Gun Control Statement Rev. Tim Kehl (retired pastor, United Church of Christ) April 13, 2013
Thank you all for coming out today to stand in favor of stricter gun control laws and to commemorate the victims of gun violence. And thanks to the members of Organizing for Action (Wisconsin) and Madison O’s for planning this poignant event.
We gather today, in concert with tens of millions of other concerned American citizens who are rising up in many different ways to confront the epidemic of gun violence that is plaguing our nation. There are over 30,000 gun deaths in the United States each year, making our country one of the most violent nations on earth. Every seventeen minutes another American dies of a gunshot wound. And, in our own beloved community of Madison, there have been 35 gun-related homicides since the year 2,000.
If a similar number of fatalities were caused byfood poisoning, the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) would declare a national health emergency and compel Congress to act to protect us.
The current Supreme Court may believe that people have an inherent right to own guns, but we citizens also have an inherent right to be safe, to be protected, and and to live in communities free of gun violence!
We arealso here today toexpress our compassion for the families affected by shootings and gun massacres that have become all too commonplace in our society. Those thirty thousand deaths per year are not mere statistics; each and every one of those gun-related fatalities represents a beloved child of God—who is also cherished by a father and mother, a sister or brother, and an extended family that is ripped apart by their passing.
Did I say, “passing?” No, I stand corrected. They did not “pass.” Their lives weretaken away, stolen, snuffed out. They were killed, destroyed, murdered. And they were murdered with guns.
Guns. Guns. Guns.
Guns from Walmart, Guns from Gander Mountain, Guns from dealers, Guns from trade shows, Guns from car trunks, Guns from the streets. Guns from in the home.
Over 250,000,000 guns in the United States
Guns. Guns. Guns.
When will it ever end? When will it ever end?
Finally, we are here to advocate for a reasonable approach to gun control legislation. No self-respecting hunter, target shooter or “protector against intruders”wouldpretend toneedmilitary-style assault weapons orhigh capacity magazine clips for those purposes. And supporting universal background checks to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people is the very epitome of a“no-brainer.” Recent polls have shown that nearly 80% of the American people, and even 74% of NRA members, support background checks for gun sales. So what is Congress waiting for?
We call upon our legislators, both in Washington D.C. and here in our state capitol, to stand up to the gun lobby, however powerful, and pass meaningful gun control legislation that will make our familiessafer, our communities moresecure, and our nation more peaceful. And should thepoliticiansfail to do so, then we must remember that we elect ‘em and we can reject ‘em!
So we gather, and we stand, and we witness—in our own small way—for reasonableness and common sense in a society that seemshell-bent on violence, destruction and death.
We stand strong, but we know we do not stand alone. We join with millions of our fellow Americans who say, “Enough violence.” “Enough guns.” “Enough death.”
We stand for sanity. We stand for compassion. We stand for life!
Thank you for being here today, and thank you for standing with us!