
PRESENT: H. Hurley, H. Anderson, G. Stetson and J. Noyes

ABSENT: A. Kinahan

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

1. B.C. Way: Property owner/developer Dennis Welch was present. Also present were Barbara St. George, Carol St. George, Adrienne Edwards, Gary Hinchliffe, John Ames and Christian Demling.

Mr. Hurley introduced Mr. Welch and stated that he was the most recent owner of the above subdivision. He reported to Mr. Welch that the abutting property owners had attended the last meeting with a lot of questions and concerns regarding his development. He noted that this is why Mr. Welch had been invited to attend this meeting, and to hopefully address the concerns of the neighbors. Mr. Hurley noted that some of these concerns include proposed grading, close proximity to the neighbors, encroachment on the other properties, drainage, and driveway construction for Lot 5.

Mr. Hurley questioned whether Mr. Welch had received a curb cut permit from the Selectmen. Mr. Welch stated that he thought so. Mr. Hurley next questioned the water for the site and suggested that he contact Water Superintendent, Rick Krugger. Mr. Welch reported that he had already done so. He stated that when he purchased the property he was told that the water fees had been paid. It turns out that this was not the case. Mr. Welch stated that it was a “hefty amount of money” that he wasn’t prepared to spend (ouch!) Mr. Hurley noted that the Town now has a $3M dollar water tank and a new water main installed so at least getting the water to the site would not be a problem.

Mr. Hurley stated that a big concern was the slope down to Lot 5. He questioned how Mr. Welch would be getting the driveway in. He also noted that the property line goes straight through a razed building’s remaining foundation on Lot 1. He suggested that a survey be done so that everyone would know where the property lines are. Mr. Welch stated that he had spoken with the owner of Lot 1 (Matthew Ditrolio) and will address the property line issues with him directly. Mr. Hinchliffe reminded the Board, since Mr. Ditrolio was not here this evening that he had also reported that thirty (30’) feet of trees had been taken down on his property. Mr. Walsh reiterated that he would do what was necessary to rectify the issues.

Mr. Hurley stated that Mrs. DeMolles had reported at the last meeting that she had some issues with the tree removal near her corn fields and stone wall, however when he and Mr. Stetson walked the site they noted that the only branches taken down were those on Mr. Welch’s side of the property. Mr. Hurley stated that it appears that most of the issues have to do with Lot 5.

Mr. Stetson reported that on Lot 5, behind Mr. Hinchliffe’s property, will have a drain put in at


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the very end. He noted that the main thing is for Mr. Welch to respect the property lines. Mr. Welch stated that he had contracted Pilling Engineering to do an entirely new survey of the site so that everyone will know exactly what’s what.

Ms. Barbara St. George questioned the placement of the two (2) lines that are going down the length her property. Mr. Welch suggested they wait for the survey to be done before getting into the specifics. He stated that he was more than willing to work with her to address any of her issues. Mr. Hurley stated that no one knew that any work had started on the site and then all of a sudden the town boards started getting phone calls from residents with their concerns. Mr. Welch apologized for that and stated that he was in meetings with the Water Department, Highway Department and Conservation Commission and didn’t even think about anything else. He stated that he was available every day and residents could contact him at anytime that they have questions or if they see something that concerns them.

Ms. Edwards stated that she is surrounded by Lot 5 on two (2) sides and has serious concerns with the large slope and steep drop off at the rear of her property. She stated that she has owned her property for three (3) years and that there is an arborvitae and fence screen at the back of her lot. She stated that, when it rains, she is concerned that her property will just wash down the hill. Ms. Edwards also stated that she has concerns with the fill that was brought in. She also noted that there is so much dust now that she can’t even open her windows, and questioned whether Mr. Welch could wet the soils to eliminate the dust. As to the erosion issue, Mr. Welch stated that “we can fix that.” Ms. Edwards asked how the driveway was going to work, and if they would be disturbing the vegetation. Mr. Welch stated that Lot 5 is a “handsome lot” when you get to the back of it. Mr. Hurley agreed, but noted that getting to the back was not going to be easy. Mr. Welch stated that he will establish the Lot lines on the south side of the property and would have a truck to do the watering of the site out there by tomorrow.

