Brown PTO Newsletter October 2010

10/19 El Camino All day - 15% goes to Brown (mention Brown)

10/27 Fall Festival at Brown, after school to 6p

10/28 No School – Parent teacher conference day

10/29 No school Fall Break

11/10 ROOT DOWN night, 10% goes to Brown (mention Brown)

11/11 No school Veteran’s day

11/17 5-7p IB open house for Prospective families

11/19, 9a-1p Flu Clinic at school

11/24-11/26 No school Thanksgiving Break

11/29 ECE only no school

12/10 Last day to bring in Boxtops

12/17 8a Volunteer thank you. PTO meeting begins at 9a

12/18 Winter Break Begins

§  Brown PTO email list. Tired of finding the notice 2 days after an event or deadline? Get helpful reminders and get important information by email. 2/3 of Brown families are on the list. To join, send an email that includes child’s name and class to Brownelementaryfamilies-. Contact Chris Wood: or 720.855.8483 cell/text for help.

§  See for new photos! Thanks web volunteer Barb Farley!

§  Mr Q would like used collared t-shirts and wine corks for Art Class. Send them in!

§  Boxtops For Education: Collect the pink “boxtops” on products and bring them in before 12/10. The winning classroom gets a Popsicle party!

§  Future Brown Families: Tell friends and family considering Brown that open house night is 11/17, 5-7p. It includes the Principal’s presentation, Q & A, and school tour by 5th graders. The school plans monthly tours this fall. Contact the front office to schedule a tour. 720-424-9250

§  PTO granted $2,000 to classrooms in September! Last May, PTO put up $1,000 which was matched with another $1,000 through,, and the Pershing Square Foundation. Each grade level, special education, and specials were given $200 to spend at the teachers’ choice. For full details on purchases, see the website soon, the yahoogroup, or ask your teacher.

§  Harvest Moon Festival, Youth Farmer’s market and Scores Soccer day! Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, and participated. It was a truly great event on a beautiful fall day.

§  PTO Volunteering: Lauren Wolf

§  Front desk 720-424-9250 (new number!)