Subject: …Science……………………………………………………………. Co-ordinator ………Millie Corke………………………………………………………
Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer TermA Topic / X curricular links / B Topic / X curricular links / A Topic / X curricular links / B Topic / X curricular links / A Topic / X curricular links / B Topic / X curricular links
Yr R / See separate plan
Yr 1 A / Human- Staying healthy and parts of the body / Topic teaching- All about us / Everyday Materials and light sources / Topic Teaching- Celebration / Hot and Cold / Topic Teaching- Materials and seasonal changes / Animals- grouping / Topic Teaching- Seaside / Plants / None / Plants / Topic Teaching- Habitats
Yr 1B / Seasonal Changes and weather / Topic Teaching- Weather / Everyday Materials and light sources / Topic Teaching- Celebration / Animals- grouping / Topic teaching- Animals / Human- Staying healthy and parts of the body / Topic Teaching- Alive / Plants / None / Plants / Local Area- Geography ‘around our village’
Yr 2 A / Animals inc Humans / Victorians- links to life/health
Art Drawing self portraits of facial features / Everyday Materials
PROPERTIES / Ice- changing state
DT Moving Pictures materials / HABITATS / Under the sea links Geog / HABITATS / Food chains
Seaside habitats / PLANTS / STAND ALONE / PLANTS / Carnival- investigating different plants both exotic and British common
- YR 2 B
AND HABITATS / Geog- continents and oceans where things live / EVERYDAY MATERIALS / Gunpowder plot
Art- materials for craft / LIVING THINGS
AND HABITATS / Habitats in different countries-Kenya
Art- animal sculture from dif habitats / ANIMALS INC HUMANS / History- plague health
Cooking and Nutrition / EVERYDAY MATERIALS / Properties of materials
History- fire of London types of material to build houses
DT structures / PLANTS / Geog- field work types of tree and plant
Art- Natural Collage
Yr 3 / Forces and Magnets / Forces and magnet/ Light / Light and Rocks / Rocks / Rivers- Geography / Animals including Humans / Local area- castles- history / Plants / Local area study- geography
Yr 4 / Animals and Humans / History- Stone age and human development / Sound / Geog- Rainforests / Electricity / N/A / States of Matter / Geography- Rivers / Living Things / Localarea-Castles and those around us
Art- Drawing landscapes / Habitats / Local area study- Geography. Orienteering-PE
Yr 5 / Living things and their habitats / Animals, including humans / Properties and changes of materials / Earth and Space / Forces / Light
Yr 6 / Animals inc. humans / English – non chronological report
Art – anatomical drawing / Living Things and Habitats / Geography – compare and contrast different environments
ICT – use of monitoring facilities e.g. school bird box, online web cams etc / Evolution and Inheritance / English – explanation texts
RE: compare and contrast with religious belief / Electricity / DT –Motorised Fairground rides (Pulleys and wheels) / High School Transition Project? / T.B.A. / High School Transition Project? / T.B.A