Mr. Noyes questioned what work Mr. Welch expected to have done by the fall. Mr. Welch stated that he hoped to have the hydro-seeding and the pavement done by then. He also noted that the drain affecting Ms. St. George’s property would be in by tomorrow. Ms. St. George questioned what would happen when the plowing gets done and if the debris would end up being pushed onto her property. Mr. Welch stated that the snow could be pushed away without too much trouble, but he was more concerned with the drainage. He stated that it will consist of a twelve (12”) inch concrete pipe with rip rap and should work well. Ms. Carol St. George asked how much drainage has been done so far. Mr. Welch stated that it goes to Lot 5, but he is looking to make some changes to the drainage at the cul-de-sac. He stated that the design of the lots is “horrible” but he hopes to be able to build it out and satisfy the abutters at the same time.

Mr. Hinchliffe asked if there were any easements. Mr. Welch replied that there was not. A brief discussion was held on building the driveway. Mr. Stetson suggested that it be built high and compacted tight. He noted that there is a fourteen (14’) foot drop from Manley Street to the rear of Lot 5.


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Mr. Hurley stated that, now that they had met with Mr. Welch, and that he seems to be very willing to work with the neighbors, he is hoping that no more issues will arise. Mr. Welch reiterated that abutters should feel free to contact him at any time with any concerns and passed out his business cards.

Mr. Ames asked about the utilities for the development. Mr. Welch stated that they would be underground. He also noted that there would be gas brought in to the site, but that he was having a terrible time with the gas company. He stated that they were horrible to work with but he was hoping for the best. He stated that it was nothing like the good old days.

A brief discussion was held regarding possible drainage options. Mr. Stetson reported that he had met with the contractor, Ross Messina, regarding the redesign of the basin drainage. He noted that the basin is seventeen (17’) feet deep; much deeper than is necessary. Mr. Welch stated that he could bring it up to seven (7’) feet without a problem. Another suggestion was to put in a catch basin invert at thirteen (13’) feet and then a four (4’) foot sump. Mr. Noyes suggested that they could put in a manhole and then be done with it. Mr. Hurley stated that whatever they decided, they would have to demonstrate that it would work; that the Board couldn’t just agree to it without seeing it on a plan. He suggested that they could present the redesign at the next meeting on September 17th.

As there were no other complaints, Mr. Hurley thanked everyone for attending and stated that it appeared that everyone was willing to work together to address the issues. As everyone was leaving, Mr. Demling approached the Board and thanked them for their input and assistance in helping them work out the issues with the developer. He stated that they were the only Board that “went to bat” for the residents and that they really appreciated it.

2. The Farm:

A Preliminary Subdivision Plan was submitted by Silva Engineering on behalf of the current owner, Kenneth Kaminsky for a thirty one (31) Lot development to be located off of Walnut Street. This property is next to the Pearl Road subdivision and will be developed by the same proponents. It is currently designated as Assessor’s Map 4 Lot 15.

Mr. Hurley stated that there would also be three (3) Form A Lots on Walnut Street. He noted that one of the developers, Steve Fox, has indicated that he plans to build his own house on one of the Form A Lots. Mr. Hurley noted that this very preliminary plan had to be submitted by September as part of the purchase and sales agreement with Mr. Kaminsky. It was noted that there is no septic design on the preliminary plans as yet.

Mr. Hurley stated that Lots 4 and 5 are behind the new water tank. He noted that Parcels A & B are in an “unkempt” area. He suggested that they have Mr. Silva move the Lot lines and make them perpendicular; this will make Parcel B smaller and Parcel A larger. Mr. Hurley noted that it appears that the shared septic system is planned for Parcel C. Mr. Stetson noted that proponents will need to double the current size of Parcel C to accommodate the system. He also noted that Lots 1, 2, and 3 have had their perc tests done.


