ETM 647: Operations Research III
T/H 6:00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Summer Semester 2011
Dr. Scott Schultz
Office: 201A
Phone: 301-2840
Course Web Site:
Course Textbook: Introduction to Operations Research, 8th edition, by Hillier and Lieberman, ISBN 0-07-301779-5.
Mercer Bulletin Description: Models and methods of operations research in solving engineering and management problems. Includes decision analysis; forecasting; inventory theory; linear, integer, goal, dynamic, and nonlinear programming; Markov chains and decision processes; network analysis; queuing theory and applications; simulation; and transportation and assignment problems. (Items underlined for Operations Research III).
Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics; Calculus.
Objectives: The overall objectives of the course are:
A. Formulate and solve Markov Decision Process (MDP) problems.
B. Formulate and solve queuing problems.
C. Solve nonlinear programming problems.
D. Solve decision analysis problems.
E. Develop forecasting models.
F. Formulate and solve linear programming (LP) problems.
Homework Assignments: Homework assignments will be assigned daily. Some will require the use of computer.
Grading of homework: Typically a single problem will be graded. The remaining problems will only be checked for completeness. For incomplete assignments, a grade of 0, that is zero, will be given. I believe in that old saying of "practice makes perfect", and therefore expect all homework to be completed.
You may work in groups on homework, however each individual must turn in the assignment.
Queuing Project: A team queuing project will be assigned. Each team will present a short (15-20 min.) summary of their project. All members of the team will receive the same grade. An individual forecasting project will be assigned, requiring use of forecasting software. The forecasting project will be presented as a written report.
Forecasting Project: A individual forecasting project will be assigned. Each individual will be provided with a time series data set which will be fitted to a regression model and to a forecasting model. The deliverable is a report including charts and graphs describing the models and the results.
Grading: Homework: 10%
Projects: 30%
Exam I: 30%
Final Exam: 30%
ETM 647 – Operations Research III
Course Outline
/Intro OR and Stochastic Processes
/Markov Processes
/Markov Decision Processes
/Queuing Theory
/Application of Queuing
/Queuing Project
/Queuing Project Presentation,
Midterm Review/
/Linear Programming
/Linear Programming
/Non-Linear Programming
/Final Exam: 6-9 pm
Course outline subject to change.