Mooroolbark Early Childhood Education Centre’s Toddler program is based on the needs of ‘Toddlers’ physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. Activities are provided in art, craft, music, singing, language, story time, physical and creative play – both indoors and outdoors. Toddler Group involves learning which is not always obvious to parents; the very simple tasks preformed help develop new skills in your child.
A parent or guardian stays with the child during the session, thus giving the parent the opportunity to form friendships with parents of similar age children as well as the children having social interaction with other children of a similar age.
Please note: Once younger siblings are not happy to stay in the pram, please make alternate arrangements for them. It should be noted that older siblings should not be in this group either as it interrupts the younger siblings time with the parent.
The Coordinator does not have an assistant and parents are asked to take turns on a weekly basis, helping out with the chores. We also have a morning tea roster, which is optional but a nice way for parents to gather.
One of the many benefits of attending toddler kindergarten is the rapport that quickly develops between the families. This however can also cause parents to become distracted from sharing time with their toddler. Parents must remember the main reason for attending is to have special one on one play time with their child (This is also the main reason siblings are discouraged from attending on a regular basis). If for any reason during the session you are unable to be fully available to your child, please let the Coordinator (Judy Moore) know or ask one of the other parents to help you. This way your child gets the full benefit of the program.
What your Toddler needs to bring to the group:
Ø A bag large enough to fit your child’s work in (Backpack)
Ø A healthy snack and drink (N.B. at present the Kindergarten is nut free at all times).
Ø A named hand towel (preferably attached to your child’s bag with elastic
Ø An art smock
Ø Suitable footwear
Ø Weather appropriate clothing - a jacket in winter, hats and sunscreen in summer. (M.E.C.E.C. is a Sun Smart Kinder and hats are compulsory in terms 1 and 4).
In 2018 M.E.C.E.C. is running the following Toddler Group programs:
Wednesday (Emus) / 9:00am – 11:00amThursday (Kangaroos) / 9:00am – 11:00am
Mooroolbark Early Childhood Education Centre accepts enrolments from the 2nd May in the year preceding attendance. No early Enrolments will be accepted.
As there is NO government funding for the Toddler Group program, the full cost of providing these sessions must be met through fees and fundraising. Fees for 2017 are currently as follows:
$105.00 per term*
Please note:
· No Jab, No Play Legislation. As of 1st January 2016 children who are not fully immunized will not be accepted into our Centre as per government requirement. Proof of immunization will be required at the start of the term.
· M.E.C.E.C. advises that ALL FEES are to be paid via the EasyPay system at the beginning of every term. The signed fees agreement form needs to be returned at the AGM with your EasyPay Registration form or prior to commencement.
· *Days, session times and fee structure are subject to change.
For further information, please contact the 2017 Enrolment Officers:Toddler Group Enrolment Officer / Kelly Paul / PH: 0409 998 306
3 Year Old Enrolment Officer / Raelene Philpott / PH: 0424 221 607
4 Year Old Enrolment Officer / Katherine Menzies / PH: 0422 229 168
· The Application form is only an indication of what group YOU would like your child to be attending and a final decision is made by M.E.C.E.C. Parents will then be notified through a “Letter of Offer”, which will state what group your child has been offered.
Conditions of Enrolment
1. An Enrolment Application Fee of $10.00 is payable with the enrolment application. This enrolment fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Applications received without the application fee, will not be considered.
2. Birth Certificate & Immunisation Record- A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate & Immunisation Record must accompany each application. Applications without the birth certificate & immunization record will not be accepted.
3. A Deposit of $50.00 is to be paid when an offer for a place in a program is provided in order to secure the place. This deposit is non refundable and non-transferable, but will be deducted from your Term 1 fees.
4. Maintenance Levy – Each family attending the Centre will be required to assist in 2 Centre activities/events.
This could include:
- assisting at 1 or more working bees. There will be 1 per term.
- assisting at fundraising barbeques
- assisting at Kinder Open Days / Family Fun Days
- assisting at events and festivals the Kinder may participate in
These will be advertised in the kinder foyer with volunteer sheets for you to register. At the event you will be required to sign in and sign out of the volunteer register, so the Centre has a record of your attendance. This will be used to help calculate you Maintenance Levy refund from the Term 4 fees.
This maintenance levy is applied to the ELDEST child in your family attending the Centre.
5. Children are eligible for enrolment if they turn 22 months of age within two weeks of commencement
6. Delayed Start for 3yr Old & Toddler Groups
For delayed start children not commencing at the beginning of the year, parents/guardians have the choice to reserve their child’s place in the class by paying the full term/s fees, regardless of their child’s commencement date. Alternatively, parents/guardians may choose not to reserve their child’s place in the class and instead commence payment of fees on a pro rata basis once their child is old enough to attend classes. This however does not guarantee a place for your child will be available once your child is old enough to attend, as the class may be full.