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The Board further reviewed the plans. Mr. Hurley suggested that they invite Mr. Silva and the Fox brothers (developers) to the next meeting on September 17th to discuss this plan in further detail. Board members agreed. Notice will be sent to Mr. Silva inviting him to attend the next meeting.

3. Reviewing Engineer:

A brief discussion was held regarding the Board’s need for a reviewing engineer. Mr. Hurley noted that since their previous engineer had moved to California, it might be time to engage someone new to review all subdivision plans for the Board. He noted that several of the area engineers review plans for nearby towns, and suggested that the Board consider someone outside of the local area and someone with no ties to the Board.

Mr. Hurley stated that he was aware that a Mr. Renwick Chapman had recently retired from Boston Survey Consulting and might be available to do some review work for the Board. In the interest of full disclosure, Mr. Hurley stated that he had worked with Mr. Chapman on one occasion back in 1968, but has had no business dealings with him since them. He noted that Mr. Chapman does review some plans for Easton and Kingston; has his P.E. and ‘knows his stuff.” Mr. Hurley also noted that with some of the new subdivisions, there is a lot of data to be reviewed, and calculations to be checked. Mr. Noyes noted that sometimes what looks good on paper turns out to be unsuitable as designed. He noted that sometimes when the actual construction it done, the system may not have any integrity left to it. Mr. Anderson noted that since Mr. Chapman is not working for any other Board in town, there should be no conflict in employing him. Board members were in agreement that Mr. Chapman might be a good solution. Mr. Hurley noted that once the Board has a new definitive plan to review, they could take a formal vote to hire Mr. Chapman at that time. Mr. Hurley stated that he would approach Mr. Chapman to see if he would be interested at that time. Board members were in agreement that this was a good plan.

4. Bresciani Estates:

Mr. Stetson reported that he had visited the above subdivision and that the utilities and gas lines have been put in. He also noted that the street sign and private way sign have not been put up as required under the Rules and Regulations. He suggested that a letter be sent to owner, Joe Correia, reminding him of this requirement. A letter will be sent with instructions for him to contact Highway Superintendent, Len Graf, to obtain the specifications and guidelines for the type of signs to be installed at his earliest convenience.

5. Meadow Spring Drive:

The Board noted that the deeds and conveyances for the roadway and easements for the above subdivision still have not been submitted, reviewed or approved for this subdivision. The last time the Board met with Mr. Donato he stated that his attorney, Ron Whitney, was preparing the deeds, conveyance documents, and roadway easements and would submit them as soon as they were done. Mr. Hurley had noted that once all of the paperwork was in order, the Board


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would schedule a public hearing to release the surety and then forward the plans to the Board of Selectmen for street acceptance at the next town meeting in 2015. Mr. Donato had assured the Board that he would make sure that everything was submitted as soon as possible. It was noted for the record that the above documents have still not been submitted.

6. MAIL:

Bridgewater Planning Board public hearing 8/18/14, re: site plan, Scotland Blvd. approved.

E. Bridgewater ZBA public hearing 9/3/14, re: special permit/variance, 680 Plymouth Street.

Easton ZBA public hearing 9/9/14, re: special permit, 43 Kilsyth Road.

Raynham ZBA public hearing 8/20/14, re: special permit, 252 Britton Street.

Raynham ZBA public hearing 8/20/14, re: variance, 1635 Broadway.

Raynham ZBA public hearing 8/20/14, re: variance, 12 Durham Drive.

Assessor’s minutes of 8/6/14.

Expense Control report of 8/27/14.

Expense Ledger report of 8/27/14.

OCPC minutes of 6/25/14 and agenda for 8/27/14.

7. A Motion (HA) was made to pay the secretary payroll for the period ending 8/31/14.

Second (GS). Vote: Unanimous of the four (4) members present.

8. The minutes of 8/20/14 were accepted and filed.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna M. Cotter,
