Student Driver Safety Regulations and Agreement
*Attach a copy of driver’s license.*
Student Driver Safety Regulations
1. The driver must possess a valid vehicle operator’s license.
2. The driver must abide by posted speed limits and obey all traffic and safety regulations. (These regulations include the mandatory wearing of seat and shoulder belts by all occupants in accordance with state laws. The number of passengers must not exceed the number of functioning seat belts in the vehicle.)
3. The driver must abide by all University rules and regulations, know and observe all applicable traffic laws, ordinances and regulations, and use safe driving practices at all times.
4. The driver must report any and all accidents as soon as possible to the Office of Student Affairs and complete an incident report form.
The student driver whose name appears below agrees to the following:
- Not to permit any unauthorized person to drive the vehicle.
- To assume all responsibility for any and all traffic fines or traffic violations associated with his/her use of a vehicle for University business.
- Not to drive under the influence or drugs (over-the-counter, prescription or illegal) or alcohol.
- Not to drive for more than eight hours within a twenty-four hour period.
- To refrain from driving when tired or fatigued.
- To drive the vehicle at speeds appropriate to road conditions and not exceeding posted speed limits.
- To take all reasonable precautions to protect the vehicle and its contents from damage and passengers from injury.
- To comply with all local, state and federal laws involving motor vehicle operations.
- To be subject to all applicable University disciplinary procedures for violations of University policy.
- To represent the University well through his/her conduct as a driver.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the above regulations and agrees to be bound by them.
Driver’s printed name Driver’s license number/state
Driver’s signature Date
*Attach a copy of driver’s license.*