ALARA/CIT Conference Program (draft v3.1)

ALARA/CIT Conference Program (draft v4_2)A work in progress: see growing list of catalyst papers which will be allocated specific time slots in negotiation with authors

The Whole Person: Living, Learning and WorkingCatalyst, provocation and participation in practice

The Organising Team has developed a loose conference format enabling ‘open space’ discussions to encourage delegates to ‘workshop’ issues and ideas.

What are ‘open space’ sessions? Tree Bressen (n.d. p.7) describes what an open space event is all about:

Open Space is a method of organizing, in a relatively short amount of time, as many sessions as participants want to convene, on whatever topics they feel passionate about. (One hour is sufficient for hundreds of people to set up a full day’s worth of sessions.) It is a structured but self-organizing process, and has been used successfully in settings across all sectors: business, community, political activism, etc. The core guideline is: “Take responsibility for what you love.” Participants are encouraged to move on to a new group (or session) any time they are not teaching, learning, or otherwise adding or receiving value.

The team also anticipates the use of networked and online technologies to complement the face-to-face offerings at the conference. Such aspects would include webcasted talks and open access to recorded material taken during the conference (e.g. podcasts, presentations, photos, etc). This approach aims to draw in the broader community as well as conference goers, to encourage broader discussion of the theme and the related focus areas. Material will be available via the ALARA website at

Whilst presentations are welcome, we prefer to broaden the scope to include first-time delegates and students studying in the areas noted in the conference theme, to enable new and emerging voices in these fields to actively contribute. In addition, we seek to include community organisations, ALARA affiliates and provocateurs to facilitate discussion around the conference themes.

Provocateur: shortened from ‘agent provocateur’; a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator; challenger (source: French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, was known as an agent provocateur, or enfant terrible, someone who was ready to challenge established orthodoxies and incite action against the violence (both symbolic and real) of the world (cf. Grenfell, M (2004), Pierre Bourdieu: Agent Provocateur. London: Continuum. Page 3.)

Surely, Sociology would not be worth an hour’s trouble . . . if it did not give itself the job of restoring to people the meaning of their action.
Pierre Bourdieu, 1962

Day 1: Sept 11 8.00am - 6.00pm

Frame / Item
8.00am / Registration
ALARA Website demo running
9.00am / Welcome to Country
9.15am / Welcome and Opening by CEO of CIT
9.30am / Eulogy to Orlando Fals Borda
9.45am / Welcome by Organising Committee
10.00am / Catalysts, provocateurs and practice
Introducing presenters, [DLA1]provocateurs[DLA2] and the emergent mode of the conference
10.30am / Morning break
Affinity Groups: self select and introductions
11.00am / Session 1:
Catalysts Group 1
12.00pm / Session 2:
Catalysts Group 2
1.00pm / Lunch
ALARA website demo/ hands-on
Affinity Groups
2.00pm / Session 3:
Catalysts Group 3
3.00pm / Afternoon break
ALARA website demo/ hands-on
Affinity Groups
3.30pm / Session 4:
Catalysts Group 4
4.30pm / Affinity Groups
Afternoon refreshments
5.30pm / Podcast Recording of Day’s outcomes: Provocateurs and selected Catalysts
6.30pm[DLA3] / Conference dinner, Life Membership Awards
CIT Restaurant, Reid campus

Day 2: Sept 12 8.00am - 3.30pm


Frame / Item
8.00am / Coffee/Tea
ALARA website demo/ hands-on
9.00am / Session 1:
Day 1 reflections (reporting linked back to Day 1 Plenary)
9.30am / Session 2:
Open Space 1: participants enter into a deeper, more connected, self determined mode of reflection, action and learning
10.30am / Morning Break
11.00am / Open Space 2: participants enter into a deeper, more connected, self determined mode of reflection, action and learning
12.00pm / Working Lunch
Open Space 3: participants enter into a deeper, more connected, self determined mode of reflection, action and learning
1.00pm / Session3:
Turning reflections into local and global actions: Growing the Action Research and Action Learning Fields through our institutions and institutional networks
Affiliates panel
1.30pm / Session 4:
Evaluating the conference in the local and global AR and AL field
2.00pm / Session 5:
ALARA the Organism:
Governance, Development, Learning and Activism - reporting and planning
3.00pm / Closing ceremony
3.30pm / End

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[DLA1]Geof 18/8: This is a spruiking session then a brief comment from the provocateur to warm up the audience.

[DLA2]Geof 18/8 One prov per session shut up for early part of session

[DLA3]I have left an additional half hour here for ‘accommodating' the technicals of the capturing of podcasts. Anyone at a loose end might access microcomputers and contribute to virtual at this point; any unfinished business from session 4 could be arranged to continue in this space after the plenary .. but the provocateur and/or catalyst may be involved with the video recording at that time

[DLA4]Geof 18/8: This day more fluid; see also Dianne’s remarks about preparation sand planning needed