Funeral Information Sheet

Name ofDeceased:
City of Residence: / Birth date: / Date of Death: / Age:
Date of Funeral: / Time of Funeral: / Location of Burial: / Location of Wake:
Date of Wake: / Time of Wake: / Time of Vigil Service:
Celebrant of Vigil: / Visitation prior to funeral:
Celebrant: / Family contact person: / Relationship to deceased: / Phone Number:
Will deceased be cremated prior to funeral: / Date/time of burial if not immediately following funeral:
Please list funeral home name and number if notIten Funeral Home:
(Itens (Delano): 763-972-2891)


Below- Office Use Only


Please give a copy of this sheet to Parish Secretary (Connie) ASAP and she will distribute to others.

Please remember to pray for deceased and make announcement of arrangements at daily Mass!

Connie Botz- Parish Secretary- Will notify those below and distribute copies of sheet. If appropriate, include funeral arrangements in weekend announcement and bulletin. Contact Altar servers and order foodExt. 221 (cell: 612-749-7495)
Deacons: Mike DeWitte: 763-972-3408
Joe Kittok: 763-221-6658
Music Director: Terry Beaudry 763-218-2989
Resurrection Choir: Barb Merriman 763-972-3251
Funeral Lunch Coordinator:
Mary Jo Braegelmann: 612-282-7510 Fax: 763-972-7217
Cemetery Liaison: Jane Speckel 763-442-1779

Copies to Staff: Fr Nathan, DeaconsMike & Joe,Shannon Calice, Preston Allex, Terry Beaudry


First Reading from Old Testament
Reader Name: / Book/Verses: / Page #: / Reference #:
Please list Responsorial Psalm in Music Section below
Second Reading from New Testament
Reader Name: / Book/Verses: / Page #: / Reference #:
Gospel Reading
Reader: Priest/Deacon / Book/Verses: / Page #: / Reference #:
Intercessions chosen: (Select 5 to 7 from the list):
Typically read by priest or deacon
If family selects someone to read please list their name:


Gathering Song: / Responsorial Psalm: / Song at Preparation of Gifts:
Communion Songs: / Closing Song: / Resurrection Choir
Cantor Name: / Soloist Name: / If soloist, what songs will they sing:
Special notes/requests in regards to music:


Please note if there will be any visiting clergy attending the funeral?______
Reader(s) Typically, the family chooses two readers. If ministry coordinator should find readers, please check here: _____
Please list the Gift Bearers: (Typically 2 people): ______
Four trained Altar Servers are needed. Does the family have any trained Altar servers? ______If so, how many?______
Altar Server names that family will ask and confirm if any:______
Names of any trained family or friends that would like to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion?
____________(If not from our parish, they will need to be commissioned prior to Mass)
Family/friends, serving as a Liturgical Minister need to be at church at least 15 min prior to Mass for instructions.

FUNERAL LUNCH- One of our funeral luncheon coordinators will contact the family to give you more information.

Funeral Lunch:
YES / NO / If yes, how many people are expected

Updated Oct 2014

S:/Ministry/Funerals/Funeral Info Sheet