he has gathered that the Commissioners are not against the signs and that our office needs to look over the language and composition of a proposed notification sign.
Commissioner Sims asked what about adding the city website to the signs?
Commissioner Hawkins mentioned adding the file number to the signs?
Commissioner Wills said what about adding slots to the signs where the dates and language can be changed easily and adding a cost in the application fee for the rezoning signs.
Commissioner Jernigan stated it makes our city look more business friendly.
Commissioner Wills made a motion to table the zoning ordinance amendment until our next regularly scheduled meeting of March 14, 2017 to gather more information. Commissioner Pirtle seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Wolfe adjourned the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
In memory of Commissioner Williams.