East Bernstadt Independent Pacing/Curriculum Mapping Document

Mathematics Pre-Algebra

Time / Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities – Instructional Days 77 - 102
Standard(s) 7.EE.1 – apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. 7.EE.2 – understand that rewriting an expression in different forms can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related. 7.EE.3 – solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form. 7.EE.4 – use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. Include word problems leading to equations in the form px+q = r and p(x+q) = r and inequalities of the form px+q>r or pz+q<r.
8.EE.7 – solve linear equations in one variable. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solution.
8.EE.8 – analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations, both graphically and algebraically.
Learning Target(s) Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, Product)
I can…
1.  Define variable, equation, and Let statement.
2.  Define term, coefficient, like terms, distributive property.
3.  Rewrite percent problems to show percent increase (p + %p) and percent decrease (p - %p).
4.  Use distributive property and combining like terms to simplify expressions, or to expand/factor expressions.
5.  Define inverse operations.
6.  Solve equations using inverse operations.
7.  Define inequality.
8.  Write and solve inequality.
9.  Write and solve multi-step equations.
10.  Solve a system of linear equations graphically.
11.  Solve a system of linear equations algebraically, both by substitution and elimination. / Formative Assessment (match target to assessment)
Extended response – “Rewriting percent expressions” – I can’s #1-4
CBM week 20 – I can’s #5 – 9
CBM week 21 – I can’s #5-9
CBM week 22 – I can’s #5-9
“Show Me” formative assessment – I can’s #10-11
Quiz-Quiz-Trade formative assessment – I can’s #10-11
Unit Test – Expressions, equations, inequalities
Let statement
Like terms
Distributive property
Inverse operations
System of linear equations
Intersection point
Solution to a system of linear equations / Instructional Strategies
Reciprocal Teaching
Collaborative Grouping
Kagan Structures
Go Math – 7th grade and 8th grade or Accelerated 7 – Chapters 6, 7
Study Island
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) / Technology
ThinkCentral Interactive
Study Island
Summative Assessment
Unit Assessment –Pre-algebra – Unit 3 Expressions, Equations, Inequalities TEST
Small Group / Learning Centers
Small groups – algebra tiles, quiz-quiz-trade, “Show Me”
Hands-on activity – algebra tiles
Reciprocal Learning groups – real-world problems and “Algebra tiles activity”
Program Review
Extended response – writing evidence
Time / Name of Unit or Theme- 4 Weeks; Aug. ___ - Aug. ______
Week 1 / Standard(s) / Concepts/Skills (label introduce, review, mastery)
Learning Target(s) Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, Product) / Formative Assessment (match target to assessment)
Instructional Strategies / Vocabulary
Resources / Technology
Portfolio Connection
Conferencing- Learning Centers