June 24, 2017
Greenwood, Wisconsin is located in the center of Clark County on State Hwy 73, 15 miles north of Neillsville (Hwy 10) and 12 miles south of Hwy 29. .Proceeds go to the Greenwood Area Fire Department and EMS services. Many of them will be out on the course today in the rescue vehicles and ambulance, so thank them if you get a chance.
Registration: 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. at the Greenwood County Park, one mile north and one half mile west of Greenwood. Race begins at 10:00 a.m. rain or shine. Register online at midwestevents.com.
Course: The race will follow the usual 38 mile course, The race will stage south of the park on Steven Street. There will be a rolling/paced start west on G to the start, west of the Black River bridge, where the pace vehicle will pull away and the racing begins.
Awards: Special awards for top overall male & female finishers. Awards to top 3 finishers in each of the Wisport age groups. Middle of the pack award. (Must be present to win.)
Perks: We always give you something. Just haven’t decided yet. Allriders that do all three LBR events will be entered into a $100.00 raffle to be drawn at the GET THE LEAD OUT time trial. Must be present to win. Continental breakfast beginning at 7:30. Free lunch after the race. Courtesy of LBR.
Cost: $35.00 Individual $40.00 Tandem Family (minimum of 3) $15.00 each racer Youth 14 & under $15.00
Dairy Days 38 Bike Race Registration Form
Make checks payable to:Seth Vollrath
Send to: Seth Vollrath PO Box 244 Greenwood WI 54437
Phone 608.445.1029 or email:
Circle one: Wisport member Yes No Wisport ID#______
Circle one: Racing Class Tandem Recumbent
Name______Male Female Age______
I will participate in this event and thereby waive, release, and dismiss all claims from damages and personal injury of which I may incur before, during, or after the above named event against any and all race officials involved with this event, including all persons or organizations any way involved with the event. I also hold harmless Clark County, Wisconsin, and the city of Greenwood including all their departments and officers. I further certify that I am physically fit to participate in the Dairy Days 38 Bicycle Race.
Signature______Parent if under 18______