MA Student Progress Report 2016-2017

Instructions: Please complete this form (simply tab from one field to the next, entering text). The period for this progress report is May 2016 – April 2017. Once the form is completed and you have signed it, attach a copy of your current CV, have the form signed by your research supervisor, and then submit it to your area coordinator by Monday, April 17.

Program (circle one) / BNS CLI COG DEV HLH QM S/P
Date started MA program (circle one) / Sept 2015 Sept 2016
Year in program (circle one) / MA1 MA2
Research supervisor
Other MA committee members
Course number Title
Statistics coursework completed to date (i.e., since you began graduate studies at UBC). 3-6 credits required, depending on program / psyc
Program coursework completed to date (i.e., since you began graduate studies at UBC). 6-23 credits required, depending on program / psyc
Breadth coursework completed
to date (i.e., since you began graduate studies at UBC). 3 credits required / psyc
Anticipated date of thesis defense
Please provide complete citations for all conference presentations you have made since 30 April 2016.
Please provide complete citations for all publications (submitted or accepted for publication) since 30 April 2016.
Financial support you received since 30 April 2016 – Please include external fellowships (e.g., SSHRC), UBC scholarships (e.g., entrance scholarship, 4YF), TA, RA, or tuition reimbursement funds you received. Indicate the time period (start and end dates in month/year format) and yearly amount. / Source Time period Yearly amount
Please provide a narrative account of this year’s progress toward completion of the MA thesis, special circumstances, awards, etc.
For students in the clinical program only, please check all of following that are true for you in the past year. / student member of a professional organization in psychology
served as a research assistant
involved in teaching (including TA)
worked for more than 20 hrs/week outside the programme (i.e., do not count RA or TA work)

Remember to attach a copy of your CV to this form. For students in the clinical program, also attach a copy of your Competencies Assessment form (signed by your supervisor).


Supervisor / (Date)
Area coordinator / (Date)

Updated: 03/20/2017 2