An Educational Portfolio with Google Sites
Google Sites Assignment Directions
We’ll be using the free and intuitive Google Sites to develop your site. There are many commercial Web site development programs on the market and many schools are successfully using them to develop Web sites. We’re using Google because it’s free, useful, and because the end product will look pretty good.
**What you’ll do**
In this assignment, you will create a basic web site that fosters collaboration.
Getting Started
Your site will consist of 3 pages. These pages are (1) your home page, (2) pictures (at least 5 with a short caption for each), and (3) reflection.
You can view a sample site here:
Create your home page
1. Login to Google with your username and password.
3. Click on the “Create” button.
4. Keeping the Blank template selected, Name your site with your LastNameFirstInitial_Site (JennetteK_Site) ***if you are working with a partner, you will include your partner’s name too (JennetteK and GilmoreK_Site)
5. Click on Choose a theme and choose any theme you like.
6. Click on More Options and:
a. Add a brief site description. (Ex: A site for positive collaboration)
b. Leave the site category blank.
7. Click the Create Site button
You should now be looking at your home page.
8. Click on the Edit icon to edit the page begin customizing your Home page. Insert a picture of yourself or a picture that represents something that you are interested in (must be appropriate for school). If you are working with a partner, you will insert two pictures or images. Your picture(s) or image(s) should be large enough to be seen clearly. (Remember, yourimage(s) will make a significant impression on others viewing your site).
9. Create a paragraph about yourself and your partner if you are working with a partner: generic information: (must include hobbies, favorite color, and why you would like for people to collaborate responsible through your site)
10. Make sure that you are saving your page as you go, even though the site will also save your pages on its own.
11.Once you are satisfied with the way your homepage looks, click on the New page icon to begin making your 2 additional pages (Pictures and Reflection).
12. Enter Page name as ‘Pictures’ → select ‘Web Page’ → select ‘Put page at the top level’ → select the red ‘Create’ button at the top of the page
do not select the ‘Put page under Home’ option
13. Upon creating the page, you will be taken to the ‘Edit Mode.’ Add pictures to your site (minimum of 5 with a short caption for each). Pictures should be saved so that they can be uploaded to your site. To add saved pictures, click on insert, then choose the destination of the pictures and upload them.
14. Save your work. Notice that there are two components at the bottom of the page: Attachments and Comments. Once your site is shared with other people, they will be allowed to upload files/images/etc. as well as comment on the information posted.
15. Once you are satisfied with the way your pictures page looks, click on the ‘New Page’ icon and create the ‘Reflection’ page.
16. Enter Page name as ‘Reflection’ → select ‘Web Page’ → select ‘Put page at the top level’ → select the red ‘Create’ button at the top of the page
do not select the ‘Put page under Home’ option
17. Upon creating the page, you will be taken into the “Edit” mode for the page. Notice that there are two components at the bottom of the page: Attachments and Comments. These components are superfluous for this assignment and we do not want them to appear on the ‘Reflection’ page.
18. To remove these components, Save your page (without having inserted any information yet) and then choose Page settings from the More actions drop-down button at the top-right of the page.
19. Within these settings, deselectAllow attachments and Allow comments.
20. Choose Save.
21. Click the ‘edit’ icon and enter your reflection. If you are working with a partner, both of you will have a reflection, for a total of two reflections. Be sure to put your name beside your reflection if you are working with a partner .
Reflection Directions: In a paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences) explain what you have learned and/or found interesting while exploring digital literacy. Do you plan to utilize some of the features and concepts that we’ve explored in class?
Finishing Up
1. A “finished” example ( not intended to be a model of a perfect site, but is offered as a structural example against which you can compare your own site.
2. There are optional areas on your pages wherein you can enter additional information. If you want to add a subtitle, a gadget, or a footer to each page, feel free.
3. If you would like to add more pictures, that’s okay, too.
- Click on the Share button at the top right of the page.
- Invite people: share your site with me ()
Extra Credit: share your site with at least two other people and get them to comment on your pictures. If you have a partner, you will still need to choose two people that did not work on the site.
- Remember to save your work!
Google Sites Rubric
Criteria / Pts.3 Complete Pages Created(Home, Pictures, Reflection) / 20
5 Pictures with Captions / 30
Aesthetic Appeal / 10
Reflection / 30
Assignment Shared with me / 10
Extra Credit:
Comments from two people that did not work on the site (10 points)