Please refer to the Application Form to select your preferred option.
7. No Jab, No Play Legislation - As of 1st January 2016, children who are not fully immunized will not be accepted into our Centre as per government requirement. Proof of immunization will be required at the start of term.
Please complete the attached Enrolment Application Form and return with a $10.00 Application fee and a copy of the child’s birth certificate & immunisation record to:
The Enrolment Officer – Toddler Group
P.O Box 37, Mooroolbark VIC 3138
All cheques or money orders should be made payable to Mooroolbark Early Childhood Education Centre Inc. (Not MECEC)
This form must be completed by a parent or guardian who has lawful authority in relation to this child.
Children are eligible for enrolment if they turn 22 months of age within two weeks of commencement.
1. CHILD’S DETAILSGiven Names: / Family Name:
Date of Birth: / Male / Female (please circle)
Residential Address:
(Street address ONLY. ‘PO Box’ not accepted) / POSTCODE:
Postal Address:
(or “as above”) / POSTCODE:
Telephone: / HOME: WORK:
Email address: / *This may be used to inform you of the status of your application
Parent/Guardian 1:
Family name: / Given names:
Parent/Guardian 2:
Family name: / Given names:
Siblings: / Names: / Ages:
Names: / Ages:
Please provide details of any sibling’s past/currently attending M.E.C.E.C:
Year: / Names: / Group:
Year: / Names: / Group:
Has your child attended M.E.C.E.C Toddler Group Kindergarten? YES / NO / Year:
Is the child enrolled for this group the oldest at the Centre? YES / NO
Please indicate if your child has a developmental delay, disability, allergies or other special needs:
Do you require an interpreter? If Yes, please advise language spoken.
Delayed Start Option: 3 Year Old & Toddler Group Programs Only
Please choose one of the following options regarding the reservation of your child’s place in their class.
☐ I choose to reserve my child’s place in their class and pay the applicable term fees, regardless of commencement date. OR
☐ I choose to NOT reserve my child’s place in the class and understand that only if a place is available when my child is ready to commence, it will be offered.
Would you be interested in joining the parent Committee of Management? YES ☐ NO ☐
These are the proposed groups for 2018:
Wednesday Morning (Emus) / 9:00am – 11:00am
Thursday Morning (Kangaroos) / 9:00am – 11:00am
You may state the reasons for your preferred group on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your application. All reasons will be considered but please note that it does not guarantee your preferred group.
* Each application MUST be accompanied by a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate & Immunisation Record
I declare that all information provided is true and correct:
Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date:
Please return this completed form together with a cashɨ /cheque/money order for $10* payable to Mooroolbark Early Childhood Education Centre AND a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate to:
The Enrolment Officer – Toddler Group
P.O Box 37, Mooroolbark VIC 3138
OR DIRECTLY leave the completed application in the FEES postbox located at the M.E.C.E.C. lobby.
Please ensure that applications posted in the FEES postbox are time and date stamped by a committee or staff member. We will contact you regarding your child’s placement.
ɨ Cash payment can only be made if it is directly deposited into the Fees postbox at the Centre. Please do not post cash payments.
* Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Office Use Only
Application for Year 2018
Child’s name: / Date AND time application received:
Application Fee paid - $10 / ☐ / Cash / Cheque / Money Order/ Direct Deposit / Date paid:
Birth Certificate received/checked? / Application Receipt No:
Entered by Staff/Committee (Signature)
Submission of form by (full name): / Signature:
Application Fee Receipt Letter Sent: / Birth Cert Request Sent
Placement Offer Sent: / Placement acceptance Received:
$50 Confirmation Deposit Paid: / YES / NO / Cash / Cheque / Money Order/ Direct Deposit / Date paid:
Placement Receipt Letter Sent: / AGM Invite sent:
Signed Fee Payment Agreement Form Received: / Confirmation Deposit Receipt No:
Group requested: / Group Allocated:
AGM Pack
Quick Survey
Please take the time to complete the survey below.
1. How did you find out about Mooroolbark Early Childhood Education Centre (MECEC) (Please tick one and provide details if possible
□ Word of Mouth: ______
□ Community event: ______
□ Local schools :______
□ Internet:______
□ Local Council:______
□ Brochure: ______
□ Other: ______
2. Why did you select MECEC for your child? (Tick as many as you like)
□ Older sibling attended
□ Close to home
□ Close to childcare
□ Close to public transport
□ Close to the school that your child will attend
□ Recommended by family or friends
□ Type of sessions offered
□ Experience of staff
□ Quality of kinder program
□ General appearance of centre
□ Cost of attending – fees
□ Reputation of the kinder
3. Please rate the adequacy of pre-enrolment information received.
Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4. Please provide any other feedback below:
Centre Details
8 Charles Street (PO Box 37) Mooroolbark Vic 3138 Email:
Ph: (03) 9726 7392 Fax: (03) 9727 2484 Website