A questionnaire was sent to every applicant for registration to vote or to exercise a postal or proxy vote on the rolling register of electors.

The survey’s objectives were to:

  1. Establish how applicants accessed Electoral Services and where/how they were informed about the service.
  2. Discover why applicants contacted the service, i.e. to register as an elector to vote or as an elector for credit purposes; to register as a postal or proxy voter or any other purpose, e.g. change of address
  3. Discover how easy applicants found completion of the registration form,
  4. Discover how often applicants voted and whether any specified alternative or supplementary voting methods would make them more likely to vote than the traditional polling stations. Alternatives were: by post or proxy; telephone; text voting; via the internet; weekend voting or other method(s) specified by the respondent)
  5. Discover how customers rated the service provided and seek to obtain their suggestions for improvement to the service.


  1. Customers contacted the service in various ways but there was a slight preponderance by internet/email over the post
  2. most customers contacted Electoral Services to register to vote
  3. Almost all respondents rated the application form as very easy or quite easy to complete
  4. Opinion on alternative voting methods was divided, with no clear preference. The most popular options were post and proxy, internet or text. On the basis of the survey, there is no evidence of a high demand for change. The option was given of registering to vote by text.
  5. Almost all respondents rated the level of service received as excellent or good.
  6. Suggestions for improving the service included:
  • Clear direction notices for polling stations
  • Full registration via the internet rather than posting of forms and the provision for on-line completion of the feedback form would save time and would assist analysis
  • Availability of on-line registration forms with provision for electronic signatures
  • Make Electoral registration easier to find on the Council; website and visit schools to publicise the service and the voting process
  • Use one return envelope for each household
  • Don’t alter the current paper voting methods as they are the only secure voting method (3 respondents)


The survey feedback indicates that most electors are happy with the current system and there is no substantial demand for changes. There appears to be some support for increased use pof modern technology to increase availability of registration and publicity.



C:\Documents and Settings\faganc\My Documents\Electoral Services Cudstomer Feedback Survey.doc