Request for Tender for Content Development ofa Guide for Early Years Professionals on Safe Internet and Social Media Use
Barnardos Learning and Development Service wishes to engage a Contractor(s) to write the content of a guidebook for early years professionals on the appropriate use of internet, social media, photographic and recording devices in their service to promote both the needs and the safety of all stakeholders.
Barnardos produces quality, accessible publications for professionals and anyone interested in or studying early childhood care and education and after school care. Recent publications for early childhood educators cover topics such as:
- Child Protection
- Equality and Diversity
- Behaviour
- Reflective Practice
- The Key Person Approach
- Community Involvement
- Policy Development
- Early Literacy and Numeracy
- Environments
- Interactions
Project Overview
Online technology, including the internet, social media use, photographs, video and audio recordings, are increasingly used in early years settings to document children’s learning and development, to support quality assurance, to communicate with families and learning communities, and as a tool for marketing and promotion.
The benefits for young children’s learning and development are many and varied. Interactive media – when used safely and appropriately with adults – can enhance learning and help prepare children for the positive use of technology.Among the advantages for parents are that they can view and comment on records of activities and observations shared, and can add their own observations and/or videos of their child. They can be more informed and involved in their child’s learning and development.
The advantages for service providers of online interactive media in parent involvement include:
- Providing an effective form of communication with both parents.
- Linking the children’s progress and development from home to the service and vice versa.
- Connecting the child’s learning and development to both Síolta and Aistear.
The many benefits of the use of technology, online interactive media and electronic information sharing need to be balanced with the rights of children, families and staff members to privacy, personal integrity and dignity, and the risks that can be associated with the use of such devices and media. Early years services have a responsibility to ensure that online safety is fully considered and that the collection, storage and use of all personal data including images (photos and video) is carefully managed.
The aim of this publication is to assist early years professionals in Ireland to understand the importance of good practice when using technology and social media in early years services, and to develop a code of conduct and a policy around its use.
- Content will be in line with Aistear - the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework;Síolta - The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education;Child Care Act (1991) (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and any other relevant legislation and regulations,research and best practice in early childhood education and care and professional practice.
- Course content will reflect Barnardos ethos,and promote an ethos of support and guidance rather than judgement
Further information
- Barnardos will supply the Contractor(s) with some existing content on the subject of early childhood care and education that may be relevant to this publication in the form of a policy template, existing training materials and access to library database. Additional content will be required.
- Supervision of the project will be led by Barnardos Publications Co-ordinator.
- Content will be reviewed byother Barnardos staff and external parties as appropriate and feedback offered after the first draft is written
- Barnardos is willing to accept partnerships.
Time Frame
It is intended that this process of content development will take place betweenMay and July 2018. During this period, the chosen Contractor(s) will submit sample sections/drafts to Barnardos on agreed dates for review before completion.
Contractor(s) Specification
- Knowledge and experience ofworking with children and families, in particular early childhood care and education.
- Knowledge of good HR and professional practice.
- Knowledge of Irish regulations and legislation relating to the care and education of children.
- Experience of researching and writing content.
- Good written communication.
- Openness to feedback.
Format of Tenders
Selection will be made at the discretion of Barnardos. Applicants should submit a proposal responding to the required information below.
- Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the applicant(s).
- Confirmation of acceptance by the applicant of the conditions of the tendering process.
- Outline of proposed approach and associated timelines.
- Outline of qualifications, experience and expertise to complete the project. In particular, please describe:
- Any expertise and competencies related to working with children and families and/or knowledge of good HR and professional practiceand/or understanding of the use of technology and social media.
- Any experience of writing for publication.
- Cost proposal (up to a maximum of €2500).
- Details of refereesand previous clients.
- A copy of your Tax Clearance Access Number, or in the case of a non-resident applicant, a statement from the Revenue Commissioners confirming suitability on tax grounds.
- Any other information which may be relevant to this proposal.
Selection Criteria
All proposalswill be assessed by Barnardos on the following criteria:
- Prior experience of writing for publication (30%).
- Knowledge and understanding of working with children, in particular early childhood care and education (30%).
- Knowledge and understanding of acceptable use of technology and social media (20%).
- Timeframe for activities and deliverables, and capacity to complete the contract as per the timelines set out in this document (10%).
- Value for money considerations(10%).
Final selection of the successful Contractor(s) will be determined by the above criteria.
Closing Date for Submission of Tenders
Closing date for receipt of completed proposals is 26th April 2018 at midday.A copyof the proposal document should be emailed to .
Contract of Agreement
A written agreement will be drafted between the Contractor(s) and Barnardos. Payment of fees will be linked to deliverables.
All costs must be quoted in euro (€) and should be inclusive of VAT.
Terms and Conditions
Conflict of interest
Any registered interest involving the Contractor(s) and Barnardos, their staff or relatives must be fully disclosed in the response to this Invitation to Tender, or should be communicated to Barnardos immediately upon such information becoming known to the Contractor(s). In any case, such information must be made available prior to the award of the contract. The terms "Registered Interest" and "Relative" shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest may disqualify a tenderer or invalidate an award of contract, depending on when the conflict of interest comes to light. Any other conflicts of interest that arise must also be fully disclosed to Barnardos.
Barnardos will remain the sole owners of all end-products including, but not limited to, reports, manuals, or other documentation, programmes, information, etc., irrespective of whether or not the project is terminated, priorto its completion. Barnardos may re-use the content in other formats.
Changes to the invitation to tender
Barnardos reserves the right to update or alter the information contained in this document at any time, but not later than seven days before the closing date for the receipt of tenders. Participating tenderers will be informed as the need arises.
Other information
Barnardos reserves the right to seek additional information and/or interview tenderers in connection with its assessment of their proposals, but will not be held liable for any costs incurred in this regard by tenderers. Barnardos reserves the right not to award the contract in the event that no proposal is found to be suitable.